Najko Jahn
What is searched?
Europe PMC is a repository of life science literature. Europe PMC ingests all PubMed content and extends its index with other literature and patent sources.
For more background on Europe PMC, see:
Levchenko, M., Gou, Y., Graef, F., Hamelers, A., Huang, Z., Ide-Smith, M., … McEntyre, J. (2017). Europe PMC in 2017. Nucleic Acids Research, 46(D1), D1254–D1260. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkx1005
How to search Europe PMC with R?
This client supports the Europe PMC search syntax. If you are unfamiliar with searching Europe PMC, check out the Europe PMC query builder, a very nice tool that helps you to build queries. To make use of Europe PMC queries in R, copy & paste the search string to the search functions of this package.
In the following, some examples demonstrate how to search Europe PMC with R.
Free search
is the main function to query Europe PMC.
It searches both metadata and fulltexts.
#> # A tibble: 100 × 29
#> id source pmid pmcid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 36419237 MED 36419237 PMC98… 10.1… Path… Walker IS, … Virulence 1 14
#> 2 37158217 MED 37158217 PMC10… 10.1… Mobi… Kollipara A… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 3 37459385 MED 37459385 PMC10… 10.1… A co… Eisenberg S… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 4 37310126 MED 37310126 PMC10… 10.1… Clin… Bi D, Huang… Ann Med 1 55
#> 5 36871259 MED 36871259 PMC99… 10.1… Asse… Jantausch B… Med Educ On… 1 28
#> 6 37053493 MED 37053493 <NA> 10.1… Opti… Kalula A, M… J Biol Dyn 1 17
#> 7 37191627 MED 37191627 PMC10… 10.1… Huma… Ellis R, We… Hum Vaccin … 1 19
#> 8 37490025 MED 37490025 PMC10… 10.1… Mort… Oduor C, Om… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 9 37165851 MED 37165851 PMC10… 10.1… Tria… Cho Y, Awoo… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 10 37074313 MED 37074313 PMC99… 10.1… Deng… Asaga Mac P… Ann Med 1 55
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: pubYear <chr>, journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, versionNumber <int>
It is worth noting that Europe PMC expands queries with MeSH synonyms
by default, a behavior which can be turned off with the
europepmc::epmc_search('malaria', synonym = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 29
#> id source pmid pmcid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 37158217 MED 37158217 PMC10… 10.1… Mobi… Kollipara A… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 2 36419237 MED 36419237 PMC98… 10.1… Path… Walker IS, … Virulence 1 14
#> 3 37459385 MED 37459385 PMC10… 10.1… A co… Eisenberg S… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 4 37053493 MED 37053493 <NA> 10.1… Opti… Kalula A, M… J Biol Dyn 1 17
#> 5 37310126 MED 37310126 PMC10… 10.1… Clin… Bi D, Huang… Ann Med 1 55
#> 6 36871259 MED 36871259 PMC99… 10.1… Asse… Jantausch B… Med Educ On… 1 28
#> 7 37717079 MED 37717079 PMC10… 10.1… Zoon… Fornace KM,… Nat Commun 1 14
#> 8 37691114 MED 37691114 PMC10… 10.1… Mala… Chen Y, Zha… Malar J 1 22
#> 9 37700307 MED 37700307 PMC10… 10.1… Asse… Abdul Rahim… Malar J 1 22
#> 10 37700321 MED 37700321 PMC10… 10.1… Know… Adum P, Agy… Malar J 1 22
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: pubYear <chr>, journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, versionNumber <int>
To get an exact match, use quotes as in the following example:
europepmc::epmc_search('"Human malaria parasites"')
#> # A tibble: 100 × 29
#> id source pmid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume pubYear
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 37277533 MED 37277… 10.1… Sexu… Harris CT, … Nat Microbi… 7 8 2023
#> 2 36777671 MED 36777… 10.3… A no… Das R, Vash… Front Vet S… <NA> 10 2023
