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An ontology is a categorization of all of the concepts in some field of knowledge.

GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

The data products hosted at are of vector type, which they come together with attribute tables. These attribute tables are named, but such names are not yet standardized.

To ease the understanding of the data products, the Marine Regions Team has described the attributes.

The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), hosting institution behind Marine Regions, is currently working towards Open Linked Data standards (Lonneville et al., 2021). The naming of these attributes will likely turn into standardized terms reusing or expanding on-going RDF-available ontologies.

This work was triggered during the rOpenSci review. Thanks to @sheilasaia for raising this issue.

You can consult the list in your R session via the mrp_ontology object that is loaded with mregions2

#> # A tibble: 374 × 4
#>    layer colname    type   definition                                           
#>    <chr> <chr>      <chr>  <chr>                                                
#>  1 eez   mrgid      int    Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature.…
#>  2 eez   geoname    string Name of the feature.                                 
#>  3 eez   mrgid_ter1 int    Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territor…
#>  4 eez   pol_type   string Basis of creation or legal status of feature. One of…
#>  5 eez   mrgid_sov1 int    Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereig…
#>  6 eez   territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the fea…
#>  7 eez   iso_ter1   string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.                 
#>  8 eez   sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.   
#>  9 eez   mrgid_ter2 int    Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territor…
#> 10 eez   mrgid_sov2 int    Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereig…
#> # ℹ 364 more rows

Exclusive Economic Zones (200 NM) (v11, world, 2019)

Version 11 of the Exclusive Economic Zones from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a seazone extending from a state’s coast or baseline over which the state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources. Generally a state’s EEZ extends 200 nautical miles out from its coast, except where resulting points would be closer to another country. This dataset also contains delimitation of disputed areas and joint regimes.

Update (2021-01-14): corrected centroid longitude for features crossing the dateline

layer colname type definition
eez mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez geoname string Name of the feature.
eez mrgid_ter1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature. One of: 200NM, Joint regime, Overlapping claim.
eez mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez mrgid_ter2 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez mrgid_sov2 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez territory2 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez iso_ter2 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez sovereign2 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez mrgid_ter3 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez mrgid_sov3 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez territory3 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez iso_ter3 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez sovereign3 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez mrgid_eez int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez area_km2 int Area of feature in square kilometers.
eez iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez iso_sov2 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez iso_sov3 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez un_sov1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez un_sov2 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez un_sov3 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez un_ter1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez un_ter2 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez un_ter3 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.

Maritime Boundaries (v11, world, 2019)

Version 11 of the Maritime Boundaries from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. Boundaries have been built using information about treaties between coastal countries. When treaties are not available, median lines have been calculated. This dataset also contains delimitation of disputed boundaries and joint regimes.

layer colname type definition
eez_boundaries line_id decimal Unique identifier of feature.
eez_boundaries line_name string Name of the feature.
eez_boundaries line_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature. One of: 200 NM, Archipelagic Baseline, Connection line, Joint regime, Median line, Straight Baseline, Treaty, Unilateral claim (undisputed), Unsettled, Unsettled median line
eez_boundaries mrgid_sov1 decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries mrgid_ter1 decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_boundaries sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_boundaries mrgid_ter2 decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries territory2 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_boundaries mrgid_sov2 decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries sovereign2 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_boundaries mrgid_eez1 decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature that origins this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries eez1 string Name of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature that origins from this feature
eez_boundaries mrgid_eez2 decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature that origins this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries eez2 string Name of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature that origins from this feature
eez_boundaries source1 string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
eez_boundaries url1 string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
eez_boundaries source2 string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
eez_boundaries url2 string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
eez_boundaries source3 string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
eez_boundaries url3 string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
eez_boundaries origin string Type of source of feature. One of: Buffer, Database, External, Link, Median
eez_boundaries doc_date date Date of publication of the authoritative source.
eez_boundaries mrgid_jreg decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Joint Regime polygon feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_boundaries joint_reg string Name of the Joint Regime polygon feature related to this feature.
eez_boundaries length_km decimal Length of feature in kilometers.

Territorial Seas (12 NM) (v3, world, 2019)

Version 3 of the Territorial Seas from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. Territorial seas are a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state.

