A tidyverse lover's intro to RDF
Carl Boettiger
In the world of data science, RDF is a bit of an ugly duckling. Like XML and Java, only without the massive-adoption-that-refuses-to-die part. In fact RDF is most frequently expressed in XML, and RDF tools are written in Java, which help give RDF has the aesthetics of steampunk, of some technology for some futuristic Semantic Web1 in a toolset that feels about as lightweight and modern as iron dreadnought.
But don’t let these appearances deceive you. RDF really is cool. If
you’ve ever gotten carried away using tidyr::gather
to make
everything into one long table, you may have noticed you can just about
always get things down to about three columns, as we see with an
obligatory mtcars
data example for
car_triples <-
mtcars %>%
rownames_to_column("Model") %>%
gather(attribute,measurement, -Model)
If you like long tables like this, RDF is for you. This layout isn’t
“Tidy Data,” where rows are observations and columns are variables, but
it is damn useful sometimes. This format is very liquid, easy to reshape
into other structures – so much so that tidyr::gather
originally known as melt
in the reshape2
package. It’s also a good way to get started thinking about RDF.
It’s all about the triples
Looking at this table closely, we see that each row is reduced to
the most elementary statement you can make from the data. A row no
longer tells you the measurements (observations) all attributes
(variables) of a given species (key), instead, you get just one fact per
row, Mazda RX4
gets a mpg
measurement of
. In RDF-world, we think of these three-part statements
as something very special, which we call triples. RDF
is all about these triples.
The first column came from the row names in this case, the
of car. This acts serves as a key
index the data.frame, i.e. the subject being described.
The next column is the variable (also called attribute or property)
being measured, (that is, column names, other than the key column(s),
from the tidy data), called the property or predicate
in RDF-speak (slash grammar-school jargon). The third column is the
actual value measured, more object of the predicate.
Call it key-property-value or subject-predicate-object, these are our
triples. We can represent just about any data in fully elementary
RDF | subject | predicate | object |
JSON | object | property | value |
spreadsheet | row id | column name | cell |
data.frame | key | variable | measurement |
data.frame | key | attribute | value |
Table 1 summarizes the many different names associated with triples. The first naming convention is the terminology typically associated with RDF. The second set are terms typically associated with JSON data, while the remaining are all examples in tabular or relational data structures.
Subject URIs
Using row names as our subject was intuitive but actually a bit
sloppy. tidyverse
lovers know that tidyverse
doesn’t like rownames, they aren’t tidy and have a way of causing
trouble. Of course, we made rownames into a proper column to use
, but we could have taken this one step further. In
true tidyverse
fashion, this rownames-column is really just
one more variable we can observe, one more attribute of the thing we
were describing: say, thing A (Car A) is a car_model_name
as Mazda RX4
and thing A also has mpg
. We can accomplish such a greater level of abstraction
by keeping the Model as just another variable the row ids themselves as
the key (i.e. the subject) of our triple:
car_triples <-
mtcars %>%
rownames_to_column("Model") %>%
rowid_to_column("subject") %>%
gather(predicate, object, -subject)
This is identical to a gather
of all columns,
where we have just made the original row ids an explicit column for
reference (diligent reader will recognize we would need this information
to reverse the operation and spread
the data back into it’s
wide form; without it, our transformation is lossy and irreversible).
Our subject
column now consists only of simple numeric
’s, while we have gained an additional triple for every
row in the original data which states Model
of each
number (e.g. 1
is Model
Mazda RX4
). Okay, now you’re probably thinking: “wait a
minute, 1
is not a very unique or specific key, surely that
will cause trouble,” and you’d be right. For instance, if we performed
the same transformation on the iris data, we get triples in the exact
same format, ready to bind_rows
iris_triples <- iris %>%
rowid_to_column("subject") %>%
gather(key = predicate, value = object, -subject)
but in the iris
data, 1
corresponds to the
first individual Iris flower in the measurement data, and not a Mazda
RX4. If we don’t want to get confused, we’re going to need to make sure
our identifiers are unique: not just kind of unique, but unique in the
World wide. And what else is unique world-wide? Yup,
you guessed it, we are going to use URLs for our subject identifiers,
just like the world wide web. Think of this as a clever out-sourcing to
the whole internet domain registry service. Here, we’ll imagine
registering each of these example datasets with a separate base
URL, so instead of a vague 1
to identify the first
observation in the iris
example data, we’ll use the URL
, which we can now distinguish
from http://example.com/mtcars#1
(and if you’re way ahead
of me, yes, we’ll have more to say about URI vs URL and the use of blank
nodes in just a minute). For example:
Predicate URIs
A slightly more subtle version of the same problem can arise with our
predicates. Different tables may use the same attribute
(i.e. originally, a column name of a variable) for different things –
the attribute labeled cyl
means “number of cylinders” in
data.frame, but could mean something very different
in different data. Luckily we’ve already seen how to make names unique
in RDF turn them into URLs.
iris_triples <- iris %>%
rowid_to_column("subject") %>%
mutate(subject = paste0("http://example.com/", "iris#", subject)) %>%
gather(key = predicate, value = object, -subject) %>%
mutate(predicate = paste0("http://example.com/", "iris#", predicate))
At this point the motivation for the name “Linked Data” is probably becoming painfully obvious.
