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Plot a snapshot of the model structure at a specific time point with a window of the highest-order lag dependency both into the past and the future as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Only response variables are shown in the plot. This function can also produce a TikZ code of the DAG to be used in reports and publications.


# S3 method for class 'dynamiteformula'
  show_auxiliary = TRUE,
  show_covariates = FALSE,
  tikz = FALSE,
  vertex_size = 0.25,
  label_size = 18,



The model formula.


Should deterministic auxiliary responses be shown in the plot? If FALSE, the vertices corresponding to such responses will be projected out. The default is TRUE.


Should unmodeled covariates be shown in the plot? The defaults is FALSE.


Should the DAG be returned in TikZ format? The default is FALSE returning a ggplot object instead.


The size (radius) of the vertex circles used in the ggplot DAG. (The vertical and horizontal distances between vertices in the grid are 1, for reference.)


Font size (in points) to use for the vertex labels in the ggplot DAG.


Not used..


A ggplot object, or a character string if tikz = TRUE.

See also

Drawing plots plot.dynamitefit()


data.table::setDTthreads(1) # For CRAN
multichannel_formula <- obs(g ~ lag(g) + lag(logp), family = "gaussian") +
  obs(p ~ lag(g) + lag(logp) + lag(b), family = "poisson") +
  obs(b ~ lag(b) * lag(logp) + lag(b) * lag(g), family = "bernoulli") +
  aux(numeric(logp) ~ log(p + 1))
# A ggplot

# TikZ format
plot(multichannel_formula, tikz = TRUE)
#> [1] "% Preamble\n\\usepackage{tikz}\n\\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows.meta, shapes.geometric}\n\\tikzset{%\n  semithick,\n  >={Stealth[width=1.5mm,length=2mm]},\n  obs/.style 2 args = {\n    name = #1, circle, draw, inner sep = 8pt, label = center:$#2$\n  }\n}\n% DAG\n\\begin{tikzpicture}\n  \\node [obs = {v1}{g_{t - 1}}] at (-1, 4) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v2}{p_{t - 1}}] at (-1, 3) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v3}{b_{t - 1}}] at (-1, 2) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v4}{logp_{t - 1}}] at (-1, 1) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v5}{g_{t + 1}}] at (1, 4) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v6}{p_{t + 1}}] at (1, 3) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v7}{b_{t + 1}}] at (1, 2) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v8}{logp_{t + 1}}] at (1, 1) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v9}{g_{t}}] at (0, 4) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v10}{p_{t}}] at (0, 3) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v11}{b_{t}}] at (0, 2) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\node [obs = {v12}{logp_{t}}] at (0, 1) {\\vphantom{0}};\n  \\draw [->] (v1) -- (v9);\n  \\draw [->] (v4) -- (v9);\n  \\draw [->] (v1) -- (v10);\n  \\draw [->] (v4) -- (v10);\n  \\draw [->] (v3) -- (v10);\n  \\draw [->] (v3) -- (v11);\n  \\draw [->] (v4) -- (v11);\n  \\draw [->] (v1) -- (v11);\n  \\draw [->] (v9) -- (v5);\n  \\draw [->] (v12) -- (v5);\n  \\draw [->] (v9) -- (v6);\n  \\draw [->] (v12) -- (v6);\n  \\draw [->] (v11) -- (v6);\n  \\draw [->] (v11) -- (v7);\n  \\draw [->] (v12) -- (v7);\n  \\draw [->] (v9) -- (v7);\n  \\draw [->] (v10) to[bend right=45] (v12);\n  \\draw [->] (v2) to[bend right=45] (v4);\n  \\draw [->] (v6) to[bend right=45] (v8);\n\\end{tikzpicture}"