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GLMMcosinor (development version)

  • Perform the glmmTMB’s .onLoad() when GLMMcosinor is loaded by including an @importFrom glmmTMB in pkg documentation.

  • Plot labels now correspond to the name of the group(s), and they are more concise.

  • Component labels have been removed from polar_plot() when there is only one component in the model.

GLMMcosinor 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-11

  • Successful peer review from rOpenSci!

  • Create a sigma() function which gets the dispersion parameter from a given cglmm model (by calling glmmTMB::sigma()).

  • Improve introduction to cosinor modelling in the getting-started vignette.

  • Fix small typos in vignettes/docs and make plot legend title consistent across autoplot() and polar_plot().

  • Rename functions to be snake_case and all S3 class names to camelCase.

GLMMcosinor 0.1.0

  • First development version of GLMMcosinor for submission to rOpenSci.

  • Includes functions for fitting a cosinor model, similarly to the {cosinor} R package but using the glmmTMB modelling framework to allow more flexibility in terms of fitting generalised linear mixed cosinor models.