waywiser 0.6.0
CRAN release: 2024-06-27
Metric functions now return
in all cases where they previously returnedNaN
. This improves cross-platform consistency; in particular, MacOS often returnedNA
when every other platform would returnNaN
. (#63)-
now handles classification and class probability metrics better when called with raster arguments (either todata
or totruth
):- When called with classification metrics,
will now converttruth
to factors before passing them to the metric set. Thanks to @nowosad for the report in #60 (#61). - When called with class probability metrics,
will converttruth
to a factor and will passestimate
as an unnamed argument. (#62) - When called with a mix of class and probability metrics,
will error. (#62)
- When called with classification metrics,
waywiser 0.5.1
CRAN release: 2023-10-31
now warns if you providecrs
as an argument tosf::st_make_grid()
. Grids created by this function will always take their CRS fromdata
now throws an error if you pass arguments via...
while also providing a list of grids (because those arguments would be ignored).ww_multi_scale()
is now faster whendata
is an sf object, particularly when grids are created by passing arguments tosf::st_make_grid()
(rather than passing grids viagrids
waywiser 0.5.0
CRAN release: 2023-10-16
did not correctly handle grid cellsizes with units. Units (set using theunits
package) are now respected.ww_multi_scale()
using sf data always returned “1” for truth and estimate counts. This was because counts were calculated post-aggregation by mistake. Calculation order has been fixed, and these counts should now be correct.
waywiser 0.4.2
CRAN release: 2023-07-20
- This is a patch release to keep up with additional breaking changes in the vip package. There are no user-facing differences in this version.
waywiser 0.4.1
CRAN release: 2023-07-03
- This is a patch release to keep up with breaking changes in the vip package. There are no user-facing differences in this version.
waywiser 0.4.0
CRAN release: 2023-05-17
Breaking Changes
(and by extent, every spatial dependence metric) will no longer calculate neighbors for non-point or non-polygon geometries.Functions dealing with local Moran’s I and related p-values (both data frame and vector variants) now return unnamed vectors.
New Features
Added a new method to support passing a
, withtruth
being indices used to subsetdata
. This is a bit faster than passingSpatRaster
objects totruth
, as extraction is only done once per grid rather than twice, but does not easily support passing R functions toaggregation_function
.Metric functions now have better error messages including the name of the function the user called that errored, not the internal function that errored. Huge thanks to @EmilHvitfeldt for their PR (#40).
Data frame metric functions now guarantee that
will be an unnamed vector.
Bug Fixes
method forww_multi_scale()
is now much faster (and more memory efficient).Fixed the warning when
calculates an AOA threshold of 0. It now includes “Did you accidentally pass the same data as testing and training?” as a bullet.
waywiser 0.3.0
CRAN release: 2023-03-19
Breaking Changes
Removed combination functions –
. Usemetric_set()
to combine functions instead.Renamed
and variants toww_local_getis_ord_g_pvalue_vec()
; this change allows internal functions to work properly, and makes it easier for the output to indicate if the p-value is associated with a g or g* value.Yardstick metrics will no longer include geometry columns in their returns.
argument toww_area_of_applicability()
has been replaced byna_rm
, with a default value ofFALSE
is nowTRUE
by default for non-spatial-autocorrelation functions. NA values will cause spatial-autocorrelation functions to fail with an error.
New Features
Added functions (primarily
) and a vignette for multi-scale assessment of model predictions.Added functions to calculate metrics from Ji and Gallo (2006) and Willmott (1981, 1982, 2012):
. Note thatww_willmott_dr()
uses the version from Willmott (2012); other implementations (sometimes called “d1r”) seem to use an unbounded variant that I haven’t found a reference to support.Changed a call in
to use FNN for nearest neighbors, rather than fields. This sped up prediction by a lot.
waywiser 0.2.0
CRAN release: 2022-10-23
- Added functions for calculating the area of applicability of a model.
waywiser 0.1.0
CRAN release: 2022-08-10
Added functions for automatically constructing
objectsAdded functions for global and local Geary’s C values.
Added functions for local Getis-Ord G and G* values.
Added functions for global and local Moran’s I values.
Added a
file to track changes to the package.