This is the main function to search Europe PMC RESTful Web Service ( It fully supports the comprehensive Europe PMC query language. Simply copy & paste your query terms to R. To get familiar with the Europe PMC query syntax, check the Advanced Search Query Builder
query = NULL,
output = "parsed",
synonym = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
limit = 100,
sort = NULL
- query
character, search query. For more information on how to build a search query, see
- output
character, what kind of output should be returned. One of 'parsed', 'id_list' or 'raw' As default, parsed key metadata will be returned as data.frame. 'id_list' returns a list of IDs and sources. Use 'raw' to get full metadata as list. Please be aware that these lists can become very large.
- synonym
logical, synonym search. If TRUE, synonym terms from MeSH terminology and the UniProt synonym list are queried, too. In order to replicate results from the website, with the Rest API you need to turn synonyms ON!
- verbose
logical, print progress bar. Activated by default.
- limit
integer, limit the number of records you wish to retrieve. By default, 100 are returned.
- sort
character, relevance ranking is used by default. Use
sort = 'cited'
for sorting by the number of citations, orsort = 'date'
by the most recent publications.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#Search articles for 'Gabi-Kat' <- epmc_search(query='Gabi-Kat')
#Get article metadata by DOI <- epmc_search(query = 'DOI:10.1007/bf00197367')
#Get article metadata by PubMed ID (PMID) <- epmc_search(query = 'EXT_ID:22246381')
#Get only PLOS Genetics article with EMBL database references <- epmc_search(query = 'ISSN:1553-7404 HAS_EMBL:y')
#Limit search to 250 PLOS Genetics articles <- epmc_search(query = 'ISSN:1553-7404', limit = 250)
# exclude MeSH synonyms in search <- epmc_search(query = 'aspirin', synonym = FALSE)
# get 100 most cited atricles from PLOS ONE publsihed in 2014
epmc_search(query = '(ISSN:1932-6203) AND FIRST_PDATE:2014', sort = 'cited')
# print number of records found
attr(, "hit_count")
# change output
} # }