Datatype URIs
One more column to go! But wait a minute, the object
column is different, isn’t it? These measurements don’t suffer from the
same ambiguity – after all, there is no confusion if a car has
cylinders and an iris has 4
mm long sepals.
However, a new issue has arisen in the data type
(e.g. string
, boolean
, double
, dateTime
, etc). A close look reveals
our object
column is encoded as a character
and not numeric
– how’d that happen?
has coerced the whole column into character
strings because some of the values, that is, the Species
names in iris
and the Model names in mtcars
are text strings (and it couldn’t exactly coerce them into integers).
Perhaps this isn’t a big deal – we can often guess the type of an object
just by how it looks (so-called Duck typing,
because if it quacks like duck…). Still, being explicit about data types
is a Good Thing, so fortunately there’s an explicit way to address this
too … oh no … not … yes … more URLs!
Luckily we don’t have to make up example.com
URLs this
time because there’s already a well-established list of data types
widely used across the internet that were originally developed for use
in XML (I warned you) Schemas, listed in see the W3C RDF
DataTypes. As the standard shows, familiar types
, double
, boolean
, etc are made explicit using the XML Schema URL:
, followed by the type; so
an integer would be
, a character
string http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string
Because this case is a little different, the URL is attached directly
after the object value, which is set off by quotes, using the symbol
(I dunno, but I think two duck feet), such that
. Wow2. Most of
the time we won’t have to worry about the type, because, if it
Triples in rdflib
So far, we have explored the concept of triples using familiar
structures, but haven’t yet introduced any
functions. Though we’ve been thinking of RDF data in
this explicitly tabular three-column structure, that is really just one
potentially convenient representation. Just as the same tabular data can
be represented in a data.frame
, written to disk as a
file, or stored in a database (like MySQL or
PostgreSQL), so it is for RDF to even greater degree. We have separate
abstractions for the information itself compared to how it is
To take advantage of this abstraction, rdflib
an rdf
class object. Depending on how this is initialized,
this could utilize storage in memory (the default), on disk, or
potentially in an array of different databases, (including relational
databases like PostgreSQL and rdf-specific ones like Virtuoso, depending
on how the underlying redland
library is compiled – a topic
beyond our scope here). Here, we simply initialize an rdf
object using the default in-memory storage:
rdf <- rdf()
To add triples to this rdf
object (often called an RDF
Model or RDF Graph), we use the function rdf_add
, which
takes a subject, predicate, and object as arguments, as we have just
discussed. A datatype URI can be inferred from the R type used for the
object (e.g. numeric
, integer
, character
, etc.)
base <- paste0("http://example.com/", "iris#")
rdf %>%
rdf_add(subject = paste0(base, "obs1"),
predicate = paste0(base, "Sepal.Length"),
object = 5.1)
The result is displayed as a triple discussed above. This is
technically an example of the nquad
notation we will see
later. Note the inferred datatype URI.
Dialing back the ugly
This gather
thing started well, but now are data is
looking pretty ugly, not to mention cumbersome. You have some idea why
RDF hasn’t taken data science by storm, and we haven’t even looked at
how ugly this gets when you write it in the RDF/XML serialization yet!
On the upside, we’ve introduced most of the essential concepts that will
let us start to work with data as triples. Before we proceed further,
we’ll take a quick look at some of the options for expressing triples in
different ways, and also introduce some of the different serializations
(ways of representing in text) frequently used to express these
Prefixes for URIs
Long URL strings are one of the most obvious ways that what started
off looking like a concise, minimal statement got ugly and cumbersome.
Borrowing from the notion of Namespaces in
XML, most RDF tools permit custom prefixes to be declared and
swapped in for longer URLs. A prefix is typically a short string3 followed
by a :
that is used in place of the shared root URL. For
instance, we might use the prefix iris:Sepal.Length
where iris:
is defined to
mean http://example.com/iris#
in our example above.