Update (2021-01-14): corrected centroid longitude for features crossing the dateline

layer colname type definition
eez_12nm mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_12nm geoname string Name of the feature.
eez_12nm pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature.
eez_12nm mrgid_ter1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_12nm territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_12nm mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_12nm sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_12nm iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_12nm x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_12nm y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_12nm mrgid_eez int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_12nm area_km2 int Area of feature in square kilometers.
eez_12nm iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_12nm un_sov1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_12nm un_ter1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.

Contiguous Zones (24 NM) (v3, world, 2019)

Version 3 of the Contiguous Zones from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. The Contiguous Zone is a band of water extending from the outer edge of the territorial sea to up to 24 nautical miles (44.4 km; 27.6 mi) from the baseline.

Update (2021-01-14): corrected centroid longitude for features crossing the dateline

layer colname type definition
eez_24nm mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_24nm geoname string Name of the feature.
eez_24nm pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature.
eez_24nm mrgid_ter1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_24nm territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_24nm mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_24nm sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_24nm iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_24nm x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_24nm y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_24nm mrgid_eez int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_24nm area_km2 int Area of feature in square kilometers.
eez_24nm iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_24nm un_sov1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_24nm un_ter1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.

Internal Waters (v3, world, 2019)

Version 3 of the Internal Waters from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. Internal Waters are the waters on the landward side of the baseline of a nation’s territorial waters, except in archipelagic states. It includes waterways such as rivers and canals, and sometimes the water within small bays.

layer colname type definition
eez_internal_waters mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_internal_waters geoname string Name of the feature.
eez_internal_waters pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature.
eez_internal_waters mrgid_ter1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_internal_waters territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_internal_waters mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_internal_waters sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_internal_waters iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_internal_waters x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_internal_waters y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_internal_waters mrgid_eez int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_internal_waters area_km2 int Area of feature in square kilometers.
eez_internal_waters iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_internal_waters un_sov1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_internal_waters un_ter1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.

Archipelagic Waters (v3, world, 2019)

Version 3 of the Archipelagic Waters from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. Archipelagic Waters are waters falling within archipelagic baselines.

Update (2021-01-14): corrected centroid longitude for features crossing the dateline

layer colname type definition
eez_archipelagic_waters mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_archipelagic_waters geoname string Name of the feature.
eez_archipelagic_waters pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature.
eez_archipelagic_waters mrgid_ter1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_archipelagic_waters territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_archipelagic_waters mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_archipelagic_waters sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_archipelagic_waters iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_archipelagic_waters x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_archipelagic_waters y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_archipelagic_waters mrgid_eez int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_archipelagic_waters area_km2 int Area of feature in square kilometers.
eez_archipelagic_waters iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_archipelagic_waters un_sov1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_archipelagic_waters un_ter1 double United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.

High Seas (v1, world, 2020)

High Seas from the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea describes the high seas as ‘all parts of the sea that are not included in the exclusive economic zone, in the territorial sea or in the internal waters of a State, or in the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic State.’ In the Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase, Marine Regions makes available most of the maritime areas defined in the Law of the Sea Convention: Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), Territorial Seas (TS), Contiguous Zones (CZ), Internal Waters (IW), Archipelagic Waters (AW) and High Seas (HS).

Flanders Marine Institute (2020). Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: High Seas, version 1. Available online at


layer colname type definition
high_seas __gid long Unique identifier of feature.
high_seas mrgid decimal Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
high_seas source string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
high_seas area_km2 decimal Area of feature in square kilometers.

Extended Continental Shelves (v01, world, 2022)

This dataset represents the legal continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles as submitted to/recommended by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) or deposited to the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS). In the Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase, Marine Regions makes available most of the maritime areas defined in the Law of the Sea Convention: Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), Territorial Seas (TS), Contiguous Zones (CZ), Internal Waters (IW), Archipelagic Waters (AW) and High Seas (HS).

