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Virtuoso Server configuration is determined by a virtuoso.ini file when server starts. This file includes both system-specific information from your install (location of server files, addons, etc) and user-configurable parameters. This helper function provides a way to create and modify an appropriate virtuoso.ini file.


  dirs_allowed = getwd(),
  gigs_ram = 2,
  template = find_virtuoso_ini(),
  db_dir = vos_db()



Paths (relative or absolute) to directories from which Virtuoso should have read and write access (e.g. for bulk uploading). Should be specified as a single comma-separated string.


Indicate approximately the maximum GB of memory Virtuoso can have access to. (Used to set NumberOfBuffers & MaxDirtyBuffers in config.)


Location of an existing virtuoso.ini file which will be used as a template. By default, vos_configure() will attempt to locate the appropriate template for your system.


location where virtuoso.ini file should be written. Other Virtuoso database log files will also be written here.


Writes the requested virtuoso.ini file to the db_dir specified and returns the path to this file.


# \donttest{
# can take > 5s to test
## configure with typical defaults:
#> Warning: Exiting, virtuoso template not found... is virtuoso installed?
## Increase or decrease RAM available to virtuoso:
vos_configure(gigs_ram = 1)
#> Warning: Exiting, virtuoso template not found... is virtuoso installed?
# }