Derive Coefficients of Slope and Intercept
Derive slope and intercept coefficients
for both wet and dry trapezoid lines.
Write coefficients to a CSV file
(as input to optram_calculate_soil_moisture
optram_wetdry_coefficients(full_df, output_dir = tempdir())
The vegetation index column is named "VI" though it can represent several vegetation indices, such as SAVI, or MSAVI.
The trapezoid method
option (see optram_options
) allows to choose one of three models for creating the edge coefficients of the trapezoid.
"linear" prepares a simple OLS regression line along the wet and dry edges of the trapezoid. Four coefficients are returned: intercept and slope for both edges.
"exponential" creates an exponential curve fitted to the intercept and slope, following: Ambrosone, Mariapaola, Alessandro Matese, et al. 2020. “Retrieving Soil Moisture in Rainfed and Irrigated Fields Using Sentinel-2 Observations and a Modified OPTRAM Approach.” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation doi:10.1016/j.jag.2020.102113 .
"polynomial" fits a second order polynomial curve to the wet and dry edges of the trapezoid, following: Ma, Chunfeng, Kasper Johansen, and Matthew F. McCabe. 2022. “Combining Sentinel-2 Data with an Optical-Trapezoid Approach to Infer within-Field Soil Moisture Variability and Monitor Agricultural Production Stages.” Agricultural Water Management 274 (December): 107942. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107942 This curve fitting function returns six coefficients: alpha, beta_1, and beta_2 for both wet and dry edges
full_df <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "VI_STR_data.rds",
package = "rOPTRAM"))
rmse_df <- optram_wetdry_coefficients(full_df, tempdir())
#> VI series length:105
#> RMSE.wet RMSE.dry
#> 1 0.1642536 0.1018425
optram_options("trapezoid_method", "polynomial")
#> Option for: trapezoid_method set to: polynomial
#> [1] "SWIR_band = 11"
#> [1] "edge_points = TRUE"
#> [1] "feature_col = ID"
#> [1] "max_cloud = 12"
#> [1] "max_tbl_size = 1e+06"
#> [1] "only_vi_str = FALSE"
#> [1] "overwrite = FALSE"
#> [1] "period = full"
#> [1] "plot_colors = no"
#> [1] "remote = scihub"
#> [1] "resolution = 10"
#> [1] "rm.hi.str = FALSE"
#> [1] "rm.low.vi = FALSE"
#> [1] "save_img_list = FALSE"
#> [1] "scm_mask = TRUE"
#> [1] "tileid = NA"
#> [1] "trapezoid_method = polynomial"
#> [1] "veg_index = NDVI"
#> [1] "vi_step = 0.005"
rmse_df <- optram_wetdry_coefficients(full_df, tempdir())
#> VI series length:105
#> RMSE.wet RMSE.dry
#> 1 0.1628496 0.07835765