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geotargets 0.3.0 (12 March 2025)

geotargets 0.2.0 (29 November 2024)

  • Created tar_stars() and tar_stars_proxy() that create stars and stars_proxy objects, respectively.
  • Created tar_terra_tiles(), a “target factory” for splitting a raster into multiple tiles with dynamic branching (#69).
  • Created two helper functions for use in tar_terra_tiles(): tile_grid(), tile_n(), and tile_blocksize() (#69, #86, #87, #89).
  • Created utility function set_window() mostly for internal use within tar_terra_tiles().
  • Removes the iteration argument from all tar_*() functions. iteration now hard-coded as "list" since it is the only option that works (for now at least).
  • Added the description argument to all tar_*() functions which is passed to tar_target().
  • Suppressed the warning “[rast] skipped sub-datasets” from tar_terra_sprc(), which is misleading in this context (#92, #104).
  • Requires GDAL 3.1 or greater to use “ESRI Shapefile” driver in tar_terra_vect() (#71, #97)
  • geotargets now requires targets version 1.8.0 or higher
  • tar_terra_rast() gains a preserve_metadata option that when set to "zip" reads/writes targets as zip archives that include aux.json “sidecar” files sometimes written by terra (#58)
  • terra (>= 1.7.71), withr (>= 3.0.0), and zip are now required dependencies of geotargets (moved from Suggests to Imports)

geotargets 0.1.0 (14 May 2024)

  • Created tar_terra_rast() and tar_terra_vect() for targets that create SpatRaster and SpatVector objects, respectively
  • Created tar_terra_sprc() that creates a SpatRasterCollection object.
  • geotargets_options_get() and geotargets_options_set() can be used to set and get options specific to geotargets.
  • geotargets now requires targets version 1.7.0 or higher
  • fixed a bug where resources supplied to tar_terra_*() were being ignored (#66)