Turn the traits element or the entire list returned by [pp_traits()] into a data.frame.
Turn the traits element or the entire list returned by [pp_traits()] into a data.frame.
A list for each event id containing a list with the following elements:
`metadata`: A data frame containing metadata
`taxonomy`: A data.frame containing the taxonomy
`traits`: A melted data.frame containing the traits value
IF flatten_all is TRUE, the list is flatten to a data.frame
r1 <- ppo_data(genus = "Quercus", termID = 'obo:PPO_0002313', limit = 10, timeLimit = 4)
#> sending request for data ...
#> https://biscicol.org/api/v3/download/_search?q=+genus:Quercus++AND+++termID:"obo:PPO_0002313"&limit=10
#> The server is not responding.
#> If the problem persists contact the author.
r1_traits <- ppo_traits(r1, sorted = FALSE, flatten_traits = FALSE)
r1_traits <- ppo_traits_flatten(r1_traits, flatten_all = TRUE)