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terrainr (development version)

terrainr 0.7.5

CRAN release: 2023-10-04

  • More tests are flagged to skip on CRAN, or when run offline

  • georeference_overlay should give fewer useless warnings

terrainr 0.7.4

CRAN release: 2023-02-16

  • New query method is dramatically faster and less-error prone.

terrainr 0.7.3

CRAN release: 2023-02-01

  • Updated contours URL to new location
  • Removing dependencies on raster and rgdal
  • Fixed infinite loop when following two-stage APIs
  • Removed HRO, as the endpoint appears to have disappeared

terrainr 0.7.2

CRAN release: 2022-12-07

  • New features:
    • Two new endpoints are available: HRO, which provides orthoimagery for non-CONUS US domains, and USGSNAIPImagery, which only returns NAIP (whereas USGSNAIPPlus, the default for ortho, will use HRO where appropriate).
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • Updated NAIP URL to its new home, which should reenable NAIP downloads.
    • Fixed warning in geom_spatial_rgb() about “dropped aesthetics”.
    • Fixed govunits test.
  • Dependency changes:
    • ggplot2 now requires a minimum of 3.4.0

terrainr 0.7.1

CRAN release: 2022-08-11

  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • Redocumented package to stay on CRAN.
    • merge_rasters no longer warns that options aren’t respected when using the fallback method before immediately passing said options to gdalwarp.
    • Starting to move error messages into rlang with string interpolation via glue.
  • Dependency changes:
    • rlang and glue have been added to Imports
    • raster now requires a minimum version of 3.5-19.

terrainr 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2022-05-05

  • New features:
    • make_unity is a new function which uses the new unifir package to automatically create Unity scenes, no clicking necessary.
    • Internally, all calls to functions from {raster} have been replaced with calls to {terra}. This future-proofs the package against any coming deprecations and takes advantage of newer, faster terra code. This is not intended to be a breaking change; any methods that previously took {raster} objects should still work (and silently convert to {terra} under the hood). If you have any workflows impacted by this change, please file a bug report!
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • make_manifest, transform_elevation, and transform_overlay no longer error when providing non-standard side lengths; they now warn as intended.
    • make_manifest, transform_elevation, and transform_overlay should no longer give warnings about nodata values in most cases. being clamped to 0.
    • Fixed some documentation, unused objects, restyled and removed lints.
    • transform_overlay (and by extension, every Unity overlay importer) now tries to automatically guess the scale of the input raster. Values under 1 are scaled from 0-1, integers under 255 are scaled 0-255, and integers under 65535 are scaled 0-65536. The main effect of this is more realistic coloring when importing terrain. Floats above 1 won’t be affected.
  • Dependency changes:
    • terra is now included as an Import (had been recursively imported through raster previously).
    • raster and rgdal are now in Suggests (used temporarily in Raster* methods for get_tiles and add_bbox_buffer, until the new version of raster hits CRAN).
  • Internal changes:
    • raster_to_raw_tiles is now a thin wrapper around the functions transform_overlay and transform_elevation. It is no longer tested; it will be removed entirely in the next release (see deprecation notice in terrainr 0.5.0).

terrainr 0.6.1

CRAN release: 2022-02-10

  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • The README of version 0.6.0 has a disclaimer at the top stating that the package is an experimental build relying on as-of-yet unreleased packages. This is not true. This release removes that language. Otherwise, this release is identical to version 0.6.0.

terrainr 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2022-02-04

  • New features:
    • Two new functions, transform_elevation and transform_overlay, should now provide raster transformation functions that were possible with raster_to_raw_tiles but not with make_manifest. As an added bonus, the internal code to handle tiling is now dramatically simpler.
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • make_manifest will now overwrite any file at importer_path, in line with documented behavior. Previous versions would never overwrite importer_path.
    • merge_rasters’ fallback method now runs much faster
  • Dependency changes:
    • gdalUtils has been removed from dependencies following CRAN directions
    • rgdal is now an explicit dependency (had previously been imported via gdalUtils)

terrainr 0.5.1

CRAN release: 2022-01-04

  • New features:
    • A new endpoint, ecosystems, has been added to get_tiles and hit_national_map_api.
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • merge_rasters gains an argument, overwrite, which allows you to specify whether or not to overwrite output_raster if it exists. Previous versions expected you to pass “-overwrite” to options. If a file exists at output_raster and overwrite is FALSE, merge_rasters will throw an error.
  • Dependency changes:
    • sf now has a minimum dependency of 1.0-5, to take advantage of an upstream bug fix (relating to merge_rasters overwrite)

terrainr 0.5.0.

