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Generates a polar plot with elliptical confidence intervals


# S3 method for class 'cglmm'
  ci_level = 0.95,
  n_breaks = 5,
  component_index = NULL,
  grid_angle_segments = 8,
  radial_units = c("radians", "degrees", "period"),
  clockwise = FALSE,
  text_size = 3.5,
  text_opacity = 1,
  ellipse_opacity = 0.3,
  circle_linetype = "dotted",
  start = c("right", "left", "top", "bottom"),
  view = c("full", "zoom", "zoom_origin"),
  overlay_parameter_info = FALSE,
  quietly = TRUE,
  show_component_labels = TRUE,



An object of class cglmm


The level for calculated confidence ellipses. Defaults to 0.95.


The number of concentric circles that will be plotted using the scales::breaks_pretty() function. By default, 5 breaks will be used. The number of breaks may be adjusted to result in an even interval. For example, if n_breaks is 3, but the maximum plot radius is 8, instead of plotting circles in intervals in 1.6, this interval will be rounded to 2 to result in the sequence: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. See ?scales::breaks_pretty for more details.


A number that corresponds to a particular component from the cglmm() object that will be used to create polar plot. If missing (default), then plots for all components will be arranged in the returned plot. If a single or multiple values are provided, then these components will be returned. (for example component_index = 1, component_index = c(1, 3)).


An integer. Determines the total number of segments in the background of the polar plot. For example, a value of 4 will create quadrants around the origin. Defaults to 8.


A character specifying the angular units of the plot. Possible values are one of c('radians', 'degrees', 'period'). These units relate to the period of the component being visualised.

'radians': \([0, 2\pi]\)
'degrees': \([0, 360]\)
'period': \([0, period]\)

A logical. If TRUE, the angles increase in a clockwise fashion. If FALSE, anti-clockwise. Defaults to FALSE.


A number controlling the font size of the text labels. Defaults to 3.


A numeric between 0 and 1 inclusive that controls the opacity of the text labels.


A character vector containing colours that will be mapped to levels within a group. If the model has components with different number of levels per factor, the length of this input should match the greatest number of levels. If not, or if the number of levels exceeds the length of the default argument (8), colours are generated using rainbow().


A numeric between 0 and 1 inclusive that controls the opacity of the confidence ellipses. Defaults to 0.3.


A character or numeric that determines the linetype of the radial circles in background of the polar plot. See ?linetype for more details.


A character, within c("right", "left", "top", "bottom") that determines where angle 0 is located. If start = "top", and clockwise = TRUE, the angle will rotate clockwise, starting at the '12 o-clock' position on a clock.


A character, within c("full", "zoom", "zoom_origin") that controls the view of the plots.

'full': maintains a full view of the polar plot, including the background radial circles.
'zoom': finds the minimum view window which contains all confidence ellipses.
'zoom_origin': zooms into the confidence ellipses (like "zoom"), but also keeps the origin within frame.

A logical argument. If TRUE, more information about the acrophase and amplitude are displayed on the polar plots.


Analogous to verbose, this logical argument controls whether messages are displayed in the console.


Logical argument, TRUE by default. When TRUE, the polar plots have labels corresponding to their components.


A vector of length two containing the limits for the x-axis.


A vector of length two containing the limits for the y-axis.


Additional, ignored arguments.


Returns a ggplot object.


model <- cglmm(
  vit_d ~ X + amp_acro(time, group = "X", period = 12),
  data = vitamind
polar_plot(model, radial_units = "period")