Load and crop tile from the 1 (~30 meter) or 1/3 (~10 meter) arc-second National Elevation Dataset.
returns aSpatRaster
cropped within the specified template
If template is not provided, returns the entire NED tile.
- template
Simple Feature
object to serve as a template for cropping. If missing, entire tile is returned.- res
A character string representing the desired resolution of the NED. '1' indicates the 1 arc-second NED (the default), while '13' indicates the 1/3 arc-second dataset.
- tileNorthing
An integer representing the northing (latitude, in degrees north of the equator) of the northwest corner of the tile to be downloaded.
- tileWesting
An integer representing the westing (longitude, in degrees west of the prime meridian) of the northwest corner of the tile to be downloaded.