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S3 method to flatten an npi_results object


npi_flatten(df, cols, key)



A data frame containing the results of a call to npi_search.


If non-NULL, only the named columns specified here will be be flattened and returned along with npi.


A quoted column name from df to use as a matching key. The default value is "npi".


A data frame (tibble) with flattened list columns.


# Flatten all list columns
#> # A tibble: 48 × 42
#>           npi basic_first_name basic_last_name basic_credential
#>         <int> <chr>            <chr>           <chr>           
#>  1 1194276360 ALYSSA           COWNAN          PA              
#>  2 1194276360 ALYSSA           COWNAN          PA              
#>  3 1306849641 MARK             MOHRMANN        MD              
#>  4 1306849641 MARK             MOHRMANN        MD              
#>  5 1306849641 MARK             MOHRMANN        MD              
#>  6 1306849641 MARK             MOHRMANN        MD              
#>  7 1326403213 RAJEE            KRAUSE          AGPCNP-C        
#>  8 1326403213 RAJEE            KRAUSE          AGPCNP-C        
#>  9 1326403213 RAJEE            KRAUSE          AGPCNP-C        
#> 10 1326403213 RAJEE            KRAUSE          AGPCNP-C        
#> # ℹ 38 more rows
#> # ℹ 38 more variables: basic_sole_proprietor <chr>, basic_gender <chr>,
#> #   basic_enumeration_date <chr>, basic_last_updated <chr>, basic_status <chr>,
#> #   basic_name <chr>, basic_name_prefix <chr>, basic_middle_name <chr>,
#> #   basic_organization_name <chr>, basic_organizational_subpart <chr>,
#> #   basic_authorized_official_credential <chr>,
#> #   basic_authorized_official_first_name <chr>, …

# Only flatten specified columns
npi_flatten(npis, cols = c("basic", "identifiers"))
#> # A tibble: 12 × 25
#>           npi basic_first_name basic_last_name basic_credential    
#>         <int> <chr>            <chr>           <chr>               
#>  1 1194276360 ALYSSA           COWNAN          PA                  
#>  2 1306849641 MARK             MOHRMANN        MD                  
#>  3 1326403213 RAJEE            KRAUSE          AGPCNP-C            
#>  4 1346604592 SARAH            LOWRY           OTR/L               
#>  5 1427454529 YONGHONG         TAN             NA                  
#>  6 1558362566 AMY              TIERSTEN        M.D.                
#>  7 1558713628 ROBYN            NOHLING         FNP-BC, RD, LDN, MSN
#>  8 1639173065 SAKSHI           DUA             M.D.                
#>  9 1639173065 SAKSHI           DUA             M.D.                
#> 10 1639173065 SAKSHI           DUA             M.D.                
#> 11 1790786416 NOAH             GOLDMAN         M.D.                
#> 12 1962983775 NA               NA              NA                  
#> # ℹ 21 more variables: basic_sole_proprietor <chr>, basic_gender <chr>,
#> #   basic_enumeration_date <chr>, basic_last_updated <chr>, basic_status <chr>,
#> #   basic_name <chr>, basic_name_prefix <chr>, basic_middle_name <chr>,
#> #   basic_organization_name <chr>, basic_organizational_subpart <chr>,
#> #   basic_authorized_official_credential <chr>,
#> #   basic_authorized_official_first_name <chr>,
#> #   basic_authorized_official_last_name <chr>, …