Preparing Statistical Software with the srr package
Mark Padgham
stands for Software
Review Roclets, and is an R package
containing roclets for general use in helping those developing and
reviewing packages submitted to rOpenSci. At present, the
package only contains roclets and associated functions
to help those developing and reviewing packages submitted to rOpenSci’s
system for Statistical
Software Review. This vignette demonstrates how developers are
intended to use this package to document the alignment of their software
with rOpenSci’s standards for
statistical software.
The main functions of the package are constructed as roxygen2
meaning that these functions are called each time package documentation
is updated by calling devtools::document()
or equivalently roxygen2::roxygenise()
The former is just a wrapper around the latter, to enable documentation
to updated by a single call from within the devtools
From here on, this stage of updating documentation and triggering the
roclets will be referred to as “running roxygenise
1. The package skeleton
The srr_stats_pkg_skeleton()
function included with this package differs from other
functions. Rather than providing a skeleton from which you can construct
your own package, the srr_stats_pkg_skeleton()
function generates a skeleton to help developers understand this
package works. This skeleton of a package is intended to be modified to
help you understand which kinds of modifications are allowed, and which
generate errors. The package is by default called "demo"
is constructed in R’s tempdir()
and looks like this:
library (srr)
d <- srr_stats_pkg_skeleton (pkg_name = "package")
fs::dir_tree (d)
## /tmp/RtmpRTJWE4/package
## ├── R
## │ ├── RcppExports.R
## │ ├── package-package.R
## │ ├── srr-stats-standards.R
## │ └── test.R
## ├── README.Rmd
## ├── src
## │ ├── RcppExports.cpp
## │ └── cpptest.cpp
## └── tests
## ├── testthat
## │ └── test-a.R
## └── testthat.R
The files listed there mostly exist to illustrate how standards can
be included within code. The format of standards can be seen by
examining any of those files. For example, the test.R
looks like this:
## [1] "#' test_fn"
## [2] "#'"
## [3] "#' A test funtion"
## [4] "#'"
## [5] "#' @srrstats {G1.1, G1.2, G1.3} with some text"
## [6] "#' @srrstats Text can appear before standards {G2.0, G2.1}"
## [7] "#' @srrstatsTODO {RE1.1} standards which are still to be"
## [8] "#' addressed are tagged 'srrstatsTODO'"
## [9] "#'"
## [10] "#' @export"
## [11] "test_fn <- function() {"
## [12] " message(\"This function does nothing\")"
## [13] "}"
That file illustrates some of the roxygen2
tags defined
by this package, and described in detail below. These tags are parsed
whenever package documentation is updated with roxygenise()
which will produce output like the following:
roxygen2::roxygenise (d)
## Setting `RoxygenNote` to "7.3.2"
## Writing NAMESPACE
## ℹ Loading package
## ──────────────────── rOpenSci Statistical Software Standards ───────────────────
## ── @srrstats standards (6 / 9):
## * [G1.1, G1.2, G1.3, G2.0, G2.1] in function 'test_fn()' on line#11 of file [R/test.R]
## * [G2.3] in function 'test()' on line#6 of file [src/cpptest.cpp]
## ── @srrstatsNA standards (1 / 9):
## * [RE3.3] on line#5 of file [R/srr-stats-standards.R]
## ── @srrstatsTODO standards (2 / 9):
## * [RE4.4] on line#14 of file [R/srr-stats-standards.R]
## * [RE1.1] in function 'test_fn()' on line#11 of file [R/test.R]
## ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Writing package-package.Rd
## Writing test_fn.Rd
## Writing NAMESPACE
The “roclets” contained within this package parse any instances of
the package-specified tags described below, and summarise the output by
listing all locations of each kind of tag. Locations are given as file
and line numbers, and where appropriate, the names of associated
functions. We recommend that developers familiarise themselves with the
system by simply modifying any roxygen2
block in any
of the files of this package skeleton, and running roxygenise()
to see what happens.
2. Enabling srr
roclets for a package
The “roclets” can be enabled for a package by modifying the
file so that the Roxygen
looks like this:
That will load the “roclets”
used by this package to process standards as documented within your
actual code. Note that you do not need to add, import, or depend upon
the srr
package anywhere else within the
file. See the DESCRIPTION
file of
the package skeleton for an example.
3. roxygen2
The srr
packages recognises and uses the following three
tags, each of which may be inserted into roxygen2
documentation blocks anywhere in your code. The tags are:
tags to indicate standards which have been addressed. These should be placed at the locations within your code where specific standards have been addressed, and should include a brief textual description of how the code at that location addresses the nominated standard. -
tags to indicate standards which have not yet been addressed. Thesrr_stats_roxygen()
function described below will place all standards for your nominated categories in an initial file in the/R
directory of your project. Each of these will have a tag of@srrstatsTODO
. As you address each standard, you’ll need to move it from that initial location to that point in your code where that standard is addressed, and change the tag from@srrstatsTODO
. It may help to break the initial, commonly very long, single list of standards into smaller groups, and to move each of these into the approximate location within your code where these are likely to be addressed. For example, all standards which pertain to tests can be moved into the/tests
) directory. -
tags to indicate standards which you deem not applicable to your package. These need to be grouped together in a single block with a title ofNA_standards
. Such a block is both included in the package skeleton, and also in the output ofsrr_stats_roxygen()
function. The numbers of any non-applicable standards can then be moved to this block, with a note explaining why these standards have been deemed not to apply to your package.
