A toy dataset for use in vignettes and function testing. It contains all the same column names as would be expected for a Breeding Bird survey route dataset downloaded, e.g. from ScienceBase or the Data Retriever (Pardieck et al. 2019). However, the actual data values are simulated data.
A data frame with 1160 rows and 15 variables:
- record_id
inherited from data downloaded through the Data Retriever
- routedataid
inherited from Pardieck et al. 2018 (as are all following fields). Unique data identification number.
- countrynum
inherited. Three-digit numerical code for country. In these data, the toy countrynum is 900.
- statenum
inherited. Two-digit numerical code for state, province, or territory. For these data, the toy number is 99.
- route
inherited. Three-digit code identifying the route, unique within states. For this dataset, 1.
- rpid
inherited. Three-digit run protocol identifier. Here, set to 101.
- year
inherited. Four-digit year of the survey.
inherited. Five-digit species identification number.
- count10
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 1-10.
- count20
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 11-20.
- count30
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 21-30.
- count40
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 31-40.
- count50
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded on stops 40-50.
- stoptotal
inherited. Total number of stops (of 50), where the species was recorded.
- speciestotal
inherited. Total individuals of the species recorded across the entire run of the route (sum of stops).