While I’ve referred to these things as URLs, (uniform resource
locator, aka web address) technically they can be a broader class of
things known as URIs
(uniform resource identifier). In addition to including anything that is
a URL, URIs include things which are not URLs, like
, which are
URNs: unique resource numbers in some numbering scheme (e.g. book ISBN
numbers, or UUIDs), neither of which are URLs but nonetheless enjoy the
same globally unique property.
Blank nodes
Sometimes we do not need a globally unique identifier, we just want a
way to refer to a node (e.g. subject, and sometimes an object) uniquely
in our document. This is the role of a blank node (do
follow the link for a better overview). These are frequently denoted
with the prefix _:
, e.g. we could have replaced the sample
IDs as _:1
, _:2
instead of the URLs such as
etc. Note that RDF operations
need not preserve the actual string pattern in a blank ID name, it means
the exact same thing if we replace all the _:1
s with
and _:2
with _:b2
, etc.
In librdf
we can get a blank node by passing an empty
string or character string that is not a URI as the subject. Here we
also use a URI that isn’t a URL as predicate:
Note that we get a blank node, _:
with a randomly
generated string.
Triple notation: nquads
, and nquads
So far we have relied primarily on a three-column tabular format to
represent our triples. We have also seen the default print
format used for the rdf
method, known as N-Quads above, which displays
a bare, space-separated triple, possibly with a datatype URI attached to
the object. The line ends with a dot, which indicates this is part of
the same local triplestore (aka RDF graph or RDF Model). Technically
this could be another URI indicating a unique global address for the
triplestore in question.
We can serialize any rdf
object out to a file in this
format with the rdf_serialize()
function, e.g.
rdf_serialize(rdf, "rdf.nq", format = "nquads")
Just as each of these formats can be serialized with
, each can be read by rdflib
using the function rdf_parse()
doc <- system.file("extdata/example.rdf", package="redland")
rdf <- rdf_parse(doc, format = "rdfxml")
N-Quads are convenient in that each triple is displayed on a unique
line, and the format supports the blank node and Datatype URIs in the
manner we have just discussed. Other formats are not so concise. Rather
than print to file, we can simply change the default print format used
by rdflib
to explore the textual layout of the other
serializations. Here is one of the most common classical serializations,
which expresses triples in an XML-based schema:
options(rdf_print_format = "rdfxml")
Just looking at this is probably enough to explain why so many
alternative serializations were created. Another popular format, turtle
, looks more
like nquads
options(rdf_print_format = "turtle")
Here, blank nodes are denoted by []
. turtle
uses indentation to indicate that all three predicates
, description
, title
) are
properties of the same subject.
While formats such as nquads
and turtle
provide a much cleaner syntax than RDF/XML, they also introduce a custom
format rather than building on a familiar standard (like XML) for which
users already have a well-developed set of tools and intuition. After
more than a decade of such challenges (RDF specification started 1997,
including an the HTML-embedded serialization of RDFa in 2004), a more user
friendly specification has emerged in the form of JSON-LD (1.0 W3C
specification was released in 2014, the 1.1 specification released in
February 2018). JSON-LD uses the familiar object notation of
JSON, (which is rapidly replacing XML as the ubiquitous data exchange
format, and will be more familiar to many readers than the specialized
RDF formats or even XML. Here is our rdf
data in the
JSON-LD serialization:
options(rdf_print_format = "jsonld")
In this serialization, our subject corresponds to “the thing in the
curly braces,” (i.e. the JSON “object”) which is identified by the
special @id
property (omitting @id
to a blank node). The predicate-object pairs in the triple are then just
JSON key-value pairs within the curly braces of the given object. We can
make this format look even more natural by stripping out the URLs. While
it is possible to use prefixes in place of URLs, it is more natural to
pull them out entirely, e.g. by declaring a default vocabulary in the
JSON-LD “Context”, like so:
rdf_serialize(rdf, "example.json", "jsonld") %>%
jsonld_compact(context = '{"@vocab": "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"}')
The context of a JSON-LD file can also define datatypes, use multiple namespaces, and permit different names in the JSON keys from that found in the URLs. While a complete introduction to JSON-LD is beyond our scope, this representation essentially provides a way to map intuitive JSON structures into precise RDF triples.
From tables to Graphs
So far we have considered examples where the data could be represented in tabular form. We frequently encounter data that cannot be easily represented in such a format. For instance, consider the JSON data in this example:
ex <- system.file("extdata/person.json", package="rdflib")
cat(readLines(ex), sep = "\n")
#jsonld_compact(ex, "{}")
This JSON object for a Person
has another JSON object
nested inside (a PostalAddress
). Yet if we look at this
data as nquads
, we see the familiar flat triple
So what has happened? Note that our address
has been
given the blank node URI _:b0
, which serves both as the
object in the address
line of the Person
as the subject of all the properties belonging to the
. In JSON-LD, this structure is referred to as
being ‘flattened’:
jsonld_flatten(ex, context = "https://schema.org/")
Note that our JSON-LD structure now starts with an object called
. Unlike our opening examples, this data is not
tabular in nature, but rather, is formatted as a nested graph.
