Adapters for Modifying HTTP Requests
, R/adapter-httr.R
, R/adapter-httr2.R
, and 1 more
is the base parent class used to implement
webmockr support for different HTTP clients. It should not be used
directly. Instead, use one of the client-specific adapters that webmockr
currently provides:
for crulHttrAdapter
for httrHttr2Adapter
for httr2
Note that the documented fields and methods are the same across all client-specific adapters.
Method enable()
Enable the adapter
Method disable()
Disable the adapter
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (requireNamespace("httr", quietly = TRUE)) {
# library(httr)
# normal httr request, works fine
# real <- GET("https://httpbin.org/get")
# real
# with webmockr
# library(webmockr)
## turn on httr mocking
# httr_mock()
## now this request isn't allowed
# GET("https://httpbin.org/get")
## stub the request
# stub_request('get', uri = 'https://httpbin.org/get') %>%
# wi_th(
# headers = list(
# 'Accept' = 'application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*'
# )
# ) %>%
# to_return(status = 418, body = "I'm a teapot!", headers = list(a = 5))
## now the request succeeds and returns a mocked response
# (res <- GET("https://httpbin.org/get"))
# res$status_code
# rawToChar(res$content)
# allow real requests while webmockr is loaded
# webmockr_allow_net_connect()
# webmockr_net_connect_allowed()
# GET("https://httpbin.org/get?animal=chicken")
# webmockr_disable_net_connect()
# webmockr_net_connect_allowed()
# GET("https://httpbin.org/get?animal=chicken")
# httr_mock(FALSE)
} # }