#> 3 37696509 MED 37696… 10.4… A No… Chaianantak… Am J Trop M… <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 4 37365785 MED 37365… 10.2… Virt… Yasir M, Pa… Curr Comput… <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 5 37454671 MED 37454… 10.1… Simi… Fornace KM,… Lancet Infe… <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 6 PPR665403 PPR <NA> 10.1… Gene… Suárez-Cort… <NA> <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 7 36007706 MED 36007… 10.1… Bulk… Li X, Kumar… Parasitol I… <NA> 91 2022
#> 8 PPR552791 PPR <NA> 10.1… A co… Zhang X, Fl… <NA> <NA> <NA> 2022
#> 9 37121862 MED 37121… 10.1… The … Thompson TA… Trends Para… 7 39 2023
#> 10 36495929 MED 36495… 10.1… A ra… Dong L, Li … Clin Chim A… <NA> 539 2023
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, pmcid <chr>, versionNumber <int>
Managing search results
By default, 100 records are returned, but the number of results can
be expanded or limited with the limit
europepmc::epmc_search('"Human malaria parasites"', limit = 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 28
#> id source pmid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume pubYear
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 37277533 MED 37277… 10.1… Sexu… Harris CT, … Nat Microbi… 7 8 2023
#> 2 36777671 MED 36777… 10.3… A no… Das R, Vash… Front Vet S… <NA> 10 2023
#> 3 37696509 MED 37696… 10.4… A No… Chaianantak… Am J Trop M… <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 4 37365785 MED 37365… 10.2… Virt… Yasir M, Pa… Curr Comput… <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 5 37454671 MED 37454… 10.1… Simi… Fornace KM,… Lancet Infe… <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 6 PPR665403 PPR <NA> 10.1… Gene… Suárez-Cort… <NA> <NA> <NA> 2023
#> 7 36007706 MED 36007… 10.1… Bulk… Li X, Kumar… Parasitol I… <NA> 91 2022
#> 8 PPR552791 PPR <NA> 10.1… A co… Zhang X, Fl… <NA> <NA> <NA> 2022
#> 9 37121862 MED 37121… 10.1… The … Thompson TA… Trends Para… 7 39 2023
#> 10 36495929 MED 36495… 10.1… A ra… Dong L, Li … Clin Chim A… <NA> 539 2023
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, pmcid <chr>
Results are sorted by relevance. Other options via the
parameter are
sort = 'cited'
by the number of citation, descending from the most cited publication -
sort = 'date'
by date published starting with the most recent publication
Search by DOIs
Sometimes, you would like to check, if articles are indexed in Europe
PMC using DOI names, a widely used identifier for scholarly articles.
Use epmc_search_by_doi()
for this purpose.
my_dois <- c(
europepmc::epmc_search_by_doi(doi = my_dois)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 28
#> id source pmid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume pubYear
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 28957815 MED 28957815 10.1… Clin… Schnieder M… Eur Neurol 5-6 78 2017
#> 2 28941317 MED 28941317 10.1… Conc… Doeppner TR… Stem Cells … 11 6 2017
#> 3 29018132 MED 29018132 10.1… One-… Psychogios … Stroke 11 48 2017
#> 4 28623611 MED 28623611 10.1… Defe… Carboni E, … Neuromolecu… 2-3 19 2017
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, pmcid <chr>
Output options
By default, a non-nested data frame printed as tibble is returned.
Other formats are output = "id_list"
returning a list of
IDs and sources, and output = “‘raw’”” for getting full metadata as
list. Please be aware that these lists can become very large.
More advanced options to search Europe PMC
Author search
Use the Europe PMC query syntax to search by author names:
europepmc::epmc_search('AUTH:"Salmon Maelle"')
#> # A tibble: 10 × 28
#> id source pmid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume pubYear
