Simulate individual measurements for many populations
For a community (i.e. a collection of populations of different species, or of the same species at different points in time or locations, etc), simulate individual-level size and metabolic rate measurements.
a dataframe one row per individual, all columns from
, and additional columns for species attributes.
: the AOU, if providedsim_species_id
: thesim_species_id
if providedgenus
: the genus associated with the AOU if provided, or the genus if providedspecies
: the species associated with the AOU if provided, or the species if providedindividual_mass
: the simulated body mass (in grams) for this individualindividual_bmr
: the simulated basal metabolic rate for this individualmean_size
: the mean body mass for this species (i.e. the parameter used for simulation)sd_size
: the standard deviation of body mass for this species (i.e. the parameter used for simulation)abundance
: the number of individuals simulated of this species (i.e. parameter used for simulation)sd_method
: the method for finding the standard deviation for body mass for this speciesscientific_name
: the scientific name
demo_community <- community_generate(demo_route_clean)
#> record_id routedataid countrynum statenum route rpid year count10 count20
#> 1 900000 9009911011994 900 99 1 101 1994 8 12
#> 2 900000 9009911011994 900 99 1 101 1994 8 12
#> 3 900000 9009911011994 900 99 1 101 1994 8 12
#> 4 900000 9009911011994 900 99 1 101 1994 8 12
#> 5 900000 9009911011994 900 99 1 101 1994 8 12
#> 6 900000 9009911011994 900 99 1 101 1994 8 12
#> count30 count40 count50 stoptotal speciestotal AOU sim_species_id
#> 1 15 12 15 5 62 4730 4730
#> 2 15 12 15 5 62 4730 4730
#> 3 15 12 15 5 62 4730 4730
#> 4 15 12 15 5 62 4730 4730
#> 5 15 12 15 5 62 4730 4730
#> 6 15 12 15 5 62 4730 4730
#> individual_mass individual_bmr mean_size sd_size abundance sd_method
#> 1 32.85400 126.6242 37.475 3.300613 62 AOU lookup
#> 2 38.31770 141.3036 37.475 3.300613 62 AOU lookup
#> 3 29.43054 117.0691 37.475 3.300613 62 AOU lookup
#> 4 37.45661 139.0321 37.475 3.300613 62 AOU lookup
#> 5 39.52651 144.4677 37.475 3.300613 62 AOU lookup
#> 6 41.26546 148.9713 37.475 3.300613 62 AOU lookup
#> scientific_name
#> 1 Alauda arvensis
#> 2 Alauda arvensis
#> 3 Alauda arvensis
#> 4 Alauda arvensis
#> 5 Alauda arvensis
#> 6 Alauda arvensis