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This function creates a new function that wraps an existing function, remapping the argument names based on a user-specified literal mapping. Specifically, arguments passed to the new function with names on the left-hand side of the mapping are renamed to the corresponding right-hand side names before being passed to the original function. Users map two arguments without x and/or y to standardize the argument names, x and y, to the target function. This function is particularly useful to parallelize functions for spatial data outside sf and terra packages that do not have arguments named x and/or y. par_* functions could detect such functions by wrapping nonstandardized functions to parallelize the computation.


par_convert_f(fun, ...)



A function to be wrapped.


A set of named arguments representing the mapping from the new function's argument names (left-hand side) to the original function's argument names (right-hand side). For example, x = group, y = score maps argument x to group and y to score.


A new function that accepts the remapped arguments and calls the original function.


# Define an original function that expects arguments 'group' and 'score'
original_fun <- function(group, score, home = FALSE) {
  list(group = group, score = score, home = home)

# Create a new function that maps 'x' to 'group' and 'y' to 'score'
new_fun <- par_convert_f(original_fun, x = group, y = score)

# Call the new function using the new argument names
result <- new_fun(x = 10, y = 20)
#> $group
#> [1] 10
#> $score
#> [1] 20
#> $home
#> [1] FALSE