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Calculates parameters for a (log-log linear) scaling relationship between the mean and standard deviation of a species' mean body size. Given a table of species with known mean and standard deviation body sizes, fits a linear model of the form log(var(body_size)) ~ log(mean(body_size)) and extracts parameter estimates, which can then be used to estimate the standard deviation of body mass for a species based only on its mean body mass. See also Thibault et al. (2011) for this method applied to the Breeding Bird Survey.





dataframe of species' mean and standard deviation body sizes; use the included raw_masses data table.


list of $slope and $intercept from the linear model fit


  • Thibault, K. M., White, E. P., Hurlbert, A. H., & Ernest, S. K. M. (2011). Multimodality in the individual size distributions of bird communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20(1), 145–153.