layer colname type definition
ecs geoname string Name of the feature.
ecs pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature.
ecs territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter1 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter1 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov1 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov1 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs territory2 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter2 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter2 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter2 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign2 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov2 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov2 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov2 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs territory3 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter3 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter3 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter3 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign3 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov3 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov3 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov3 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs territory4 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter4 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter4 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter4 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign4 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov4 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov4 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov4 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs territory5 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter5 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter5 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter5 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign5 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov5 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov5 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov5 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs territory6 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter6 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter6 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter6 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign6 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov6 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov6 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov6 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs territory7 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs mrgid_ter7 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_ter7 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
ecs un_ter7 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
ecs sovereign7 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs mrgid_sov7 int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs iso_sov7 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs un_sov7 string United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
ecs x_1 string Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
ecs y_1 string Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4332
ecs area_km2 string Area of feature in square kilometers.
ecs mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs mrgid_ecs int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Extended Continental Shelf feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.

Extended Continental Shelves - boundaries (v01, world, 2022)

This dataset represents the outer boundaries of the legal continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles as submitted to/recommended by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) or deposited to the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS). In the Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase, Marine Regions makes available most of the maritime areas defined in the Law of the Sea Convention: Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), Territorial Seas (TS), Contiguous Zones (CZ), Internal Waters (IW), Archipelagic Waters (AW) and High Seas (HS).

layer colname type definition
ecs_boundaries line_id double Unique identifier of feature.
ecs_boundaries line_name string Name of the feature.
ecs_boundaries line_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature. One of: ECS CLCS Joint Recommendation, ECS CLCS Joint Submission, ECS CLCS Recommendation, ECS CLCS Submission, ECS Connection Line, ECS DOALOS Deposit, ECS DOALOS Joint Deposit, ECS Treaty
ecs_boundaries territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs_boundaries sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs_boundaries territory2 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs_boundaries sovereign2 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs_boundaries territory3 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs_boundaries sovereign3 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs_boundaries territory4 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs_boundaries sovereign4 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs_boundaries territory5 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs_boundaries sovereign5 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs_boundaries territory6 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
ecs_boundaries sovereign6 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
ecs_boundaries origin string Type of source of feature. One of: Buffer, Database, External, Link, Median
ecs_boundaries url1 string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries source1 string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries doc_date date Date of publication of the authoritative source.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_ter1 double Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_ter2 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_ter3 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_ter4 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_ter5 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_ter6 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_sov1 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_sov2 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_sov3 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_sov4 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_sov5 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries mrgid_sov6 double Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
ecs_boundaries url2 string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries url3 string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries source2 string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries source3 string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
ecs_boundaries length_km decimal Length of feature in kilometers.

IHO Sea Areas (v3)

World seas represents the boundaries for the major oceans and seas of the world. The source for the boundaries is the publication ‘Limits of Oceans & Seas, Special Publication No. 23’ published by the IHO in 1953. (

layer colname type definition
iho id string Unique identifier of feature.
iho longitude decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
iho latitude decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
iho min_x decimal Minimum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
iho min_y decimal Minimum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
iho max_x decimal Maximum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
iho max_y decimal Maximum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
iho area long Area of feature in square kilometers.
iho mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.

Global Oceans and Seas (v1)

Global Oceans and Seas represents the boundaries between the 10 main oceans and seas (Arctic Ocean, North and South Atlantic Ocean, North and South Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Region, South China and Eastern Archipelagic Seas). The boundaries are largely based on the publication ‘Limits of Oceans & Seas, Special Publication No. 23’, published by the IHO in 1953. The dataset is available in World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84).

layer colname type definition
goas latitude decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
goas longitude decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
goas min_y decimal Minimum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
goas min_x decimal Minimum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
goas max_y decimal Maximum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
goas max_x decimal Maximum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
goas area_km2 double Area of feature in square kilometers.

The intersect of the Exclusive Economic Zones and IHO areas (v4)

The maritime boundaries provide a useful tool to limit national marine areas, but do not include information on marine regional and sub regional seas. This hampers the usage of these boundaries for implementing nature conservation strategies or analyzing marine biogeographic patterns. For example, a species occurring in the German EEZ can live in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea or Kattegat area. Each of these different marine areas has very distinct hydrological, oceanographic and ecological conditions.

