Get the yearly number of hits for a query and the total yearly number of hits for a given period
Get the yearly number of hits for a query and the total yearly number of hits for a given period
- query
query in the Europe PMC syntax
- synonym
logical, synonym search. If TRUE, synonym terms from MeSH terminology and the UniProt synonym list are queried, too. Disabled by default.
- data_src
character, data source, by default Pubmed/MedLine index (
) will be searched. The following three letter codes represent the sources, which are currently supported- agr
Agricola is a bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the US National Agricultural Library and its co-operators.
- cba
Chinese Biological Abstracts
- ctx
- eth
EthOs Theses, i.e. PhD theses (British Library)
- hir
NHS Evidence
- med
PubMed/Medline NLM
- nbk
Europe PMC Book metadata
- pat
Biological Patents
- pmc
PubMed Central
- ppr
Preprint records
- period
a vector of years (numeric) over which to perform the search
a data.frame (dplyr tbl_df) with year, total number of hits (all_hits) and number of hits for the query (query_hits)
A similar function was used in https://masalmon.eu/2017/05/14/evergreenreviewgraph/ where it was advised to not plot no. of hits over time for a query, but to normalize it by the total no. of hits.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# aspirin as query
epmc_hits_trend('aspirin', period = 2006:2016, synonym = FALSE)
# link to cran packages in reference lists
epmc_hits_trend('REF:"cran.r-project.org*"', period = 2006:2016, synonym = FALSE)
# more complex with publication type review
epmc_hits_trend('(REF:"cran.r-project.org*") AND (PUB_TYPE:"Review" OR PUB_TYPE:"review-article")',
period = 2006:2016, synonym = FALSE)
} # }