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c14bazAAR::determine_country_by_coordinate() adds the column country_coord with standardized country attribution based on the coordinate information for the dates. Due to the inconsistencies in the country column in many c14 source databases it's often necessary to rely on the coordinate position (lat & lon) for country attribution information. Unfortunately not all source databases store coordinates.


determine_country_by_coordinate(x, suppress_spatial_warnings = TRUE)

# Default S3 method
determine_country_by_coordinate(x, suppress_spatial_warnings = TRUE)

# S3 method for class 'c14_date_list'
determine_country_by_coordinate(x, suppress_spatial_warnings = TRUE)



an object of class c14_date_list


suppress some spatial data messages and warnings


an object of class c14_date_list with the additional column country_coord


example_c14_date_list %>%
#> Determining country by coordinates... 
#> 	Radiocarbon date list
#> 	dates: 9
#> 	sites: 4
#> 	countries: 5
#> 	uncalBP: 9000 - 1000 
#> # A data frame: 9 × 20
#>   sourcedb method labnr c14age c14std c13val site   sitetype     feature period 
#>   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <int>  <int>  <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>   <chr>  
#> 1 A        Conv   lab-1   1000     20    -15 Site A Burial mound Grave 1 NA     
#> 2 A        Conv   lab-2   2000     30    -20 Site A NA           Grave 2 Bronze…
#> 3 A        AMS    lab-3   3000     40    -25 Site B settlement   NA      Bronze…
#> 4 B        NA     lab-4   4000     50    -15 Site B settlement   House 5 Late N…
#> 5 B        AMS    lab-5   5000     50    -20 Site C settlement   NA      NA     
#> 6 B        AMS    lab-6   6000     60    -25 Site C settlement   Oven 4  Early …
#> 7 C        AMS    lab-7   7000     70    -15 Site D Camp         Hut 2   Mesoli…
#> 8 C        AMS    lab-8   8000     80    -20 Site D Camp         Hut 2   Mesoli…
#> 9 C        AMS    lab-9   9000     90    -25 Site D Camp         Hut 3   Mesoli…
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: culture <chr>, material <chr>, species <chr>,
#> #   region <chr>, country <chr>, country_coord <chr>, lat <dbl>, lon <dbl>,
#> #   shortref <chr>, comment <chr>