layer colname type definition
eez_iho mrgid long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho marregion string Name of the feature.
eez_iho mrgid_iho long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the International Hydrographic Office Sea Area feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho iho_sea string Name of the International Hydrographic Office Sea Area polygon feature related to this feature.
eez_iho mrgid_eez long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho eez string Name of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature.
eez_iho mrgid_ter1 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_iho iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_iho un_ter1 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez_iho mrgid_sov1 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_iho iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_iho un_sov1 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_iho mrgid_ter2 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho territory2 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_iho iso_ter2 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_iho un_ter2 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez_iho mrgid_sov2 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho sovereign2 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_iho iso_sov2 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_iho un_sov2 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_iho mrgid_ter3 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho territory3 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_iho iso_ter3 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_iho un_ter3 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez_iho mrgid_sov3 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_iho sovereign3 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_iho iso_sov3 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_iho un_sov3 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_iho area_km2 long Area of feature in square kilometers.
eez_iho x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_iho y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326

Marine and land zones: the union of world country boundaries and EEZ’s

This dataset combines the boundaries of the world countries and the Exclusive Economic Zones of the world. It was created by combining the ESRI world country database and the EEZ version 11 dataset.

layer colname type definition
eez_land union string Name of the feature.
eez_land mrgid_eez long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the Exclusive Economic Zone feature related to this feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land territory1 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_land mrgid_ter1 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land iso_ter1 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_land un_ter1 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez_land sovereign1 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_land mrgid_sov1 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land iso_sov1 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_land un_sov1 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_land territory2 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_land mrgid_ter2 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land iso_ter2 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_land un_ter2 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez_land sovereign2 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_land mrgid_sov2 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land iso_sov2 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_land un_sov2 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_land territory3 string Specific land area which directly relates to the feature.
eez_land mrgid_ter3 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the territory feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land iso_ter3 string ISO 3 code of the territory feature.
eez_land un_ter3 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the territory feature.
eez_land sovereign3 string State that claims jurisdiction over the territory.
eez_land mrgid_sov3 long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the sovereign nation feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
eez_land iso_sov3 string ISO 3 code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_land un_sov3 long United Nations M49 Country Code of the sovereign nation feature.
eez_land pol_type string Basis of creation or legal status of feature.
eez_land y_1 decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_land x_1 decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
eez_land area_km2 long Area of feature in square kilometers.

Global Biogeochemical Provinces (Longhurst)

The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst (1995; 1998; 2006). The division has been based on the prevailing role of physical forcing as a regulator of phytoplankton distribution. The dataset contains the initial static boundaries developed at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada. Note that the boundaries of these provinces are not fixed in time and space, but are dynamic and move under seasonal and interannual changes in physical forcing. At the first level of reduction, Longhurst recognised four principal biomes: the Polar biome, the Westerlies biome, the Trade winds biome, and the Coastal biome. These four biomes are recognised in every major ocean basin. At the next level of reduction, the ocean basins are divided into provinces, roughly ten for each basin. These regions provide a template for data analysis or for making parameter assignments on a global scale. Please refer to Longhurst’s publications when using these shapefiles.

layer colname type definition
longhurst provcode string Unique identifier of feature as 4 code.
longhurst provdescr string Name of feature.
longhurst x decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
longhurst y decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
longhurst area_m2 decimal Area of feature in square meters.
longhurst orig_fid int Unique identifier of feature.
longhurst mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.

Global contourite distribution

Contourites are sedimentary units which are deposited or substantially reworked by alongslope bottom currents. They refer to the lithological unit and the terminology reflects the grain size of the sediment. Drifts refer to the same sedimentary unit as a contourite, but the word ‘drift’ reflects the morphological appearance of the sedimentary unit. Their terminology reflects the external shape, and the internal shape, which is determined by seismography. If drifts are clustered into a local area of certain size, we call the clustered sediment group a Contourite Depositional System (CDS). These sedimentary units are generally, but not exclusively, found in the deep sea (>2000m depth). They are a useful tool for determining paleoceanic and paleoclimatic changes, since their distribution is linked to bottom currents. They have gained interest from the hydrocarbon industry, since accumulation of source rocks may be influenced by bottom currents. Slope instability is also an area of interest for further research.

Source methodology: For acquisition of the resulting information, several hundreds of papers on the relevant subject were read. Firstly, abstracts, introductions and conclusions were read for a general view on the article. Then further reading on the relevant chapters provided the presented information.

