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Generate report from previously-created daiquiri_source_data and daiquiri_aggregated_data objects


  report_title = "daiquiri data quality report",
  save_directory = ".",
  save_filename = NULL,
  format = "html",
  show_progress = TRUE,



A daiquiri_source_data object returned from prepare_data() function


A daiquiri_aggregated_data object returned from aggregate_data() function


Title to appear on the report


String specifying directory in which to save the report. Default is current directory.


String specifying filename for the report, excluding any file extension. If no filename is supplied, one will be automatically generated with the format daiquiri_report_YYMMDD_HHMMSS.


File format of the report. Currently only "html" is supported


Print progress to console. Default = TRUE


Further parameters to be passed to rmarkdown::render(). Cannot include any of input, output_dir, output_file, params, quiet.


A string containing the name and path of the saved report


# \donttest{
# load example data into a data.frame
raw_data <- read_data(
  system.file("extdata", "example_prescriptions.csv", package = "daiquiri"),
  delim = ",",
  col_names = TRUE

# validate and prepare the data for aggregation
source_data <- prepare_data(
  field_types = field_types(
    PrescriptionID = ft_uniqueidentifier(),
    PrescriptionDate = ft_timepoint(),
    AdmissionDate = ft_datetime(includes_time = FALSE),
    Drug = ft_freetext(),
    Dose = ft_numeric(),
    DoseUnit = ft_categorical(),
    PatientID = ft_ignore(),
    Location = ft_categorical(aggregate_by_each_category = TRUE)
  override_column_names = FALSE,
  na = c("", "NULL"),
  dataset_description = "Example data provided with package",
  show_progress = TRUE
#> field_types supplied:
#> PrescriptionID	<uniqueidentifier>
#> PrescriptionDate	<timepoint>	options: includes_time
#> AdmissionDate	<datetime>
#> Drug	<freetext>
#> Dose	<numeric>
#> DoseUnit	<categorical>
#> PatientID	<ignore>
#> Location	<categorical>	options: aggregate_by_each_category
#> Checking column names against field_types... 
#> Importing source data [Example data provided with package]... 
#> Removing column-specific na values... 
#> Checking data against field_types... 
#>   Selecting relevant warnings... 
#>   Identifying nonconformant values... 
#>   Checking and removing missing timepoints... 
#> Checking for duplicates... 
#>   Sorting data... 
#> Loading into source_data structure... 
#>   PrescriptionID 
#>   PrescriptionDate 
#>   AdmissionDate 
#>   Drug 
#>   Dose 
#>   DoseUnit 
#>   PatientID 
#>   Location 
#> Finished 

# aggregate the data
aggregated_data <- aggregate_data(
  aggregation_timeunit = "day",
  show_progress = TRUE
#> Aggregating [] by [day]... 
#> Aggregating overall dataset... 
#> Aggregating each data_field in turn... 
#> 1: PrescriptionID 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating character field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By missing_n 
#>   By missing_perc 
#>   By min_length 
#>   By max_length 
#>   By mean_length 
#> Finished 
#> 2: PrescriptionDate 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating double field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By midnight_n 
#>   By midnight_perc 
#> Finished 
#> 3: AdmissionDate 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating double field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By missing_n 
#>   By missing_perc 
#>   By nonconformant_n 
#>   By nonconformant_perc 
#>   By min 
#>   By max 
#> Finished 
#> 4: Drug 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating character field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By missing_n 
#>   By missing_perc 
#> Finished 
#> 5: Dose 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating double field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By missing_n 
#>   By missing_perc 
#>   By nonconformant_n 
#>   By nonconformant_perc 
#>   By min 
#>   By max 
#>   By mean 
#>   By median 
#> Finished 
#> 6: DoseUnit 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating character field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By missing_n 
#>   By missing_perc 
#>   By distinct 
#> Finished 
#> 7: Location 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating character field... 
#>   By n 
#>   By missing_n 
#>   By missing_perc 
#>   By distinct 
#>   By subcat_n 
#>     4 categories found 
#>     1: SITE1 
#>     2: SITE2 
#>     3: SITE3 
#>     4: SITE4 
#>   By subcat_perc 
#>     4 categories found 
#>     1: SITE1 
#>     2: SITE2 
#>     3: SITE3 
#>     4: SITE4 
#> Finished 
#> Aggregating calculated fields... 
#> Preparing... 
#> Aggregating integer field... 
#>   By sum 
#>   By nonzero_perc 
#> Finished 
#> Finished 

# save a report in the current directory using the previously-created objects
  report_title = "daiquiri data quality report",
  save_directory = ".",
  save_filename = "example_data_report",
  show_progress = TRUE
#> Generating html report... 
#> processing file: report_htmldoc.Rmd
#> 1/36                                            
#> 2/36 [daiquiri-setup]                           
#> 3/36                                            
#> 4/36 [daiquiri-styles]                          
#> 5/36                                            
#> 6/36 [daiquiri-strata-info]                     
#> 7/36                                            
#> 8/36 [daiquiri-source-data]                     
#> 9/36                                            
#> 10/36 [daiquiri-fields-imported]                 
#> 11/36                                            
#> 12/36 [daiquiri-fields-ignored]                  
#> 13/36                                            
#> 14/36 [daiquiri-validation-warnings]             
#> 15/36                                            
#> 16/36 [daiquiri-source-data-summary]             
#> 17/36                                            
#> 18/36 [daiquiri-aggregated-data]                 
#> 19/36                                            
#> 20/36 [daiquiri-aggregated-data-set-fig-height]  
#> 21/36                                            
#> 22/36 [daiquiri-overview-strata]                 
#> 23/36                                            
#> 24/36 [daiquiri-overview-presence]               
#> 25/36                                            
#> 26/36 [daiquiri-overview-missing]                
#> 27/36                                            
#> 28/36 [daiquiri-overview-nonconformant]          
#> 29/36                                            
#> 30/36 [daiquiri-overview-duplicates]             
#> 31/36                                            
#> 32/36 [daiquiri-aggregated-data-summary]         
#> 33/36                                            
#> 34/36 [daiquiri-individual-fields-set-fig-height]
#> 35/36                                            
#> 36/36 [daiquiri-individual-fields]               
#> output file:
#> /usr/local/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS --to html4 --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output /tmp/RtmpvY7mFL/daiquiri/reference/example_data_report.html --lua-filter /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/lua/pagebreak.lua --lua-filter /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/lua/latex-div.lua --lua-filter /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/lua/table-classes.lua --embed-resources --standalone --variable bs3=TRUE --section-divs --template /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmd/h/default.html --no-highlight --variable highlightjs=1 --variable theme=bootstrap --mathjax --variable 'mathjax-url=' --include-in-header /tmp/RtmpASsCIt/rmarkdown-strd877886955e.html 
#> Output created: example_data_report.html
#> Report saved to: ./example_data_report.html 
#> [1] "./example_data_report.html"
# }