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DoOR.functions v2.0.1

  • added unit testing

DoOR.functions v2.0.1

  • converted function names from camelCase to snake_case
  • inform about new function names upon package loading
  • added warning message that data is loaded into current workspace and forced user feedback (#17)

DoOR.functions v2.0.0

  • A comprehensive update to data and functions of the DoOR project. Please see the publication for details:
  • rewrote many of DoOR’s core functions to improve speed and readability
  • updated all documentation
  • introduced InChIKeys as main chemical identifier
  • added several new functions for analysis and plotting
  • added vignettes


  • updateDatabase() calculates with wrong permutation (#2)
  • calModel\(\) fails for studies containing only 0s (#1)

DoOR.functions v1.0.2

  • several bugfixes

DoOR.functions v1.0

  • initial release as published in: Integrating heterogeneous odor response data into a common response model: A DoOR to the complete olfactome. ChemSenses 35, 551–63.