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SpatRaster object representing an abundance map at the first time step of the simulation projected to WGS 84 (CRS84) from the original raster n1_small. This map can be used as a simulation starting point to initialise data necessary to perform a simulation with the sim function. It is compatible with the K_small_lon_lat.tif and K_small_changing_lon_lat.tif maps.


SpatRaster object with 12 rows and 14 columns containing integer values 0-10 and NA's indicating unsuitable areas.


Data generated in-house to serve as an example.


system.file("input_maps/n1_small_lon_lat.tif", package = "rangr")
#> [1] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rangr/input_maps/n1_small_lon_lat.tif"