In 2013, 166 records with the place type Drift were added to the Marine Gazetteer. These are linked to one of the 24 Contourite Depositional Systems, if they make part of such a system. Each drift is also influenced by a water mass or current. This water mass or current determines the sedimentation, erosion and movements of these sediments.

In 2014, the list was extended with 81 records of the place type Drift. No Contourite Depositional Systems were added. The search process was identical to 2013, only this time a summary paper was the starting point (Rebesco et al., 2014). In this publication, the major drifts were listed with their most relevant sources along with them. These listed sources were then sought after and read. Not all papers were accessible at the time of this process, and thus it is advised to read these publications in the future as well.

layer colname type definition
cds mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
cds added_in short Year of designation of feature.
cds __xmin double Minimum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
cds __xmax double Maximum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
cds ymin double Minimum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
cds ymax double Maximum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
cds centroid string Centroid of feature in EPGS:4326

Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI (NOx emission control)

Polygon data representing the Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI (NOx emission control). The outline coordinates were processed in June 2019. The coastline was extracted from the ESRI Countries 2014. Available ECAs: 1) North American area (regulation 13.6.1 and appendix VII of MARPOL Annex VI); 2) United States Caribbean sea area (regulation 13.6.2 and appendix VII of MARPOL Annex VI)

Preferred citation: Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium; (2020). Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI (NOx emission control). Available online at

layer colname type definition
eca_reg13_nox area string Name of feature.
eca_reg13_nox regulation string Legal regulation of feature.

Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI (SOx and particulate matter emission control)

Polygon data representing the Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI (SOx and particulate matter emission control). The outline coordinates were processed in June 2019. The coastline was extracted from the ESRI Countries 2014. Available ECAs: 1) Baltic Sea area (regulation 14.3.1 of MARPOL Annex VI and regulation 1.11.2 of MARPOL Annex I); 2) North Sea area (regulation 14.3.1 of MARPOL Annex VI and regulation 1.14.6 of MARPOL Annex V); 3) North American area (regulation 14.3.2 and appendix VII of MARPOL Annex VI); 4) United States Caribbean sea area (regulation 14.3.3 and appendix VII of MARPOL Annex VI)

Preferred citation: Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium; (2020). Emission Control Areas (ECAs) designated under regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI (SOx and particulate matter emission control). Available online at

layer colname type definition
eca_reg14_sox_pm area string Name of feature.
eca_reg14_sox_pm regulation string Legal regulation of feature.

UNESCO World Heritage Marine Sites (v02, 2023)

This file contains the shapefile of the 50 marine sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List (as of 1 January 2023). Launched in 2005, the mission of the World Heritage Marine Programme is to establish effective conservation of existing and potential marine areas of Outstanding Universal Value to make sure they will be maintained and thrive for generations to come. In order to create the data, information from the UNESCO World Heritage Marine Programme and Protected Planet were collected and compiled.

Citable as data publication UNESCO (2023). Boundaries of UNESCO World Heritage Marine Sites (v02). Available online at

layer colname type definition
worldheritagemarineprogramme full_name string Name of feature.
worldheritagemarineprogramme country string State in which the feature lies.
worldheritagemarineprogramme year string Year of designation of feature.
worldheritagemarineprogramme beauty string Boolean. Indicates if the designation of feature is based on landscape criteria.
worldheritagemarineprogramme geology string Boolean. Indicates if the designation of feature is based on geological importance criteria.
worldheritagemarineprogramme ecology string Boolean. Indicates if the designation of feature is based on ecological importance criteria.
worldheritagemarineprogramme habitat string Boolean. Indicates if the designation of feature is based on ecological importance criteria.
worldheritagemarineprogramme long_whc string Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
worldheritagemarineprogramme lat_whc string Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
worldheritagemarineprogramme source string Name of the authoritative source that defines the feature.
worldheritagemarineprogramme buffer string Boolean. Indicates if the feature is a buffer around another feature.
worldheritagemarineprogramme url string Uniform Resource Locator to the authoritative source that defines the feature.
worldheritagemarineprogramme mrgid string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
worldheritagemarineprogramme refid string Unique Identifier of the feature.
worldheritagemarineprogramme area_km2 decimal Area of feature in square kilometers.

