Create fake taxonomic names
ch_taxonomic_genus(n = 1, locale = "en_US")
ch_taxonomic_epithet(n = 1, locale = "en_US")
ch_taxonomic_species(n = 1, locale = "en_US")
Names were taken from Theplantlist. 500 genera names and 500
epithets were chosen at random from the set of 10,000 names in the
dataset in the taxize
package. Theplantlist is, as it says on the
tin, composed of plant names - so these fake names are derived from
plant names if that matters to you. These may generate names that match
those of real taxa, but may not as well.
Taxonomic authority
Randomly, the taxonomic authority is in parentheses - which represents that the given authority was not the original authority.
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> [1] "Clavija"
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> [1] "Aphananthe" "Andryala" "Mauria" "Psilolepus" "Aphananthe"
#> [6] "Meriania" "Amarenus" "Normanbya" "Papuechites" "Stylochiton"
# or even ch_taxonomic_genus(500)
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> [1] "daniel-jimenezii"
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> [1] "setosa" "brevicaudata" "obcordatifolia" "styriacum"
#> [5] "draboides" "neapolitana" "shuttleworthiana" "incanus"
#> [9] "sulcitana" "leratii"
# or even ch_taxonomic_epithet(500)
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> [1] "Eucharis cacharensis"
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> Warning: Global setting for messy is TRUE
#> [1] "Eugenia hockii" "Peltoboykinia anamensis"
#> [3] "Microcos saksenanus" "Eriocoryne pseudohypnoides"
#> [5] "Mostacillastrum cryandra" "Ectropothecium pylzowianum"
#> [7] "Anisopappus buccinatorium" "Antiphytum brevipedunculata"
#> [9] "Rumohra allamanoi" "Aspidonepsis macerenica"
# or even ch_taxonomic_species(500)