CRAN release: 2021-08-05

  • New features:
    • A new function, make_manifest, now helps automate the import of terrain and imagery to Unity. It fully replaces raster_to_raw_tiles (see Deprecations below). Documentation updates are forthcoming.
  • Deprecations:
    • raster_to_raw_tiles is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release (no earlier than 2022). Use make_manifest instead.
    • The method get_tiles.list is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release (unexported in Fall 2021, removed no earlier than 2022). Convert your list to an sf object instead.
    • The bbox argument to hit_national_map_api is now documented as “An object from [sf::st_bbox].” This is a change from the earlier options of a length 2 list or terrainr_bounding_box object. Those methods are currently still supported, but undocumented; they will be removed in a future release (no earlier than 2022).
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • get_tiles no longer mangles data with projected coordinates (via a fix to the internal function split_bbox). If for some reason you want the old behavior back, set the new argument projected to FALSE while providing projected data.
    • The documentation for add_bbox_buffer and set_bbox_side_length now specifies that they should only be used with geographic coordinate systems. If you use these functions with projected data, they will warn; this may be upgraded to an error in future versions.
    • The README images are now of beautiful Hyampom, California, a somewhat more appealing vista than the original Mt Marcy scene.
    • The “Import to Unity” vignette has been rewritten to use make_manifest, as has the overview vignette and other documentation.
    • Typos in the message merge_rasters gives when using the fallback method have been fixed.
    • merge_rasters gains an argument force_fallback which, if TRUE, will use the older, slower method for merging tiles. This is not recommended, but is useful for testing.
  • Internal changes:
    • The slow removal of all terrainr_* custom classes marches on! These classes should no longer be present in any user-facing, non-deprecated code; the only functions still relying on custom classes are internal utilities and the split_bbox function responsible for tiling get_tiles requests.
    • split_bbox should now run faster, particularly for large tile sets, as some nested loops have been vectorized.
    • Improvements to test coverage and CI.

terrainr 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2021-05-30

  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • get_tiles now displays a bulleted list of endpoints (again?), rather than a jumble of raw markdown
    • add_bbox_buffer properly sets the CRS of the output when attempting to buffer geodesic coordinates.
    • Typo fixes to an error message in combine_overlays
  • Internal changes:
    • Added importFrom tag to terrainr-package.R to silence R CMD CHECK NOTE.

terrainr 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2021-04-23

  • Breaking changes:
    • Three changes in how vector_to_overlay deals with missing CRS in vector_data:
      • A new argument, error_crs, behaves just like error_crs in add_bbox: if NULL, the function will give a warning when assuming CRS; if FALSE, the function will assume a CRS silently, and if TRUE, the function will error if vector_data is missing a CRS.
      • target_crs has been removed. vector_data will be given the CRS of reference_raster if it doesn’t have its own CRS, and will always be projected to the CRS of reference_raster.
      • error_crs has been added to mirror add_bbox_buffer: if NULL and your input data has no CRS, vector_to_overlay will warn about assuming the raster CRS. Set to TRUE to error or FALSE to ignore the warning.
    • NAIP imagery is now downloaded with transparent = "false" to minimize the number of times the backup method to merge_rasters (see below) is called. To restore the old behavior, set transparent = "true" in either get_tiles or hit_national_map_api.
    • get_tiles will now infer bboxSR and imageSR from provided sf or Raster objects if not otherwise specified. To restore the old behavior, set bboxSR and imageSR to 4326 in get_tiles (or set your data’s CRS to 4326 before calling get_tiles).
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • merge_rasters can once again handle merging mixed-band rasters (such as NAIP images with and without alpha bands). At the moment this is using the older, slower implementation and will raise a warning. (#30, #32).
  • Internal changes:
    • Removed code to check for ggplot2 from vector_to_overlay now that ggplot2 is required
    • calc_haversine_distance (not exported) now assumes it’s been provided with degrees. coord_units has been removed as an argument.
    • get_tiles.terrainr_bounding_box has been removed; it should no longer be possible for users to have terrainr_bounding_box objects unless they were using non-exported functionality.

terrainr 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2021-02-23

  • First CRAN submission!
  • This is the smallest of patch releases, with almost no user-facing changes.
  • Internal changes:
    • Added rOpenSci reviewers to DESCRIPTION.
    • Changed USGS API link to new website.
    • Added rOpenSci badge to README.
    • Changed most PNG images to slightly smaller JPGs.
    • Edited URLs for new rOpenSci website.
    • Moved lifecycle badge href to new site.
    • Some small spelling issues have been fixed.
    • Added tags to non-exported point_to_distance and terrainr_bounding_box functions
    • Added single quotes around Unity in the DESCRIPTION

