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This forms part of the data collated by the main repometrics_data function, along with data on repository structure and historical developed extracted by the repometrics_data_repo function.


  end_date = Sys.Date(),
  nyears = 1,
  n_per_page = 100



GitHub login of user


Parameter used in some aspects of resultant data to limit the end date of data collection. Defaults to Sys.Date ().


Parameter <= 1 determining fraction of a year over which data up until end_date are collected.


Number of items per page to pass to GitHub GraphQL API requests. This should never need to be changed.


A list of the following data.frame objects:

  1. commit_cmt with details of commits made on commits

  2. commits with summaries of all repositories to which user made commits

  3. followers A list of followers of specified user

  4. following A list of other people who nominated user is following

  5. general with some general information about specified user

  6. issue_cmts with information on all issue comments made by user

  7. issues with information on all issues opened by user