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sofa 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2020-06-26


  • new function doc_upsert(): updates an existing document or creates it if it doesn’t yet exist (#69) work by @critichu

CouchDB v3 related changes

  • made sure sofa works with v3; all examples/tests updated to use username/password (#73)
  • new function db_bulk_get() for the /{db}/_bulk_get route (#73)
  • fixed design_search_many(): in couch v2.2 and greater there’s a new route /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view}/queries, which is used in this fxn now instead of using the /{db}/_design/{ddoc}/_view/{view} route (#75)
  • Cushion class gains new method $version() to get the CouchDB version you’re using as a numeric (to enable progammatic couch version checking)
  • db_query() changes: some new parameters added: r, bookmark, update, stable, stale, and execution_stats (#74)



  • added more tests (#61)
  • design_search() now allows more possible values for start and end keys: startkey_docid, start_key_doc_id, startkey, start_key, endkey_docid, end_key_doc_id, endkey, end_key (#62)
  • add title to vignettes (#71)
  • for docs_create() internally support using user’s setting for the R option digits to pass on to jsonlite::toJSON to control number of digits after decimal place (#66)


  • fixed authorization problems in $ping() method in Cushion; now separate ping() function calls $ping() method in Cushion (#72)

sofa 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2018-01-03


  • Gains new functions db_index, db_index_create, and db_index_delete for getting an index, creating one, and deleting one
  • Gains function design_search_many to do many queries at once in a POST request (#56)
  • design_search reworked to allow user to do a GET request or POST request depending on if they use params parameter or body parameter - many parameters removed in the function definition, and are now to be passed to params or body (#56)
  • db_alldocs gains new parameter disk to optionally write data to disk instead of into the R session - should help when data is very large (if disk is used fxn returns a file path) (#64)


  • fix minor issues in vignette, and updated for working with CouchDB v2 and greater (#53) (#54) (#47)
  • replace httr with crul for HTTP requests (#52)
  • design_copy removed temporarily (#20) (#60)
  • new issue and pull request template


sofa 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2016-10-13


  • released to CRAN