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 30378432 MED 303784… 10.1… "Whe… Milà C, Sal… Environ Sci… 22 52 2018
#> 2 29778830 MED 297788… 10.1… "Wea… Salmon M, M… Environ Int <NA> 117 2018
#> 3 29751338 MED 297513… 10.1… "Use… Kumar MK, S… Environ Pol… <NA> 239 2018
#> 4 29330030 MED 293300… 10.1… "Hea… Mueller N, … Prev Med <NA> 109 2018
#> 5 29626773 MED 296267… 10.1… "Dev… Sanchez M, … Sci Total E… <NA> 634 2018
#> 6 29088243 MED 290882… 10.1… "Tim… Schumacher … PLoS One 10 12 2017
#> 7 28606699 MED 286066… 10.1… "Int… Tonne C, Sa… Int J Hyg E… 6 220 2017
#> 8 28708095 MED 287080… 10.3… "Pre… Sanchez M, … Int J Envir… 7 14 2017
#> 9 27063588 MED 270635… 10.2… "A s… Salmon M, S… Euro Survei… 13 21 2016
#> 10 26250543 MED 262505… 10.1… "Bay… Salmon M, S… Biom J 6 57 2015
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, pmcid <chr>
Europe PMC Advanced
Search has a auto-suggest field for author names if you feel unsure
how the name you are searching for is indexed in Europe PMC. Using the
Boolean OR
operator allows searching for more than one
spelling variant:
q <- 'AUTH:"PÜHLER Alfred" OR AUTH:"Pühler Alfred Prof. Dr." OR AUTH:"Puhler A"'
europepmc::epmc_search(q, limit = 1000)
#> # A tibble: 600 × 29
#> id source pmid pmcid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 36998097 MED 36998097 PMC10… 10.1… "Abu… Nelkner J, … Environ Mic… 1 18
#> 2 36748496 MED 36748496 <NA> 10.1… "<i>… Köller N, H… Int J Syst … 12 72
#> 3 36439843 MED 36439843 PMC96… 10.3… "The… Maus I, Wib… Front Micro… <NA> 13
#> 4 36305336 MED 36305336 PMC96… 10.2… "Int… Houwaart T,… Euro Survei… 43 27
#> 5 36073816 MED 36073816 PMC96… 10.1… "Rcg… Castellani … mBio 5 13
#> 6 35151713 MED 35151713 <NA> 10.1… "Two… Steffens T,… J Biotechnol <NA> 347
#> 7 34181711 MED 34181711 PMC84… 10.1… "Cha… Walker A, H… Clin Infect… 6 74
#> 8 34682252 MED 34682252 PMC85… 10.3… "Gen… Wibberg D, … J Fungi (Ba… 10 7
#> 9 34592166 MED 34592166 PMC84… 10.1… "Ear… Krämer B, K… Immunity 11 54
#> 10 33589928 MED 33589928 PMC84… 10.1… "Imp… Mayer G, Mü… Brief Bioin… 5 22
#> # ℹ 590 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: pubYear <chr>, journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, versionNumber <int>
There is a considerable overlap between common names. The integration of ORCID, a persistent author identifier, allows unambiguous search for personal publications in Europe PMC. For example, here’s how to search for publications written by Bernd Weisshaar (ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7635-3473) sorted by the number of times cited in descending order:
europepmc::epmc_search('AUTHORID:"0000-0002-7635-3473"', limit = 200, sort = "cited")
#> # A tibble: 160 × 28
#> id source pmid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume pubYear
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 20674465 MED 206744… 10.1… MYB … Dubos C, St… Trends Plan… 10 15 2010
#> 2 21873998 MED 218739… 10.1… The … Wang X, Wan… Nat Genet 10 43 2011
#> 3 11597504 MED 115975… 10.1… The … Stracke R, … Curr Opin P… 5 4 2001
#> 4 11906833 MED 119068… 10.1… bZIP… Jakoby M, W… Trends Plan… 3 7 2002
#> 5 14756321 MED 147563… 10.1… An A… Rosso MG, L… Plant Mol B… 1-2 53 2003
#> 6 12679534 MED 126795… 10.1… The … Heim MA, Ja… Mol Biol Ev… 5 20 2003
#> 7 17419845 MED 174198… 10.1… Diff… Stracke R, … Plant J 4 50 2007
#> 8 15255866 MED 152558… 10.1… TT2,… Baudry A, H… Plant J 3 39 2004
#> 9 11080161 MED 110801… 10.1… Tran… Jin H, Comi… EMBO J 22 19 2000
#> 10 15361138 MED 153611… 10.1… Comp… Zimmermann … Plant J 1 40 2004
#> # ℹ 150 more rows
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, pmcid <chr>
Europe PMC provides text-mined annotations contained in abstracts and open access full-text articles.
