Format EBD data for occupancy modeling with unmarked
Source: R/format-unmarked-occu.R
Prepare a data frame of species observations for ingestion into the package
for hierarchical modeling of abundance and occurrence. The
function unmarked::formatWide()
takes a data frame and converts it to one
of several unmarked
objects, which can then be used for modeling. This
function converts data from a format in which each row is an observation
(e.g. as in the eBird Basic Dataset) to the esoteric format required by
in which each row is a site.
site_id = "site",
response = "species_observed",
- x
; observation data, e.g. from the eBird Basic Dataset (EBD), for a single species, that has been filtered to those with repeat visits byfilter_repeat_visits()
.- site_id
character; a unique idenitifer for each "site", typically identifying observations from a unique location by the same observer within a period of temporal closure. Data output from
will have a.site_id
variable that meets these requirements.- response
character; the variable that will act as the response in modeling efforts, typically a binary variable indicating presence or absence or a count of individuals seen.
- site_covs
character; the variables that will act as site-level covariates, i.e. covariates that vary at the site level, for example, latitude/longitude or habitat predictors. If this parameter is missing, it will be assumed that any variable that is not an observation-level covariate (
) or thesite_id
, is a site-level covariate.- obs_covs
character; the variables that will act as observation-level covariates, i.e. covariates that vary within sites, at the level of observations, for example, time or length of observation.
A data frame that can be processed by unmarked::formatWide()
Each row will correspond to a unqiue site and, assuming there are a maximum
of N
observations per site, columns will be as follows:
The unique site identifier, named "site".
response columns, one for each observation, named "y.1", ..., "y.N".Columns for each of the site-level covariates.
Groups of
columns of observation-level covariates, one column per covariate per observation, names "covariate_name.1", ..., "covariate_name.N".
Hierarchical modeling requires repeat observations at each "site" to
estimate detectability. A "site" is typically defined as a geographic
location visited by the same observer within a period of temporal closure.
To define these sites and filter out observations that do not correspond to
repeat visits, users should use filter_repeat_visits()
, then pass the
output to this function.
is designed to prepare data to be converted into
an unmarkedFrameOccu
object for occupancy modeling with
; however, it can also be used to prepare data for
conversion to an unmarkedFramePCount
object for abundance modeling with
See also
Other modeling:
# read and zero-fill the ebd data
f_ebd <- system.file("extdata/zerofill-ex_ebd.txt", package = "auk")
f_smpl <- system.file("extdata/zerofill-ex_sampling.txt", package = "auk")
# data must be for a single species
ebd_zf <- auk_zerofill(x = f_ebd, sampling_events = f_smpl,
species = "Collared Kingfisher",
collapse = TRUE)
occ <- filter_repeat_visits(ebd_zf, n_days = 30)
# format for unmarked
# typically one would join in habitat covariates prior to this step
occ_wide <- format_unmarked_occu(occ,
response = "species_observed",
site_covs = c("latitude", "longitude"),
obs_covs = c("effort_distance_km",
# create an unmarked object
if (requireNamespace("unmarked", quietly = TRUE)) {
occ_um <- unmarked::formatWide(occ_wide, type = "unmarkedFrameOccu")
#> unmarkedFrame Object
#> 66 sites
#> Maximum number of observations per site: 10
#> Mean number of observations per site: 3.8
#> Sites with at least one detection: 37
#> Tabulation of y observations:
#> 173 78 409
#> Site-level covariates:
#> latitude longitude
#> Min. :1.206 Min. :103.7
#> 1st Qu.:1.303 1st Qu.:103.7
#> Median :1.337 Median :103.8
#> Mean :1.334 Mean :103.8
#> 3rd Qu.:1.354 3rd Qu.:103.9
#> Max. :1.446 Max. :104.0
#> Observation-level covariates:
#> effort_distance_km duration_minutes
#> Min. : 0.100 Min. : 1.00
#> 1st Qu.: 0.200 1st Qu.: 15.00
#> Median : 1.000 Median : 30.00
#> Mean : 1.434 Mean : 62.97
#> 3rd Qu.: 2.000 3rd Qu.: 75.00
#> Max. :10.000 Max. :480.00
#> NA's :584 NA's :584
# this function can also be used for abundance modeling
abd <- ebd_zf %>%
# convert count to integer, drop records with no count
dplyr::mutate(observation_count = as.integer(observation_count)) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(observation_count)) %>%
# filter to repeated visits
filter_repeat_visits(n_days = 30)
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `dplyr::mutate()`.
#> ℹ In argument: `observation_count = as.integer(observation_count)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! NAs introduced by coercion
# prepare for conversion to unmarkedFramePCount object
abd_wide <- format_unmarked_occu(abd,
response = "observation_count",
site_covs = c("latitude", "longitude"),
obs_covs = c("effort_distance_km",
# create an unmarked object
if (requireNamespace("unmarked", quietly = TRUE)) {
abd_um <- unmarked::formatWide(abd_wide, type = "unmarkedFrameOccu")
#> unmarkedFrame Object
#> 65 sites
#> Maximum number of observations per site: 10
#> Mean number of observations per site: 3.83
#> Sites with at least one detection: 36
#> Tabulation of y observations:
#> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 <NA>
#> 174 33 18 7 5 6 2 1 1 2 401
#> Site-level covariates:
#> latitude longitude
#> Min. :1.206 Min. :103.7
#> 1st Qu.:1.302 1st Qu.:103.7
#> Median :1.337 Median :103.8
#> Mean :1.333 Mean :103.8
#> 3rd Qu.:1.352 3rd Qu.:103.9
#> Max. :1.446 Max. :104.0
#> Observation-level covariates:
#> effort_distance_km duration_minutes
#> Min. : 0.100 Min. : 1.00
#> 1st Qu.: 0.200 1st Qu.: 15.00
#> Median : 1.000 Median : 30.00
#> Mean : 1.475 Mean : 64.75
#> 3rd Qu.: 2.000 3rd Qu.: 75.00
#> Max. :10.000 Max. :480.00
#> NA's :573 NA's :573