The 66 Large Marine Ecosystems of the World

LMEs are natural regions of ocean space encompassing coastal waters from river basins and estuaries to the seaward boundary of continental shelves and the outer margins of coastal currents. They are relatively large regions of 200,000 km2 or greater, the natural boundaries of which are based on four ecological criteria: bathymetry, hydrography, productivity, and trophically related populations. The theory, measurement, and modeling relevant to monitoring the changing states of LMEs are imbedded in reports on ecosystems with multiple steady states, and on the pattern formation and spatial diffusion within ecosystems. The concept that critical processes controlling the structure and function of biological communities can best be addressed on a regional basis has been applied to the ocean by using LMEs as the distinct units for marine resources assessment, monitoring, and management.

layer colname type definition
lme objectid long Unique identifier of feature.
lme lme_name string Name of feature.
lme grouping string Boolean: Indicates if the feature belongs to the category: Artic
lme arctic string Boolean: Indicates if the feature belongs to the category: Artic
lme uslmes string Boolean. Indicates if the feature is related to the nation: United States
lme shape_leng decimal Perimeter of feature in meters calculated in spheroid.
lme shape_area decimal Cartesian area of feature in square meters.
lme sum_gis_km decimal Geodetic area of feature in square kilometers.
lme mrgid long Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
lme minlat double Minimum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
lme minlong double Minimum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
lme maxlat double Maximum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
lme maxlong double Maximum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
lme lat double Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
lme lon double Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
lme lme_number long Unique identifier of feature.

Marine Ecoregions of the World - Ecoregions

MEOW is a biogeographic classification of the world’s coasts and shelves. It is the first ever comprehensive marine classification system with clearly defined boundaries and definitions and was developed to closely link to existing regional systems. The ecoregions nest within the broader biogeographic tiers of Realms and Provinces.

MEOW represents broad-scale patterns of species and communities in the ocean, and was designed as a tool for planning conservation across a range of scales and assessing conservation efforts and gaps worldwide. The current system focuses on coast and shelf areas (as this is where the majority of human activity and conservation action is focused) and does not consider realms in pelagic or deep benthic environment. It is hoped that parallel but distinct systems for pelagic and deep benthic biotas will be devised in the near future.

The project was led by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), with broad input from a working group representing key NGO, academic and intergovernmental conservation partners.

(source: WWF - Marine Ecoregions of the World)

Note: The inland boundaries of the ecoregions extend far inland - a convention to ensure inclusion of any coastline and estuarine/lagoonal systems which may be derived from different map sources. For visualisations in the Marine Regions gazetteer, the areas inland have been removed from the shapefile.

References: Spalding, M. D. Fox, H. E. Allen, G. R. Davidson, N. Ferdana, Z. A. Finlayson, M. Halpern, B. S. Jorge, M. A. Lombana, A. Lourie, S. A., (2007). Marine Ecoregions of the World: A Bioregionalization of Coastal and Shelf Areas. Bioscience 2007, VOL 57; numb 7, pages 573-584. doi: 10.1641/B570707

layer colname type definition
ecoregions eco_code long Unique identifier of feature.
ecoregions ecoregion string Name of feature. Areas of relatively homogeneous species composition, clearly distinct from adjacent systems. The species composition is likely to be determined by the predominance of a small number of ecosystems and/or a distinct suite of oceanographic or topographic features. The dominant biogeographic forcing agents defining the ecoregions vary from location to location but may include isolation, upwelling, nutrient inputs, freshwater influx, temperature regimes, ice regimes, exposure, sediments, currents, and bathymetric or coastal complexity.
ecoregions lat decimal Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
ecoregions long decimal Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
ecoregions placetype string Type of feature.
ecoregions mrgid int Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.

SeaVoX - Sea Areas Polygons (v18, 2021)

