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# needed write_nquads().  Install using: install_github("cboettig/rdftools")

Install virtuoso if not already present:

#> Virtuoso is already installed.

Tabular Data

We start up our Virtuoso server, wait for it to come up, and then connect:

#> Virtuoso is already running with pid: 3647
con <- vos_connect()

We can represent any data as RDF with a little care. For instance, consider the nycflights13 data. First, we must represent any primary or foreign keys in any table as URIs, indicated by a prefix, and not by bare strings:

uri_flights <- flights %>% 
  mutate(tailnum = paste0("planes:", tailnum),
         carrier = paste0("airlines:", carrier))

We write the data.frames out as nquads. Recall that each cell of a data.frame can be represented as a triple, in which the column is the predicate, the primary key (or row number) the subject, and the cell value the object. We turn column names and primary keys into URIs using a prefix based on the table name.

write_nquads(airlines,  "airlines.nq", key = "carrier", prefix = "airlines:")
write_nquads(planes,  "planes.nq", key = "tailnum", prefix = "planes:")
write_nquads(uri_flights,  "flights.nq", prefix = "flights:")

We’re ready to import all these triples. This may take a few minutes:

  vos_import(con, c("flights.nq", "planes.nq", "airlines.nq"))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.024   0.037 163.698

The data from all three tables is now reduced into a single triplestore graph, one triple for each data point. Rather than joining tables, we can write SPARQL query that names the columns we want.

query <- 
'SELECT  ?carrier ?name ?manufacturer ?model ?dep_delay
?flight <flights:tailnum>  ?tailnum .
?flight <flights:carrier>  ?carrier .
?flight <flights:dep_delay>  ?dep_delay .
?tailnum <planes:manufacturer> ?manufacturer .
?tailnum <planes:model> ?model .
?carrier <airlines:name> ?name

df <- vos_query(con, query)
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   1.174   0.037   4.393

#>       carrier                     name manufacturer     model dep_delay
#> 1 airlines:EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.      EMBRAER EMB-145XR        -6
#> 2 airlines:EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.      EMBRAER EMB-145XR        14
#> 3 airlines:EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.      EMBRAER EMB-145XR         2
#> 4 airlines:EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.      EMBRAER EMB-145XR        -7
#> 5 airlines:EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.      EMBRAER EMB-145XR       -10
#> 6 airlines:EV ExpressJet Airlines Inc.      EMBRAER EMB-145XR        -7

List Data

Transform JSON (or list data) into triples. In this case, we have a large JSON blob (or R list) containing metadata on all rOpenSci packages:

download.file("", "raw_cm.json")
nq <- jsonld::jsonld_to_rdf("raw_cm.json") # drops implicit URIs if not base URIs
writeLines(nq, gzfile("ro.nq.gz"))

And bulk-import

vos_import(con, "ro.nq.gz")

Find all packages where “Carl Boettiger” is an “author”, and return: package name, license, and co-author surnames:

query <-
"PREFIX schema: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?coauthor  ?license ?package 
 ?s schema:name ?package ;
    schema:author ?author ;
    schema:license ?license ;
    schema:author ?coauth .
 ?author schema:givenName 'Carl' .
 ?author schema:familyName 'Boettiger' .
 ?coauth schema:familyName ?coauthor

vos_query(con, query) %>% distinct() %>%
mutate(license = basename(license), package = basename(package)) # Tidy up URIs into names
#>       coauthor      license                                                                package
#> 1    Boettiger          MIT                               emld: Ecological Metadata as Linked Data
#> 2    Boettiger          MIT      ramlegacy: Download and Read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database
#> 3        Gupta          MIT      ramlegacy: Download and Read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database
#> 4         Lapp BSD-3-Clause                                               O for the 'NeXML' Format
#> 5          Vos BSD-3-Clause                                               O for the 'NeXML' Format
#> 6    Boettiger BSD-3-Clause                                               O for the 'NeXML' Format
#> 7  Chamberlain BSD-3-Clause                                               O for the 'NeXML' Format
#> 8   Shumelchyk BSD-3-Clause                                               O for the 'NeXML' Format
#> 9    Boettiger          MIT                arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
#> 10   Boettiger      GPL-3.0                 codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages
#> 11      Salmon      GPL-3.0                 codemetar: Generate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages
#> 12   Boettiger          MIT                 EML: Read and Write Ecological Metadata Language Files
#> 13       Jones          MIT                 EML: Read and Write Ecological Metadata Language Files
#> 14   Boettiger      GPL-3.0                 piggyback: Managing Larger Data on a GitHub Repository
#> 15   Boettiger          MIT                    rdflib: Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data
#> 16   Boettiger          MIT                                  rdryad: Access for Dryad Web Services
#> 17 Chamberlain          MIT                                  rdryad: Access for Dryad Web Services
#> 18         Ram          MIT                                  rdryad: Access for Dryad Web Services
#> 19   Boettiger      CC0-1.0                                rfigshare: An R Interface to 'figshare'
#> 20 Chamberlain      CC0-1.0                                rfigshare: An R Interface to 'figshare'
#> 21        Hart      CC0-1.0                                rfigshare: An R Interface to 'figshare'
#> 22         Ram      CC0-1.0                                rfigshare: An R Interface to 'figshare'
#> 23   Boettiger      CC0-1.0                                   rfishbase: R Interface to 'FishBase'
#> 24 Chamberlain      CC0-1.0                                   rfishbase: R Interface to 'FishBase'
#> 25 Temple Lang      CC0-1.0                                   rfishbase: R Interface to 'FishBase'
#> 26  Wainwright      CC0-1.0                                   rfishbase: R Interface to 'FishBase'
#> 27   Boettiger          MIT                         virtuoso: Interface to 'Virtuoso' using 'ODBC'
#> 28   Boettiger          MIT           datasauce: Create and manipulate Dataset metadata
#> 29 Chamberlain          MIT           datasauce: Create and manipulate Dataset metadata
#> 30 Chamberlain          MIT                        rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'
#> 31         Zhu          MIT                        rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'
#> 32        Jahn          MIT                        rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'
#> 33   Boettiger          MIT                        rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'
#> 34         Ram          MIT                        rcrossref: Client for Various 'CrossRef' 'APIs'
#> 35         Ram          MIT      rfisheries: Programmatic Interface to the '' API
#> 36   Boettiger          MIT      rfisheries: Programmatic Interface to the '' API
#> 37        Dyck          MIT      rfisheries: Programmatic Interface to the '' API
#> 38   Boettiger      CC0-1.0          rgpdd: R Interface to the Global Population Dynamics Database
#> 39       Harte      CC0-1.0          rgpdd: R Interface to the Global Population Dynamics Database
#> 40 Chamberlain      CC0-1.0          rgpdd: R Interface to the Global Population Dynamics Database
#> 41         Ram      CC0-1.0          rgpdd: R Interface to the Global Population Dynamics Database
#> 42 Chamberlain          MIT                 rplos: Interface to the Search API for 'PLoS' Journals
#> 43   Boettiger          MIT                 rplos: Interface to the Search API for 'PLoS' Journals
#> 44         Ram          MIT                 rplos: Interface to the Search API for 'PLoS' Journals
#> 45 Chamberlain          MIT                      taxview: Tools for Vizualizing Data Taxonomically
#> 46   Boettiger          MIT                      taxview: Tools for Vizualizing Data Taxonomically
#> 47   Boettiger      CC0-1.0 treebase: Discovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies
#> 48 Temple Lang      CC0-1.0 treebase: Discovery, Access and Manipulation of 'TreeBASE' Phylogenies