Such nesting is very natural in JSON, where objects can be arranged in a
tree-like structure with a single outer-most set of {}
indicating a root object. A graph is just a more generic form of a tree
structure, where we are agnostic to the root. (We could in fact use the
property on address to create a root
that contains the Person
). In
this way, the notion of data as a graph
offers a powerful
generalization to the notion of tabular data. The @graph
above consists of two separate objects: a PostalAddress
(with id
of _:b0
) and a Person
(with an ORCID id). This layout acts much like a foreign key in a
relational database, or as a list-column in tidyverse
(e.g. see tidyr::nest()
). rdflib
uses this
flattened representation when serializing JSON-LD objects. Note that
JSON-LD provides a rich set of utilities to go back and forth between
flattened and nested layouts using jsonld_frame
. For
instance, we can recover the original structure just by specifying a
frame that indicates which type we want as the root:
jsonld_flatten(ex) %>%
jsonld_frame('{"@type": "https://schema.org//Person"}') %>%
jsonld_compact(context = "https://schema.org/")
(Recall that compacting just replaces URIs and any type declarations
with short names given by the context). This is somewhat analogous to
operations in relational data, or nesting and
un-nesting functions in tidyr
. However, when working with
RDF, the beautiful thing is that the differences between these two
representations (nested or flattened) are purely aesthetic. Both
representations have precisely the same semantic meaning, and are thus
precisely the same thing in RDF world. We will never have to orchestrate
a join on a foreign key before we can perform desired operations like
select and filter on the data. We don’t have to think about how our data
is organized, because it is always in the same molten triple format,
whatever it is, and however nested it might be.
Just as we saw gather
could provide a relatively generic
way of transforming a data.frame into RDF triples, JSON-LD defines a
relatively simple convention for getting nested data (e.g. lists) into
RDF triples. This convention simply treats JSON {}
as subjects
(often assigning blank node ids, as we saw with
row ids), and key-value pairs (or in R-speak, list names and values) as
predicates and objects, respectively. Any raw JSON file can be treated
as JSON-LD, ideally by specifying an appropriate context
which serves to map terms into URIs as we saw with data.frames.
is then already a valid RDF format that we can
parse with rdflib
For instance, here is a simple function for coercing list objects into RDF with a specified context:
as_rdf.list <- function(x, context = "https://schema.org/"){
if(length(x) == 1) x <- x[[1]]
x[["@context"]] <- context
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(x, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE, force = TRUE)
rdflib::rdf_parse(json, "jsonld")
Here we set a default context (https://schema.org/), and map a few R terms to corresponding schema terms
context <- list("https://schema.org/",
list(schema = "https://schema.org//",
given = "givenName",
family = "familyName",
title = "name",
year = "datePublished",
note = "softwareVersion",
comment = "identifier",
role = "https://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html"))
We can now apply our function on arbitrary R list
objects, such as the bibentry
class object returned by the
SPARQL: A Graph Query Language
So far, we have spent a lot of words describing how to transform data into RDF, and not much actually doing anything cool with said data.
Still working on writing this section
#source(system.file("examples/as_rdf.R", package="rdflib"))
source(system.file("examples/tidy_schema.R", package="rdflib"))
## Testing: Digest some data.frames into RDF and extract back
cars <- mtcars %>% rownames_to_column("Model")
x1 <- as_rdf(iris, NULL, "iris:")
x2 <- as_rdf(cars, NULL, "mtcars:")
rdf <- c(x1,x2)
SPARQL: Getting back to Tidy Tables!
sparql <-
'SELECT ?Species ?Sepal_Length ?Sepal_Width ?Petal_Length ?Petal_Width
?s <iris:Species> ?Species .
?s <iris:Sepal.Width> ?Sepal_Width .
?s <iris:Sepal.Length> ?Sepal_Length .
?s <iris:Petal.Length> ?Petal_Length .
?s <iris:Petal.Width> ?Petal_Width
iris2 <- rdf_query(rdf, sparql)
We can automatically create the a SPARQL query that returns “tidy data”. Tidy data has predicates as columns, objects as values, subjects as rows.
sparql <- tidy_schema("Species", "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", prefix = "iris")
rdf_query(rdf, sparql)