Search for ERDDAP tabledap or griddap datasets from a list of ERDDAP servers based on search terms.
If successful a dataframe wih columns:
title - the dataset title
dataset_id - the datasetid on that ERDDAP server
url - base url of dataset ERDDAP server
if urls are valid, no match is found, will return no match found else returns error message
# get list of servers know by
# e_servers <- servers()$url
# select a couple to search
# e_servers <- e_servers[c(1, 40)]
# to meet CRAN time limits will only search 1 place
e_servers <- ""
test_query <- 'NOAA/NCDC Blended Monthly'
query_results <- global_search(test_query, e_servers, "griddap")
#> [1] "no search results found"