This function takes messy column names and returns clean ones that work well with
R by default. Names that are all lower case with no R-unfriendly characters
such as spaces and -
are returned.
# \donttest{
if(curl::has_internet()) {
crashes_raw = read_collisions(year = 2022)
column_names = names(crashes_raw)
format_column_names(column_names = column_names)
#> Reading in:
#> /tmp/RtmpuUhoEj/dft-road-casualty-statistics-collision-2022.csv
#> date and time columns present, creating formatted datetime column
#> [1] "accident_index"
#> [2] "accident_year"
#> [3] "accident_reference"
#> [4] "location_easting_osgr"
#> [5] "location_northing_osgr"
#> [6] "longitude"
#> [7] "latitude"
#> [8] "police_force"
#> [9] "accident_severity"
#> [10] "number_of_vehicles"
#> [11] "number_of_casualties"
#> [12] "date"
#> [13] "day_of_week"
#> [14] "time"
#> [15] "local_authority_district"
#> [16] "local_authority_ons_district"
#> [17] "local_authority_highway"
#> [18] "first_road_class"
#> [19] "first_road_number"
#> [20] "road_type"
#> [21] "speed_limit"
#> [22] "junction_detail"
#> [23] "junction_control"
#> [24] "second_road_class"
#> [25] "second_road_number"
#> [26] "pedestrian_crossing_human_control"
#> [27] "pedestrian_crossing_physical_facilities"
#> [28] "light_conditions"
#> [29] "weather_conditions"
#> [30] "road_surface_conditions"
#> [31] "special_conditions_at_site"
#> [32] "carriageway_hazards"
#> [33] "urban_or_rural_area"
#> [34] "did_police_officer_attend_scene_of_accident"
#> [35] "trunk_road_flag"
#> [36] "lsoa_of_accident_location"
#> [37] "enhanced_severity_collision"
#> [38] "datetime"
# }