Fetch pubmed ids matching specially formatted citation strings
Fetch pubmed ids matching specially formatted citation strings
- bdata
character, containing citation data. Each citation must be represented in a pipe-delimited format journal_title|year|volume|first_page|author_name|your_key| The final field "your_key" is arbitrary, and can used as you see fit. Fields can be left empty, but be sure to keep 6 pipes.
- db
character, the database to search. Defaults to pubmed, the only database currently available
- retmode
character, file format to retrieve. Defaults to xml, as per the API documentation, though note the API only returns plain text
- config
vector configuration options passed to httr::GET
See also
for available configs
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ex_cites <- c("proc natl acad sci u s a|1991|88|3248|mann bj|test1|",
"science|1987|235|182|palmenberg ac|test2|")
} # }