These automatically identified concepts and term can be retrieved at the article-level:
europepmc::epmc_annotations_by_id(c("MED:28585529", "PMC:PMC1664601"))
#> # A tibble: 724 × 13
#> source ext_id pmcid prefix exact postfix name uri id type section provider subType
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 MED 28585… PMC5… "tive… Beta… " allo… Beta… http… http… Clin… Title … OntoGene <NA>
#> 2 MED 28585… PMC5… "nomi… genes ".\nRa… gene http… http… Sequ… Title … OntoGene <NA>
#> 3 MED 28585… PMC5… "nomi… genes " is o… gene http… http… Sequ… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 4 MED 28585… PMC5… " One… genes " are … gene http… http… Sequ… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 5 MED 28585… PMC5… " ide… beet " (Bet… Beta… http… http… Clin… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 6 MED 28585… PMC5… "ify … Beta… " ssp.… Beta… http… http… Clin… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 7 MED 28585… PMC5… "ulga… gene " Rz2 … gene http… http… Sequ… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 8 MED 28585… PMC5… "e ge… geno… " sequ… geno… http… http… Sequ… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 9 MED 28585… PMC5… "eque… beet ". Our… Beta… http… http… Clin… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> 10 MED 28585… PMC5… "disc… genes " rele… gene http… http… Sequ… Abstra… OntoGene <NA>
#> # ℹ 714 more rows
To obtain a list of articles where Europe PMC has text-minded annotations, either subset the resulting data.frame
tt <- epmc_search("malaria")
tt[tt$hasTextMinedTerms == "Y" | tt$hasTMAccessionNumbers == "Y",]
#> # A tibble: 96 × 29
#> id source pmid pmcid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 36419237 MED 36419237 PMC98… 10.1… Path… Walker IS, … Virulence 1 14
#> 2 37158217 MED 37158217 PMC10… 10.1… Mobi… Kollipara A… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 3 37459385 MED 37459385 PMC10… 10.1… A co… Eisenberg S… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 4 37310126 MED 37310126 PMC10… 10.1… Clin… Bi D, Huang… Ann Med 1 55
#> 5 36871259 MED 36871259 PMC99… 10.1… Asse… Jantausch B… Med Educ On… 1 28
#> 6 37053493 MED 37053493 <NA> 10.1… Opti… Kalula A, M… J Biol Dyn 1 17
#> 7 37191627 MED 37191627 PMC10… 10.1… Huma… Ellis R, We… Hum Vaccin … 1 19
#> 8 37490025 MED 37490025 PMC10… 10.1… Mort… Oduor C, Om… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 9 37165851 MED 37165851 PMC10… 10.1… Tria… Cho Y, Awoo… Glob Health… 1 16
#> 10 37074313 MED 37074313 PMC99… 10.1… Deng… Asaga Mac P… Ann Med 1 55
#> # ℹ 86 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: pubYear <chr>, journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, versionNumber <int>
or expand the query choosing an annotation type or provider from the Europe PMC Advanced Search query builder.
epmc_search('malaria AND (ANNOTATION_TYPE:"Cell") AND (ANNOTATION_PROVIDER:"Europe PMC")')
#> # A tibble: 100 × 28
#> id source pmid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume pubYear
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 30925567 MED 309255… 10.1… Cong… Fatima S, S… Pediatr Eme… 12 37 2021
#> 2 31808816 MED 318088… 10.1… Reti… Villaverde … J Pediatric… 5 9 2020
#> 3 31782768 MED 317827… 10.1… Incr… Jongo SA, C… Clin Infect… 11 71 2020
#> 4 30989220 MED 309892… 10.1… Clin… Enane LA, S… J Pediatric… 3 9 2020
#> 5 31300826 MED 313008… 10.1… Blac… Opoka RO, W… Clin Infect… 11 70 2020
#> 6 31505001 MED 315050… 10.1… Acut… Oshomah-Bel… J Trop Pedi… 2 66 2020
#> 7 31687768 MED 316877… 10.1… Eval… Ferdinand D… Trans R Soc… 3 114 2020
#> 8 31693130 MED 316931… 10.1… Redu… Kingston HW… J Infect Dis 9 221 2020
#> 9 31843017 MED 318430… 10.1… Arte… Pull L, Lup… Malar J 1 18 2019
#> 10 31864353 MED 318643… 10.1… Unde… Adhikari SR… Malar J 1 18 2019
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>, pmcid <chr>
Data integrations
Another nice feature of Europe PMC is to search for cross-references between Europe PMC to other databases. For instance, to get publications cited by entries in the Protein Data bank in Europe published 2016:
europepmc::epmc_search('(HAS_PDB:y) AND FIRST_PDATE:2016')
#> # A tibble: 100 × 28
#> id source pmid pmcid doi title authorString journalTitle issue journalVolume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 28039433 MED 28039433 PMC52… 10.1… "Str… Su HP, Rick… Proc Natl A… 3 114
#> 2 28036383 MED 28036383 PMC52… 10.1… "Str… Kovaľ T, Øs… PLoS One 12 11
#> 3 27977122 MED 27977122 <NA> 10.1… "Com… De Deurwaer… ACS Chem Ne… 5 8
#> 4 28144358 MED 28144358 PMC52… 10.3… "Bio… Ulrich V, B… Beilstein J… <NA> 12
#> 5 28028551 MED 28028551 <NA> 10.1… "Str… Zhou Z, Liu… Appl Microb… 7 101
#> 6 27958736 MED 27958736 <NA> 10.1… "Gly… Hamark C, B… J Am Chem S… 1 139
