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Calibrate all dates in a c14_date_list with Bchron::BchronCalibrate(). The function provides two different kinds of output variables that are added as new list columns to the input c14_date_list: calprobdistr and calrange. calrange is accompanied by sigma. See ?Bchron::BchronCalibrate and ?c14bazAAR:::hdr for some more information.
calprobdistr: The probability distribution of the individual date for all ages with an individual probability >= 1e-06. For each date there's a data.frame with the columns calage and density.
calrange: The contiguous ranges which cover the probability interval requested for the individual date. For each date there's a data.frame with the columns dens and from and to.


  choices = c("calrange"),
  sigma = 2,
  calCurves = rep("intcal20", nrow(x)),

# S3 method for default
  choices = c("calrange"),
  sigma = 2,
  calCurves = rep("intcal20", nrow(x)),

# S3 method for c14_date_list
  choices = c("calrange"),
  sigma = 2,
  calCurves = rep("intcal20", nrow(x)),



an object of class c14_date_list


whether the result should include the full calibrated probability dataframe ('calprobdistr') or the sigma range ('calrange'). Both arguments may be given at the same time.


the desired sigma value (1,2,3) for the calibrated sigma ranges


a vector of values containing either intcal20, shcal20, marine20, or normal (older calibration curves are supposed such as intcal13). Should be the same length the number of ages supplied. See BchronCalibrate for more information


passed to BchronCalibrate


an object of class c14_date_list with the additional columns calprobdistr or calrange and sigma


  choices = c("calprobdistr", "calrange"),
  sigma = 1
#> Calibrating dates... 
  |                                                  |   0%
  |++                                                |   5%
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  |  95%
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100%
#> 	Radiocarbon date list
#> 	dates: 9
#> 	sites: 4
#> 	countries: 5
#> 	uncalBP: 9000 ― 1000 
#> # A data frame: 9 × 22
#>   sourcedb method labnr c14age c14std calprobdistr   calrange sigma c13val site 
#>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <int>  <int> <list>         <list>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 A        Conv   lab-1   1000     20 <df [212 × 2]> <df>         1    -15 Site…
#> 2 A        Conv   lab-2   2000     30 <df [386 × 2]> <df>         1    -20 Site…
#> 3 A        AMS    lab-3   3000     40 <df [490 × 2]> <df>         1    -25 Site…
#> 4 B        NA     lab-4   4000     50 <df [694 × 2]> <df>         1    -15 Site…
#> 5 B        AMS    lab-5   5000     50 <df [420 × 2]> <df>         1    -20 Site…
#> 6 B        AMS    lab-6   6000     60 <df [702 × 2]> <df>         1    -25 Site…
#> 7 C        AMS    lab-7   7000     70 <df [586 × 2]> <df>         1    -15 Site…
#> 8 C        AMS    lab-8   8000     80 <df [979 × 2]> <df>         1    -20 Site…
#> 9 C        AMS    lab-9   9000     90 <df>           <df>         1    -25 Site…
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: sitetype <chr>, feature <chr>, period <chr>,
#> #   culture <chr>, material <chr>, species <chr>, region <chr>, country <chr>,
#> #   lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>, shortref <chr>, comment <chr>