Request compaction of the specified database
- cushion
object. Required.- dbname
Database name. Required.
- as
(character) One of list (default) or json
- ...
Curl args passed on to
Compaction compresses the disk database file by performing the following operations:
Writes a new, optimised, version of the database file, removing any unused sections from the new version during write. Because a new file is temporarily created for this purpose, you may require up to twice the current storage space of the specified database in order for the compaction routine to complete.
Removes old revisions of documents from the database, up to the per-database limit specified by the _revs_limit database parameter.
Compaction can only be requested on an individual database; you cannot compact all the databases for a CouchDB instance. The compaction process runs as a background process. You can determine if the compaction process is operating on a database by obtaining the database meta information, the compact_running value of the returned database structure will be set to true. See GET /db. You can also obtain a list of running processes to determine whether compaction is currently running. See "/_active_tasks"
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
user <- Sys.getenv("COUCHDB_TEST_USER")
pwd <- Sys.getenv("COUCHDB_TEST_PWD")
(x <- Cushion$new(user = user, pwd = pwd))
# db_compact(x, dbname = "iris")
} # }