The output illustrated above shows how the srr
groups these three tags together, first collecting the output of
standards which have been addressed (via @srrstats
then showing output of non-applicable standards (via
tags), and finally standards which are still to
be addressed (via @srrstatsTODO
3.1 Format of srr
The tags shown above from the skeleton package function
indicates the expected format of standards within roxygen2
documentation blocks. The package is designed to error on attempting to
run roxygenise()
with any inappropriately formatted entries, and so should provide
informative messages to help rectify any problems. srr
documentation must adhere to the following formatting requirements:
The tags must appear immediately after the
-style comment symbols. This will almost always mean#' @srrstats
(but see details below, under Locations ofsrrstats
documentation).The standards number(s) must be enclosed within curly braces, such as
#' @srrstats {G1.0}
. Multiple standards may be associated with a single tag by including them within the same single pair of curly braces, and separating each by a comma, such as#' @srrstats {G1.0, G1.1}
.Explanatory text may be placed anywhere before or after curly braces enclosing standards, such that
#' @srrstats some text {G1.0}
is entirely equivalent to#' @srrstats {G1.0} some text
Only the first pair of curly braces is parsed to determine standards numbers; any subsequent curly braces within one expression will be ignored. (Where an expression is everything that comes after one
tag, and extends until the start of the next tag.) The following will accordingly only refer to G1.0, and not G1.1:#' @srrstats {G1.0} as well as {G1.1}.
The appropriate way to refer to multiple tags is to include them in the one set of curly braces, as shown above, or to use separate tags, like this:
#' @srrstats {G1.0} as well as #' @srrstats {G1.1}
Any standard may occur arbitrarily many times in any file(s) within a package. The only requirement is that any one standard should only be associated with one single kind of tag; thus should only be
(a standard which has been addressed), or@srrstatsNA
(a standard which is not applicable), or@srrstatsTODO
(a standard which has not yet been addressed).
In almost all cases, all tags for a package will be generated by the
initial call to srr_stats_roxygen()
and should simply be moved to appropriate locations within a package’s
code without modifying the format.
3.2 Locations of srrstats
tags and accompanying text can be placed
almost anywhere within a package, especially in any file in the main
, /tests
, or src/
Within the /R
directory, tags should be placed only in roxygen2
These tags, and all associated text, will be ignored by the roclets used
by roxygen2
generate package documentation, and will only appear on screen output
like that shown above, and generated when running roxygenise()
If tags need to be inserted where there is no roxygen2
block, then a new block will need to be created, the minimal requirement
for which is that it then have an additional #' @noRd
to suppress generation of documentation (.Rd
) files. If
that block is associated with a function, the following two lines will
#' @srrstats G1.0 This standard belongs here
#' @noRd
myfunction <- function (...) {
# ...
If that block is not associated with a function, the documentation
can be followed by a NULL
, like this:
#' @srrstats G1.0 This standard belongs here
#' @noRd
Unlike roxygen2
, which only
processes blocks from within the main R/
directory, the
package process blocks from within other directories
too. As these blocks will never be passed through to the main roxygenise()
function, they need neither #' @noRd
tags, nor
definitions where none otherwise exist. An example is
in the tests/
directory of the package skeleton:
## [1] "#' @srrstats {RE2.2} is addressed here"
## [2] "test_that(\"dummy test\", {"
## [3] " expect_true (TRUE)"
## [4] "})"
While @srrstats
tags can also be placed in the
directory, the package currently only parses doxygen
blocks for code written in C or C++. (Note that srr
currently further restricted to C++ code compiled with Rcpp
but will soon be adapted to work with other C++ interfaces such as cpp11
.) These blocks are
converted by Rcpp
into roxygen2
blocks in a file called R/RcppExports.R
, and so need to
include an additional @noRd
tag to (optionally) suppress
generation of .Rd
documentation. The skeleton package again
gives an example:
## [1] "#include <Rcpp.h>"
## [2] ""
## [3] "//' src_fn"
## [4] "//'"
## [5] "//' A test C++ function"
## [6] "//' @srrstats {G2.3} in src directory"
## [7] "//' @noRd"
## [8] "// [[Rcpp::export]]"
## [9] "int test () {"
## [10] " return 1L; }"
3.3 Documenting standards for documentation
Many standards refer to general package documentation, particularly
document, or in package vignettes. All such
documents are presumed to be written in .Rmd
format, for
which @srrstats
tags must be included within distinct code
chunks. Again, the skeleton package has an example as follows:
