Validation of Poisson kernel-based clustering results
Method for objects of class pkbc
which computes evaluation measures
for clustering results.
The following evaluation measures are computed:
In-Group Proportion (Kapp and Tibshirani (2007)). If true label are
provided, ARI, Average Silhouette Width (Rousseeuw (1987)), Macro-Precision
and Macro-Recall are computed.
List with the following components:
Table of computed evaluation measures for each value of number of clusters in thepkbc
object. The number of cluster is indicated as column name.IGP
List of in-group proportions for each value of number of clusters specified.
The IGP is a statistical measure that quantifies the proportion of observations within a group that belong to the same predefined category or class. It is often used to assess the homogeneity of a group by evaluating how many of its members share the same label. A higher IGP indicates that the group is more cohesive, while a lower proportion suggests greater diversity or misclassification within the group (Kapp and Tibshirani 2007).
The Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) is a statistical measure used in data clustering analysis. It quantifies the similarity between two partitions of a dataset by comparing the assignments of data points to clusters. The ARI value ranges from 0 to 1, where a value of 1 indicates a perfect match between the partitions and a value close to 0 indicates a random assignment of data points to clusters.
The average silhouette width quantifies the quality of clustering by measuring how well each object fits within its assigned cluster. It is the mean of silhouette values, which compare the tightness of an object within its cluster to its separation from other clusters. Higher values indicate well-separated, cohesive clusters, making it useful for selecting the appropriate number of clusters (Rousseeuw 1987).
Macro Precision is a metric used in multi-class classification that calculates the precision for each class independently and then takes the average of these values. Precision for a class is defined as the proportion of true positive predictions out of all predictions made for that class.
Macro Recall is similar to Macro Precision but focuses on recall. Recall for a class is the proportion of true positive predictions out of all actual instances of that class. Macro Recall is the average of the recall values computed for each class.
Note that Macro Precision and Macro Recall depend on the assigned labels, while the ARI measures the similarity between partition up to label switching.
If the required packages (mclust
for ARI, clusterRepro
for IGP, and
for ASW) are not installed, the function will display a message
asking the user to install the missing package(s).
Kapp, A.V. and Tibshirani, R. (2007) "Are clusters found in one dataset present in another dataset?", Biostatistics, 8(1), 9–31, https://doi.org/10.1093/biostatistics/kxj029
Rousseeuw, P.J. (1987) Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 20, 53–65.
#We generate three samples of 100 observations from 3-dimensional
#Poisson kernel-based densities with rho=0.8 and different mean directions
size <- 20
groups <- c(rep(1, size), rep(2, size), rep(3, size))
rho <- 0.8
data1 <- rpkb(size, c(1,0,0), rho, method = 'rejvmf')
data2 <- rpkb(size, c(0,1,0), rho, method = 'rejvmf')
data3 <- rpkb(size, c(1,0,0), rho, method = 'rejvmf')
data <- rbind(data1, data2, data3)
#Perform the clustering algorithm
pkbc_res <- pkbc(data, 3)
#> $metrics
#> 3
#> ASW 0.03602451
#> $IGP
#> $IGP[[1]]
#> $IGP[[2]]
#> $IGP[[3]]
#> [1] 0.952381 1.000000 1.000000