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Scroll search function


  time_scroll = "1m",
  raw = FALSE,
  asdf = FALSE,
  stream_opts = list(),

scroll_clear(conn, x = NULL, all = FALSE, ...)



an Elasticsearch connection object, see connect()


(character) For scroll, a single scroll id; for scroll_clear, one or more scroll id's


(character) Specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search, e.g., "30s", "1m". See units-time.


(logical) If FALSE (default), data is parsed to list. If TRUE, then raw JSON.


(logical) If TRUE, use jsonlite::fromJSON() to parse JSON directly to a data.frame. If FALSE (Default), list output is given.


(list) A list of options passed to jsonlite::stream_out() - Except that you can't pass x as that's the data that's streamed out, and pass a file path sinstead of a connection to con. pagesize param doesn't do much as that's more or less controlled by paging with ES.


Curl args passed on to crul::verb-POST


(logical) If TRUE (default) then all search contexts cleared. If FALSE, scroll id's must be passed to x


scroll() returns a list, identical to what Search() returns. With attribute scroll that is the scroll value set via the time_scroll parameter

scroll_clear() returns a boolean (TRUE on success)


Scores will be the same for all documents that are returned from a scroll request. Dems da rules.


Inputs to scroll() can be one of:

  • list - This usually will be the output of Search(), but you could in theory make a list yourself with the appropriate elements

  • character - A scroll ID - this is typically the scroll id output from a call to Search(), accessed like res$`_scroll_id`

All other classes passed to scroll() will fail with message

Lists passed to scroll() without a _scroll_id element will trigger an error.

From lists output form Search() there should be an attribute ("scroll") that is the scroll value set in the Search() request - if that attribute is missing from the list, we'll attempt to use the time_scroll parameter value set in the scroll() function call

The output of scroll() has the scroll time value as an attribute so the output can be passed back into scroll() to continue.

Clear scroll

Search context are automatically removed when the scroll timeout has been exceeded. Keeping scrolls open has a cost, so scrolls should be explicitly cleared as soon as the scroll is not being used anymore using scroll_clear

Sliced scrolling

For scroll queries that return a lot of documents it is possible to split the scroll in multiple slices which can be consumed independently.

See the example in this man file.


If the request specifies aggregations, only the initial search response will contain the aggregations results.

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# connection setup
(con <- connect())

# Basic usage - can use across all indices
res <- Search(con, time_scroll="1m")
scroll(con, res)$`_scroll_id`

# use on a specific index - and specify a query
res <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", time_scroll="1m")

# Setting "sort=_doc" to turn off sorting of results - faster
res <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", time_scroll="1m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')

# Pass scroll_id to scroll function
scroll(con, res$`_scroll_id`)

# Get all results - one approach is to use a while loop
res <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", time_scroll="5m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
out <- res$hits$hits
hits <- 1
while(hits != 0){
  res <- scroll(con, res$`_scroll_id`, time_scroll="5m")
  hits <- length(res$hits$hits)
  if(hits > 0)
    out <- c(out, res$hits$hits)

# clear scroll
## individual scroll id
res <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="a*", time_scroll="5m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
scroll_clear(con, res$`_scroll_id`)

## many scroll ids
res1 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="c*", time_scroll="5m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
res2 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="d*", time_scroll="5m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
nodes_stats(con, metric = "indices")$nodes[[1]]$indices$search$open_contexts
scroll_clear(con, c(res1$`_scroll_id`, res2$`_scroll_id`))
nodes_stats(con, metric = "indices")$nodes[[1]]$indices$search$open_contexts

## all scroll ids
res1 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="f*", time_scroll="1m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
res2 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="g*", time_scroll="1m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
res3 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', q="k*", time_scroll="1m",
  body = '{"sort": ["_doc"]}')
scroll_clear(con, all = TRUE)

## sliced scrolling
body1 <- '{
  "slice": {
    "id": 0,
    "max": 2
  "query": {
    "match" : {
      "text_entry" : "a*"

body2 <- '{
  "slice": {
    "id": 1,
    "max": 2
  "query": {
    "match" : {
      "text_entry" : "a*"

res1 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', time_scroll="1m", body = body1)
res2 <- Search(con, index = 'shakespeare', time_scroll="1m", body = body2)
scroll(con, res1$`_scroll_id`)
scroll(con, res2$`_scroll_id`)

out1 <- list()
hits <- 1
while(hits != 0){
  tmp1 <- scroll(con, res1$`_scroll_id`)
  hits <- length(tmp1$hits$hits)
  if(hits > 0)
    out1 <- c(out1, tmp1$hits$hits)

out2 <- list()
hits <- 1
while(hits != 0){
  tmp2 <- scroll(con, res2$`_scroll_id`)
  hits <- length(tmp2$hits$hits)
  if(hits > 0)
    out2 <- c(out2, tmp2$hits$hits)

 lapply(out1, "[[", "_source"),
 lapply(out2, "[[", "_source")

# using jsonlite::stream_out
res <- Search(con, time_scroll = "1m")
file <- tempfile()
  x = res$`_scroll_id`,
  stream_opts = list(file = file)

## stream_out and while loop
(file <- tempfile())
res <- Search(con, index = "shakespeare", time_scroll = "5m",
  size = 1000, stream_opts = list(file = file))
while(!inherits(res, "warning")) {
  res <- tryCatch(scroll(
    conn = con,
    x = res$`_scroll_id`,
    time_scroll = "5m",
    stream_opts = list(file = file)
  ), warning = function(w) w)
NROW(df <- jsonlite::stream_in(file(file)))
} # }