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Summarizing treedata.table objects


# S3 method for class 'treedata.table'
summary(object, ...)



an object of class "treedata.table"


additional arguments passed to "head.treedata.table"


Function tries to be smart about summarizing the data and detecting continuous vs. discrete data, as well as whether any data have missing data. Also returns the taxa that are dropped from either the original tree or the original data.


td <- as.treedata.table(anolis$phy, anolis$dat)
#> Tip labels detected in column: X
#> Phylo object detected 
#> All tips from original tree/dataset were preserved
#> A treedata.table object
#> The dataset contains 11 traits
#> Continuous traits: tip.label, SVL, PCI_limbs, PCII_head, PCIII_padwidth_vs_tail, PCIV_lamella_num, awesomeness, hostility, attitude
#> Discrete traits: ecomorph, island
#> The following traits have missing values: 0
#> Taxa dropped from the tree:  0
#> Taxa dropped from the data:  0
#> $phy 
#> Phylogenetic tree with 100 tips and 99 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>   ahli, allogus, rubribarbus, imias, sagrei, bremeri, ...
#> Rooted; includes branch length(s).
#> $dat 
#>      tip.label      SVL PCI_limbs PCII_head PCIII_padwidth_vs_tail
#>         <char>    <num>     <num>     <num>                  <num>
#> 1:        ahli 4.039125 -3.248286 0.3722519             -1.0422187
#> 2:     allogus 4.040138 -2.845570 0.6001134             -1.0253056
#> 3: rubribarbus 4.078469 -2.238349 1.1199779             -1.1929572
#> 4:       imias 4.099687 -3.048917 2.3320349              0.1616442
#> 5:      sagrei 4.067162 -1.741055 2.0228243              0.1693635
#> 6:     bremeri 4.113371 -1.813611 2.6067501              0.6399320
#>    PCIV_lamella_num awesomeness  hostility   attitude ecomorph island
#>               <num>       <num>      <num>      <num>   <char> <char>
#> 1:        -2.414742  -0.2416517 -0.1734769  0.6443771       TG   Cuba
#> 2:        -2.463311   0.6244689 -0.5000962  0.7128910       TG   Cuba
#> 3:        -2.087433  -0.4277574  0.4800445 -0.9674263       TG   Cuba
#> 4:        -2.112606   0.1694260 -0.4108123  0.1963580       TG   Cuba
#> 5:        -1.375769  -0.6304338  0.7193130 -1.2228276       TG   Cuba
#> 6:        -1.626299  -1.7543006  1.4127184  0.1832345       TG   Cuba