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Downloads a specified version of RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Excel Database and as an RDS object to a local directory specified by ram_dir. The function will check if the version requested already exists on the user's computer and if it does then it prompts the user to download it again unless `overwrite = TRUE` in which case the function will download the version without displaying the prompt. The function also supports downloading all the older versions (1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.3) from [a github repo](


download_ramlegacy(version = NULL, ram_path = NULL,
  ram_url = "",
  overwrite = FALSE, quiet = FALSE)



A character vector of length 1 specifying the version number of the database that should be downloaded. As of writing this package, the available versions are "1.0","2.0", "2.5", "3.0", "4.3", "4.40", "4.41", and "4.44". If the version argument is not specified then it defaults to latest version (currently latest version is "4.44").


A string specifying the path of the local directory where database will be downloaded. By default this path is set to the location provided by rappdirs package and can be viewed by calling ram_dir. Although this is not the recommended approach download_ramlegacy supports downloading to a user-specified path.


A string. By default it is set to the Zenodo url of the database. Please do not pass in any other url to ram_url.


This argument is only relevant if you are trying to re-download a version that is already present locally in the rappdirs directory. If overwrite = TRUE then user will not encounter the interactive prompt that confirms whether to overwrite the version present locally.


If TRUE, suppress status messages

See also

Other ramlegacy functions: load_ramlegacy, ram_dir


# \donttest{
# download version 4.44
download_ramlegacy(version = "4.44")
#>  Downloading...this may take a while
#>  Finished Downloading. Now unzipping it...
#>  Saving the unzipped database as RDS object...
#>  Version 4.44 successfully downloaded.

# download version 1.0
download_ramlegacy(version = "1.0")
#>  Downloading...this may take a while
#>  Finished downloading v1.0. Saving the database as RDS object...
#>  Version 1.0 successfully downloaded.
# If version not specified then default
# to latest version (currently 4.44)
#>  Downloading...this may take a while
#>  Finished Downloading. Now unzipping it...
#>  Saving the unzipped database as RDS object...
#>  Version 4.44 successfully downloaded.
# }