Convert other objects to taxon vectors. Compatible base R vectors can also be converted using the taxon constructor.
# Convert a taxonomy object to a taxon vector
x <- taxonomy(taxon(name = c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo',
'Panthera tigris', 'Ursidae', 'Ursus', 'Ursus arctos'),
rank = c('order', 'family', 'genus', 'species',
'species', 'family', 'genus', 'species'),
id = taxon_id(c('33554', '9681', '9688', '9689',
'9694', '9632', '9639', '9644'),
db = 'ncbi'),
auth = c('Bowdich, 1821', 'Fischer de Waldheim, 1817', 'Oken, 1816', 'L., 1758',
'L., 1758', 'Fischer de Waldheim, 1817', 'L., 1758', 'L., 1758')),
supertaxa = c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 7))
names(x) <- letters[1:8]
#> <taxon[8]>
#> a
#> 33554|Carnivora Bowdich 1821|order
#> b
#> 9681|Felidae Fischer de Waldheim 1817|family
#> c
#> 9688|Panthera Oken 1816|genus
#> d
#> 9689|Panthera leo L. 1758|species
#> e
#> 9694|Panthera tigris L. 1758|species
#> f
#> 9632|Ursidae Fischer de Waldheim 1817|family
#> g
#> 9639|Ursus L. 1758|genus
#> h
#> 9644|Ursus arctos L. 1758|species
#> Rank levels: order < family < genus < species
# Convert base R vectors
as_taxon(c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo'))
#> <taxon[4]>
#> [1] Carnivora Felidae Panthera Panthera leo
as_taxon(factor(c('Carnivora', 'Felidae', 'Panthera', 'Panthera leo')))
#> <taxon[4]>
#> [1] Carnivora Felidae Panthera Panthera leo