SeaVoX is a combined SeaDataNet and MarineXML vocabulary content governance group, it is moderated by BODC ( This polygon data set defines the geographic extent of the terms specified by the SeaVoX vocabulary governance to describe coherent regions of the hydrosphere. It includes land masses enclosing freshwater bodies. The coastline data set used in the shapefile is taken from the World Vector Shoreline data set (scale 1:250,000). Reference for the data set: “polygon data set of the extent of water bodies from the SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer,”. The data file follows a hierarchical structure with each region consisting of one or more polygons. This approach was adopted to avoid the need to have overlapping polygons in regions where a sea area included a number of sub-regions, for example the Mediterranean Sea includes the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea etc. The following gives the level in the structure at which particular regions, which consist of more than one polygon can be found. This level in the structure is given by the polygon’s attributes. Attribute: REGION: ARCTIC OCEAN, ATLANTIC OCEAN,BALTIC SEA,INDIAN OCEAN,MEDITERRANEAN REGION,PACIFIC OCEAN,SOUTH CHINA AND EASTERN ARCHIPELAGIC SEAS,SOUTHERN OCEAN,MAINLAND NORTH AMERICAMAINLAND,EUROPE,MAINLAND ASIA Attribute: LEVEL_1: ARAFURA SEA,DAVIS SEA,GREENLAND SEA,GULF OF BOTHNIA,MEDITERRANEAN SEA,NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN,NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN,ROSS SEA,SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN,SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN,TIMOR SEA, LAURENTIAN GREAT LAKED Attribute: LEVEL_2: MEDITERRANEAN SEA, WESTERN BASIN,MEDITERRANEAN SEA,EASTERN BASIN,NORTHEAST ATLANTIC OCEAN (40W),NORTHEAST PACIFIC OCEAN (180W),NORTHWEST ATLANTIC OCEAN (40W),NORTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN (180W),SOUTHEAST ATLANTIC OCEAN (20W),SOUTHEAST PACIFIC OCEAN (140W),SOUTHWEST ATLANTIC OCEAN (20W),SOUTHWEST PACIFIC OCEAN (140W), LAKE ERIE, LAKE SUPERIOR, DETROIT RIVER, ST. CLAIR RIVER, LAKE ST. CLAIR, NIAGARA RIVER, LAKE HURON, LAKE ONTARIO, LAKE MICHIGAN, ST. MARYS RIVER Attribute: LEVEL_3: BERING SEA,BRISTOL CHANNEL,CELTIC SEA,CORAL SEA,ENGLISH CHANNEL,GULF OF MAINE,INNER SEAS OFF THE WEST COAST OF SCOTLAND,IRISH SEA,JAPAN SEA,NORTH SEA,TASMAN SEA,YELLOW SEA Attribute: LEVEL_4: CARDIGAN BAY,DOVER STRAIT,FIRTH OF CLYDE,LIVERPOOL BAY,NORTH CHANNEL,POOLE BAY,SOLENT,SOLWAY FIRTH Attribute: SUB_REGION: This is the lowest level in the structure. This version of the shapefile corresponds to version 18 of the SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer. This version includes the following updates: addition of 1 new level 3 area (Gulf of Maine) and 1 new sub-region (Gulf of Maine) Credits Polygon data set of the extent of water bodies from the SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer, Use limitations The source of the data set should be attributed as: “polygon data set of the extent of water bodies from the SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer,

layer colname type definition
seavox_v18 sub_region string Name of feature.
seavox_v18 region string Name of the first hierarchical level of classification feature
seavox_v18 level_1 string Name of the second hierarchical level of classification feature.
seavox_v18 level_2 string Name of the third hierarchical level of classification feature.
seavox_v18 level_3 string Name of the fourth hierarchical level of classification feature
seavox_v18 level_4 string Name of the fifth hierarchical level of classification feature
seavox_v18 skos_url string Uniform Resource Identifier of feature
seavox_v18 lat double Centroid latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
seavox_v18 long double Centroid longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
seavox_v18 minlat double Minimum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
seavox_v18 minlong double Minimum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
seavox_v18 maxlat double Maximum latitude of feature in EPGS:4326
seavox_v18 maxlong double Maximum longitude of feature in EPGS:4326
seavox_v18 mrgid_sr string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
seavox_v18 mrgid_r string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the first hierarchical level of classification feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
seavox_v18 mrgid_l1 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the second hierarchical level of classification feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
seavox_v18 mrgid_l2 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the third hierarchical level of classification feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
seavox_v18 mrgid_l3 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the fourth hierarchical level of classification feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
seavox_v18 mrgid_l4 string Marine Regions Geographic Identifier of the fifth hierarchical level of classification feature. Unique, persistent and resolvable identifier used in the Marine Regions gazetteer.
seavox_v18 area_km2 decimal Geodetic area of feature in square kilometers.