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Check that taxonomicStatus is within valid values in Darwin Core taxonomic data


  on_fail = dct_options()$on_fail,
  on_success = dct_options()$on_success,
  valid_tax_status = dct_options()$valid_tax_status,
  quiet = dct_options()$quiet



Dataframe; taxonomic database in DwC format.


Character vector of length 1, either "error" or "summary". Describes what to do if the check fails. Default "error".


Character vector of length 1, either "logical" or "data". Describes what to do if the check passes. Default "data".


Character vector of length 1; valid values for taxonomicStatus. Each value must be separated by a comma. Default accepted, synonym, variant, NA. "NA" indicates that missing (NA) values are valid. Case-sensitive. (see Examples).


Logical vector of length 1; should warnings be silenced? Default FALSE.


Depends on the result of the check and on values of on_fail and on_success:

  • If the check passes and on_success is "logical", return TRUE

  • If the check passes and on_success is "data", return the input dataframe

  • If the check fails and on_fail is "error", return an error

  • If the check fails and on_fail is "summary", issue a warning and return a dataframe with a summary of the reasons for failure


# The bad data has an taxonomicStatus (third row, "foo") that is not
# a valid value
bad_dat <- tibble::tribble(
  ~taxonID, ~acceptedNameUsageID, ~taxonomicStatus, ~scientificName,
  "1", NA, "accepted", "Species foo",
  "2", "1", "synonym", "Species bar",
  "3", NA, "foo", "Species bat"

dct_check_tax_status(bad_dat, on_fail = "summary", quiet = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#>   taxonID scientificName taxonomicStatus error                             check
#>   <chr>   <chr>          <chr>           <chr>                             <chr>
#> 1 3       Species bat    foo             taxonID detected whose taxonomic… chec…

# Example of setting valid values of taxonomicStatus via dct_options()

# First store existing settings, including any changes made by the user
old_settings <- dct_options()

# Change options for valid_tax_status
dct_options(valid_tax_status = "provisionally accepted, synonym, NA")
  ~taxonID, ~acceptedNameUsageID, ~taxonomicStatus, ~scientificName,
  "1", NA, "provisionally accepted", "Species foo",
  "2", "1", "synonym", "Species bar",
  "3", NA, NA, "Strange name"
) |>
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   taxonID acceptedNameUsageID taxonomicStatus        scientificName
#>   <chr>   <chr>               <chr>                  <chr>         
#> 1 1       NA                  provisionally accepted Species foo   
#> 2 2       1                   synonym                Species bar   
#> 3 3       NA                  NA                     Strange name  

# Reset options to those before this example was run, old_settings)