Finding communities in large datasets
Community detection in very large datasets
When using larger datasets of tree-ring series, calculating the table
with similarities can take a lot of time, but finding communities even
more. It is therefore recommended to use of parallel computing for
Clique Percolation:
clique_community_names_par(network, k=3, n_core = 4)
. This
reduces the amount of time significantly. For most datasets
is sufficiently fast and for
smaller datasets clique_community_names_par()
can even be
slower due to the parallelisation. Therefore, the funtion
should be used initially and if
this is very slow, start using
The workflow is similar as described in the
, but with minor changes:
load network.
compute similarities.
find the maximum clique size:
detect communities for each clique size separately:
com_cpm_k3 <- clique_community_names_par(network, k=3, n_core = 6)
.com_cpm_k4 <- clique_community_names_par(network, k=4, n_core = 6)
.and so on until the maximum clique size.
merge these into a single
data frame
bycom_cpm_all <- rbind(com_cpm_k3,com_cpm_k4, com_cpm_k5,... )
.create table for use in cytoscape with all communities:
com_cpm_all <- com_cpm_all |> dplyr::count(node, com_name) |> tidyr::spread(com_name, n)
.Continue with the visualisation in Cytoscape, see the relevant section in the