Set query params, request body, request headers and/or basic_auth
wi_th(.data, ..., .list = list())
- .data
input. Anything that can be coerced to a
class object- ...
Comma separated list of named variables. accepts the following:
. See Details.- .list
named list, has to be one of
. An alternative to passing in via...
. Don't pass the same thing to both, e.g. don't pass 'query' to...
, and also 'query' to this parameter
is a function in the base
package, so we went with
Values for query, body, headers, and basic_auth:
query: (list) a named list. values are coerced to character class in the recorded stub. You can pass numeric, integer, etc., but all will be coerced to character.
body: various, including character string, list, raw, numeric, upload (
, orcurl::form_data()
they both create the same object in the end). for the special case of an empty request body useNA
instead ofNULL
because withNULL
we can't determine if the user did not supply a body or they suppliedNULL
to indicate an empty body.headers: (list) a named list
basic_auth: (character) a length two vector, username and password. We don't do any checking of the username/password except to detect edge cases where for example, the username/password were probably not set by the user on purpose (e.g., a URL is picked up by an environment variable). Only basic authentication supported
Note that there is no regex matching on query, body, or headers. They are tested for matches in the following ways:
query: compare stubs and requests with
. this compares named lists, so both list names and values are comparedbody: varies depending on the body format (list vs. character, etc.)
headers: compare stub and request values with
. list names are compared with%in%
is included in headers (with the name Authorization)
see more examples in stub_request()
# first, make a stub object
req <- stub_request("post", "")
# add body
# list
wi_th(req, body = list(foo = "bar"))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: list): foo=bar
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# string
wi_th(req, body = '{"foo": "bar"}')
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: character): {"foo": "bar"}
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# raw
wi_th(req, body = charToRaw('{"foo": "bar"}'))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: raw): raw bytes, length: 14
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# numeric
wi_th(req, body = 5)
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: numeric): 5
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# an upload
wi_th(req, body = crul::upload(system.file("CITATION")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: form_file): crul::upload("/usr/lib/R/library/base/CITATION", type="text/plain")
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# wi_th(req, body = httr::upload_file(system.file("CITATION")))
# add query - has to be a named list
wi_th(req, query = list(foo = "bar"))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query: foo=bar
#> body:
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# add headers - has to be a named list
wi_th(req, headers = list(foo = "bar"))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body:
#> request_headers: foo=bar
#> auth:
#> to_return:
wi_th(req, headers = list(`User-Agent` = "webmockr/v1", hello = "world"))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body:
#> request_headers: User-Agent=webmockr/v1, hello=world
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# .list - pass in a named list instead
wi_th(req, .list = list(body = list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: list): foo=bar
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# basic authentication
wi_th(req, basic_auth = c("user", "pass"))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body:
#> request_headers:
#> auth: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz
#> to_return:
wi_th(req, basic_auth = c("user", "pass"), headers = list(foo = "bar"))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body:
#> request_headers: foo=bar
#> auth: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz
#> to_return:
# partial matching, query params
## including
wi_th(req, query = including(list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query: including(foo=bar)
#> body:
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
## excluding
wi_th(req, query = excluding(list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query: excluding(foo=bar)
#> body:
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# partial matching, body
## including
wi_th(req, body = including(list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: partial): including(foo=bar)
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
## excluding
wi_th(req, body = excluding(list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: partial): excluding(foo=bar)
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
# basic auth
## including
wi_th(req, body = including(list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: partial): including(foo=bar)
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return:
## excluding
wi_th(req, body = excluding(list(foo = "bar")))
#> <webmockr stub>
#> method: post
#> uri:
#> with:
#> query:
#> body (class: partial): excluding(foo=bar)
#> request_headers:
#> auth:
#> to_return: