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read_vc() handles git2rdata objects stored by write_vc(). It reads and verifies the metadata file (.yml). Then it reads and verifies the raw data. The last step is back-transforming any transformation done by meta() to return the data.frame as stored by write_vc().

read_vc() is an S3 generic on root which currently handles "character" (a path) and "git-repository" (from git2r). S3 methods for other version control system could be added.


read_vc(file, root = ".")



the name of the git2rdata object. Git2rdata objects cannot have dots in their name. The name may include a relative path. file is a path relative to the root. Note that file must point to a location within root.


The root of a project. Can be a file path or a git-repository. Defaults to the current working directory (".").


The data.frame with the file names and hashes as attributes.

See also


## on file system

# create a directory
root <- tempfile("git2rdata-")

# write a dataframe to the directory
write_vc(iris[1:6, ], file = "iris", root = root, sorting = "Sepal.Length")
#> 09d5bfd6a65e682a4ca030c766348180861568c8 
#>                               "iris.tsv" 
#> 0d434e56d22a710c99c5b912e8624d52abd41aaf 
#>                               "iris.yml" 
# check that a data file (.tsv) and a metadata file (.yml) exist.
list.files(root, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "iris.tsv" "iris.yml"
# read the git2rdata object from the directory
read_vc("iris", root)
#>   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
#> 1          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
#> 2          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
#> 3          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
#> 4          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
#> 5          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
#> 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

# store a new version with different observations but the same metadata
write_vc(iris[1:5, ], "iris", root)
#> 31ff841b58e569e8a4a4ac2f02152295c19f94db 
#>                               "iris.tsv" 
#> 0d434e56d22a710c99c5b912e8624d52abd41aaf 
#>                               "iris.yml" 
list.files(root, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "iris.tsv" "iris.yml"
# Removing a column requires version requires new metadata.
# Add strict = FALSE to override the existing metadata.
  iris[1:6, -2], "iris", root, sorting = "Sepal.Length", strict = FALSE
#> Warning: Changes in the metadata may lead to unnecessarily large diffs.
#> See vignette('version_control', package = 'git2rdata') for more information.
#> - New data has a different number of variables.
#> - Deleted variables: Sepal.Width.
#> b2098d507b0d749a86bb61a185ab2d31f7622418 
#>                               "iris.tsv" 
#> 274646434951b078260e194a51f349a30777ebf2 
#>                               "iris.yml" 
list.files(root, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "iris.tsv" "iris.yml"
# storing the orignal version again requires another update of the metadata
write_vc(iris[1:6, ], "iris", root, sorting = "Sepal.Width", strict = FALSE)
#> Warning: Changes in the metadata may lead to unnecessarily large diffs.
#> See vignette('version_control', package = 'git2rdata') for more information.
#> - The sorting variables changed.
#>     - Sorting for the new data: 'Sepal.Width'.
#>     - Sorting for the old data: 'Sepal.Length'.
#> - New data has a different number of variables.
#> - New variables: Sepal.Width.
#> 4045436d3a61801f4eaad5769e32726838deecbc 
#>                               "iris.tsv" 
#> 928750d3071a23b52b05b88f0c2cb6f10b09789d 
#>                               "iris.yml" 
list.files(root, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "iris.tsv" "iris.yml"
# optimize = FALSE stores the data more verbose. This requires larger files.
  iris[1:6, ], "iris2", root, sorting = "Sepal.Width", optimize = FALSE
#> 79547bc5fecc2c82bd01988d1591130e578fdcf9 
#>                              "iris2.csv" 
#> 65cc08c8736657fd3e523180b46353de368b22d1 
#>                              "iris2.yml" 
list.files(root, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "iris.tsv"  "iris.yml"  "iris2.csv" "iris2.yml"

## on git repo using a git2r::git-repository

# initialise a git repo using the git2r package
repo_path <- tempfile("git2rdata-repo-")
repo <- git2r::init(repo_path)
git2r::config(repo, = "Alice", = "")

# store a dataframe in git repo.
write_vc(iris[1:6, ], file = "iris", root = repo, sorting = "Sepal.Length")
#> 09d5bfd6a65e682a4ca030c766348180861568c8 
#>                               "iris.tsv" 
#> 0d434e56d22a710c99c5b912e8624d52abd41aaf 
#>                               "iris.yml" 
# This git2rdata object is not staged by default.
#> Untracked files:
#> 	Untracked:  iris.tsv
#> 	Untracked:  iris.yml
# read a dataframe from a git repo
read_vc("iris", repo)
#>   Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
#> 1          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
#> 2          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
#> 3          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
#> 4          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
#> 5          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
#> 6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

# store a new version in the git repo and stage it in one go
write_vc(iris[1:5, ], "iris", repo, stage = TRUE)
#> 31ff841b58e569e8a4a4ac2f02152295c19f94db 
#>                               "iris.tsv" 
#> 0d434e56d22a710c99c5b912e8624d52abd41aaf 
#>                               "iris.yml" 
#> Staged changes:
#> 	New:        iris.tsv
#> 	New:        iris.yml

# store a verbose version in a different gir2data object
  iris[1:6, ], "iris2", repo, sorting = "Sepal.Width", optimize = FALSE
#> 79547bc5fecc2c82bd01988d1591130e578fdcf9 
#>                              "iris2.csv" 
#> 65cc08c8736657fd3e523180b46353de368b22d1 
#>                              "iris2.yml" 
#> Untracked files:
#> 	Untracked:  iris2.csv
#> 	Untracked:  iris2.yml
#> Staged changes:
#> 	New:        iris.tsv
#> 	New:        iris.yml