terrainr 0.3.0

  • Breaking changes:
    • terrainr_* classes have been effectively removed and are no longer exported. Functions which previously expected these objects now generally accept sf and Raster class objects instead. Functions which previously returned these objects now generally return sf objects instead (#24).
    • The list returned by get_tiles now uses the service names provided by the user, not the endpoint names. This means that get_tiles(..., services = "elevation") will now use the name elevation instead of 3DEPElevation, and remain standard across versions (#12).
    • get_bbox and get_coordinate_bbox have been removed. Functions that used to expect terrainr_bounding_box objects now accept objects of class sf or raster (#24).
    • add_bbox_buffer loses the divisible argument. For precise control over side length, use set_bbox_side_length (which should be more accurate, if slightly more conservative, than the divisible system ever was) (#17).
    • convert_distance has been removed (internally replaced by the units package) (#7).
    • merge_rasters loses the input_images and output_image function, as most downloaded files are now already georeferenced. To recreate this functionality, georeference image tiles directly via output <- georeference_overlay(img_tiles, ref_tiles, tempfile(fileext = ".tif")) and then provide output to merge_rasters.
    • A handful of utility functions are no longer exported:
      • calc_haversine_distance
      • point_from_distance
      • rad_to_deg
      • deg_to_rad
  • New features:
    • Two new functions, geom_spatial_rgb and stat_spatial_rgb, allow you to use RGB map tiles as backgrounds for further plotting.
    • calc_haversine_distance gains an argument coord_units allowing it to handle coordinates in radians as well as degrees.
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • georeference_overlay provides tempfile(fileext = ".tif") as a default output location if no output_file is provided.
    • get_tiles now tells you what tiles it’s retrieving, not retriving.
  • Internal changes:
    • calc_haversine_distance has been internally simplified somewhat to reduce code duplication.
    • All services arguments to hit_national_map_api and get_tiles can now handle both base64 and binary returns, removing the need to manually categorize endpoints (54ad9fb).
      • hit_national_map_api auto-detects whether API endpoints are returning base64 or binary and handles them appropriately
      • get_tiles now auto-detects whether hit_national_map_api is returning base64 or binary and writes to file appropriately.
    • hit_national_map_api is now more likely to fail with a human-friendly error message if API endpoints return a non-200 status (54ad9fb).
    • hit_national_map_api (and by extension get_tiles) now register a user agent.
  • Changes in dependencies:
    • gdalUtilities has been removed, with functionality replaced by sf.
    • rlang has been removed, with functionality removed.
    • units has been added.
    • ggplot2 has been moved to Imports (was previously in Suggests) due to the new geom_spatial_rgb and stat_spatial_rgb functions.

terrainr 0.2.1

  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • The transportation endpoint has moved servers, and is now handled by the same function that handles DEMs and orthoimages
  • Internal changes:
    • The main branch of terrainr is now main
    • Tests run on a schedule on Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings, to alert to endpoint changes
    • Restyled code

terrainr 0.2.0

  • Breaking changes:
    • merge_rasters loses the argument merge_raster. For the “georeference a single image” use case, see the new georeference_overlay function.
    • get_tiles gains an argument resolution (details below) between side_length and services. No functionality should be changed, but code with unnamed arguments to services, verbose, or georeference may be impacted.
  • New features:
    • A new family of functions for dealing with overlay creation:
      • vector_to_overlay lets users quickly produce image overlays from vector data.
      • georeference_overlay replaces the use of merge_raster for creating single-file georeferenced overlay files.
      • combine_overlays lets users, well, combine overlays into a single image
    • get_tiles gains an argument, resolution, specifying the number of meters each pixel should represent (so higher images result in smaller downloads).
    • get_bbox provides an S3 generic to create terrainr_bounding_box objects. In this version, that means users can use get_bbox to get bounding boxes from sf and RasterLayer objects, and it means adding methods will be easier going forward. The generic get_bbox method is equivalent to get_coord_bbox
    • raster_to_raw_tiles handles rectangles appropriately
  • Improvements and bug fixes:
    • get_tiles, raster_to_raw_tiles, and merge_rasters are now much more conscientious about deleting tempfiles when they’re done with them.
    • merge_rasters no longer fails when handed a mix of 3- and 4-band raster files. The current implementation will cast all 4 band rasters to 3 band images and then return a 3 band raster image.
    • The output_image argument to merge_rasters now has a default value of tempfile(fileext = ".tif") to be a little more friendly to users.
    • Arguments lat and lng to get_bbox (and get_coord_bbox) no longer need to be quoted – either the tidyverse-feeling NSE approach or the more standard quoted argument approach will work.
  • Internal changes:
    • All terrainr-provided functions now explicitly use the terrainr:: namespace.
  • Changes in dependencies:
    • sf has been added as an explicit import due to vector_to_overlay. sf is required by gdalUtilities, also imported by this package, so this change should have no impact on users.
    • rlang is added as a dependency to allow lat and lng be unquoted in get_bbox.
    • ggplot2 has been added to Suggests due to vector_to_overlay.
    • jpeg and tiff have been added to Suggests due to georeference_overlay. I’d expect more image libraries to join this list over time.

terrainr 0.1.0

  • New features:
    • set_bbox_side_length wraps add_bbox_buffer to set each side of the bounding box to an equal length (within ~1% accuracy)
  • First version released on GitHub


  • First development version
  • Supports retrieval from 3DEP and NAIP data sources
  • Supports export to Unity-friendly format
  • Functions in this version:
    • Utility functions:
      • add_bbox_buffer
      • calc_haversine_distance
      • convert_distance
      • deg_to_rad
      • get_bbox_centroid
      • get_coord_bbox
      • point_from_distance
      • rad_to_deg
    • Data retrieval functions:
      • get_tiles
      • hit_national_map_api
    • Data processing functions:
      • merge_rasters
      • raster_to_raw_tiles
    • Classes and class utility functions:
      • terrainr_bounding_box (class)
      • terrainr_coordinate_pair (class)
      • terrainr_bounding_box (creation utility)
      • terrainr_coordinate_pair (creation utility)
      • export_bounding_box
      • export_coord_pair