#> 7 27959534 MED 27959534 PMC66… 10.1… "Str… Reed AJ, Vy… J Am Chem S… 1 139
#> 8 27989121 MED 27989121 PMC58… 10.1… "Sho… Lin J, Pozh… Biochemistry 2 56
#> 9 27815281 MED 27815281 PMC52… 10.1… "Str… Wakamatsu T… Appl Enviro… 2 83
#> 10 28083536 MED 28083536 PMC51… 10.3… "Con… Paoletti F,… Front Mol B… <NA> 3
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: pubYear <chr>, journalIssn <chr>, pageInfo <chr>, pubType <chr>,
#> # isOpenAccess <chr>, inEPMC <chr>, inPMC <chr>, hasPDF <chr>, hasBook <chr>,
#> # hasSuppl <chr>, citedByCount <int>, hasReferences <chr>, hasTextMinedTerms <chr>,
#> # hasDbCrossReferences <chr>, hasLabsLinks <chr>, hasTMAccessionNumbers <chr>,
#> # firstIndexDate <chr>, firstPublicationDate <chr>
The following sources are supported
- CHEBI a database and ontology of chemical entities of biological interest https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/
- CHEMBL a database of bioactive drug-like small molecules https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb/
- EMBL now ENA, provides a comprehensive record of the world’s nucleotide sequencing information https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/
- INTACT provides a freely available, open source database system and analysis tools for molecular interaction data https://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/
- INTERPRO provides functional analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites https://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/
- OMIM a comprehensive and authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes https://www.omim.org/about
- PDB European resource for the collection, organisation and dissemination of data on biological macromolecular structures https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/
- UNIPROT comprehensive and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information https://www.uniprot.org/
- PRIDE PRIDE Archive - proteomics data repository https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/
To retrieve metadata about these external database links, use
Citations and reference sections
Europe PMC let us also obtain citation metadata and reference sections. For retrieving citation metadata per article, use
europepmc::epmc_citations("9338777", limit = 500)
#> # A tibble: 241 × 11
#> id source citationType title authorString journalAbbreviation pubYear volume issue
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 37605152 MED research sup… "Ana… Flecks M, F… Retrovirology 2023 20 1
#> 2 36883860 MED research sup… "Iso… Rodrigues C… J Virol 2023 97 3
#> 3 36790562 MED review; jour… "Por… Liu Y, Niu … Funct Integr Genom… 2023 23 1
#> 4 36417007 MED research-art… "Hum… Lowe JWE. Hist Philos Life S… 2022 44 4
#> 5 35729348 MED research sup… "Det… Ishihara S,… Sci Rep 2022 12 1
#> 6 35437972 MED research-art… "Sca… Chen JQ, Zh… Zool Res 2022 43 3
#> 7 34834962 MED im; research… "Por… Denner J. Viruses 2021 13 11
#> 8 34578447 MED im; research… "Hig… Denner J, S… Viruses 2021 13 9
#> 9 33353186 MED im; review-a… "Xen… Galow AM, G… Int J Mol Sci 2020 21 24
#> 10 31565893 MED research-art… "Reg… Chung HC, N… J Vet Sci 2019 20 5
#> # ℹ 231 more rows
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#> # A tibble: 169 × 19
#> id source citationType title authorString journalAbbreviation issue pubYear volume
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 12002480 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Tric… Adolfsson-E… Chemosphere 9-10 2002 46
#> 2 18795164 MED JOURNAL ARTI… In v… Ahn KC, Zha… Environ Health Per… 9 2008 116
#> 3 18556606 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Effe… Aiello AE, … Am J Public Health 8 2008 98
#> 4 17683018 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Cons… Aiello AE, … Clin Infect Dis <NA> 2007 45 Su…
#> 5 15273108 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Rela… Aiello AE, … Antimicrob Agents … 8 2004 48
#> 6 18207219 MED JOURNAL ARTI… The … Allmyr M, H… Sci Total Environ 1 2008 393
#> 7 17007908 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Tric… Allmyr M, A… Sci Total Environ 1 2006 372
#> 8 26948762 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Pres… Alvarez-Riv… J Chromatogr A <NA> 2016 1440
#> 9 23192912 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Expo… Anderson SE… Toxicol Sci 1 2012 132
#> 10 25837385 MED JOURNAL ARTI… Obse… Vladar EK, … Methods Cell Biol <NA> 2015 127
#> # ℹ 159 more rows
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#> [1] <front>\n <journal-meta>\n <journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">PLoS Pathog</jour ...
#> [2] <body>\n <sec id="s1">\n <title>Introduction</title>\n <p>Atmospheric carbon d ...
#> [3] <back>\n <ack>\n <p>We would like to thank Dr. C. Gourlay and Dr. T. von der Haar ...