## [1] "# package"
## [2] ""
## [3] "This is a skeleton of an [`srr` statistics](https://github.com/ropensci-review-tools/srr)"
## [4] "package, intended developers to tweak as they like, in order to understand "
## [5] "how the package's roclets work."
## [6] ""
## [7] "This `README.Rmd` file is here to demonstrate how to embed `srr` roclet tags."
## [8] "These tags need to be within dedicated *code chunks*, like the following:"
## [9] ""
## [10] "```{r srr-tags, eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE}"
## [11] "#' roxygen_block_name"
## [12] "#'"
## [13] "#' (Add some text if you like)"
## [14] "#'"
## [15] "#' @srrstats {G1.4} Here is a reference to a standard"
## [16] "#' @srrstatsTODO {G1.5} And here is a reference to a standard yet to be addressed"
## [17] "```"
## [18] ""
## [19] "Note the chunk contains only [`roxygen2`](https://roxygen2.r-lib.org) lines,"
## [20] "and nothing else at all. Please change the `eval` and `echo` parameters to"
## [21] "see what happens when you knit the document."
Those lines illustrate the expected form. @srrstats
should be within a single block contained within a dedicated code chunk.
chunks within .Rmd
files will
generally use echo = FALSE
to prevent them appearing in the
rendered documents. The roxygen2
lines do not
need to be followed by a NULL
(or any other non- roxygen2
although if additional R code is necessary for any reason, you may also
need to add eval = FALSE
3.4 @srrstatsNA
tags for non-applicable standards
While @srrstatsTODO
and @srrstats
tags may
be placed anywhere within a package, @srrstatsNA
tags used
to denote non-applicable standards must be placed within a dedicated roxygen2
block with a
title of NA_standards
. As described above, both the package
skeleton and the file produced by calling srr_stats_roxygen()
include templates for this block. The following illustrates a minimal
#' NA_standards
#' @srrstatsNA {S3.3} is not applicable
#' @noRd
An NA_standards
block must end with NULL
rather than be associated with a function definition. There can be
multiple NA_standards
blocks in any location, enabling
these standards to be moved to approximate locations where they might
otherwise have been addressed. (For example, non-applicable standards
referring to tests might all be grouped together in a single
block in the tests/
4. The srr
The first step for any developer intending to use this package on the
way to a submission to rOpenSci’s project for peer-reviewing statistical
software is to generate the package skeleton described above, and to try
any and all conceivable ways to modify locations, formats, and other
properties of the roxygen2
tags defined
in this package, in order to understand how these tags are used to
generate the summary results when running roxygenise
Following that initial familiarisation, a typical workflow will involve
the following general steps:
- Automatically download and insert lists of general and
category-specific standards in your package by running
(in the main package directory). This will by default generate a file in theR/
directory calledsrr-stats-standards.R
, although any alternative name can also be passed to the function (or the file can be renamed after it has initially been created). Each group of standards in this file must always be terminated byNULL
in order to be appropriately parsed by theroxygen2
package. - Change your package’s
file to use thesrr
roclets by addingroclets = "srr::srr_stats_roclet"
) to theRoxygen
line, as demonstrated at the outset, as well as in the package skeleton. - Run
to confirm that the roclets work on your package. You should initially see only a single list of@srrstatsTODO
standards. All documented standards should appear somewhere in the output. Any missing standards indicate documentation problems, such as missing terminalNULL
values from standards blocks. - We recommend as a first step cutting-and-pasting standards to approximate locations within your package’s code where you anticipate these standards being addressed. Multiple copies of any one standard may exist in multiple locations, so you may also repeat standards which you anticipate will be addressed in multiple locations. This should reduce a potentially very long initial list of standards down to several distinct groups of hopefully more manageable size.
- Begin addressing the standards by:
- Ensuring your code conforms;
- Moving each standard to the one or more location(s) where you think your code most directly addresses them;
- Modifying the
tag to@srrstats
- Changing the initial text describing the standard itself to a brief description of how your code addresses that standard.
- Standards which you deem not to be applicable to your package should
be grouped together in a single
block with the titleNA_standards
(as described above, and as generated by thesrr_stats_roxygen()
function). This block must finish with aNULL
statement. - Update your documentation as frequently as you like or need, and use
the output of the roclets to inform and guide the process of converting
tags into either@srrstats
Note that we do not recommend copying files from the
package skeleton into your own package for you srr
documentation. The following lines demonstrate what happens if you
insert actual standards into the package skeleton:
srr_stats_roxygen (category = "regression", # for example
filename = file.path (d, "R", "srr-stats-standards.R"),
overwrite = TRUE)
## ✔ Downloaded general standards
## ✔ Downloaded regression standards
## ℹ Roxygen2-formatted standards written to [srr-stats-standards.R]
roxygen2::roxygenise (d)
## ℹ Loading package
## Error: Standards [G1.1, G1.2, G1.3, G2.0, G2.1, G2.3] are listed with both @srrstats and @srrstatsTODO tags.
## Please rectify to ensure these standards are only associated with one tag.
To ensure all standards are first inserted with
tags, and that there are no duplicates with
other tags, please use only the srr_stats_roxygen()