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The following command returns:

  • All nodes that are inside a given bounding box and any relations that reference them.

  • All ways that reference at least one node that is inside a given bounding box, any relations that reference them [the ways], and any nodes outside the bounding box that the ways may reference.

  • All relations that reference one of the nodes, ways or relations included due to the above rules. (Does ”'not”' apply recursively, see explanation below.)


osm_bbox_objects(bbox, format = c("R", "xml", "json"), tags_in_columns = FALSE)



Coordinates for the area to retrieve the map data from (left,bottom,right,top).


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default), "xml", or "json".


If FALSE (default), the tags of the objects are saved in a single list column tags containing a data.frame for each OSM object with the keys and values. If TRUE, add a column for each key. Ignored if format != "R".


If format = "R", returns a data frame with one OSM object per row. If format = "xml", returns a xml2::xml_document following the OSM_XML format. If format = "json", returns a list with a json structure following the OSM_JSON format.


Note that, while this command returns those relations that reference the aforementioned nodes and ways, the reverse is not true: it does not (necessarily) return all of the nodes and ways that are referenced by these relations. This prevents unreasonably-large result sets. For example, imagine the case where:

  • There is a relation named "England" that references every node in England.

  • The nodes, ways, and relations are retrieved for a bounding box that covers a small portion of England. While the result would include the nodes, ways, and relations as specified by the rules for the command, including the "England" relation, it would (fortuitously) not include every node and way in England. If desired, the nodes and ways referenced by the "England" relation could be retrieved by their respective IDs.

Also note that ways which intersect the bounding box but have no nodes within the bounding box will not be returned.


For downloading data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects, perhaps is better to use the Overpass API. A similar function to download OSM objects using Overpass, is implemented in the osmdata function opq().

See also


map_data <- osm_bbox_objects(bbox = c(1.8366775, 41.8336843, 1.8379971, 41.8344537))
## bbox as a character value also works (bbox = "1.8366775,41.8336843,1.8379971,41.8344537").
#>         type          id visible version changeset           timestamp
#> 1       node  1087707418    TRUE       1   6889330 2011-01-07 04:25:19
#> 2       node  1087772898    TRUE       1   6889330 2011-01-07 05:11:39
#> 3       node  1090232160    TRUE       1   6900107 2011-01-08 04:58:50
#> 4       node  1092623102    TRUE       1   6909455 2011-01-08 22:54:44
#> 5       node  1095010265    TRUE       1   6917883 2011-01-09 19:59:54
#> 6       node  1095270066    TRUE       2  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:46
#> 7       node  1095693080    TRUE       2 153465883 2024-07-02 16:35:46
#> 8       node  1661363016    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:15
#> 9       node  1661363019    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 10      node  1661363026    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:15
#> 11      node  1661363029    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:15
#> 12      node  1661363078    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:15
#> 13      node  1661363088    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 14      node  1661363096    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:16
#> 15      node  1661363103    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:16
#> 16      node  1661363112    TRUE       2  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:46
#> 17      node  1661363121    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 18      node  1661363126    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:17
#> 19      node  1661363131    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:17
#> 20      node  1661363136    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 21      node  1661363140    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:17
#> 22      node  1661363147    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:17
#> 23      node  1661363150    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:17
#> 24      node  1661363152    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:17
#> 25      node  1661363158    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 26      node  1661363225    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 27      node  1661363226    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:18
#> 28      node  1661363230    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:18
#> 29      node  1661363242    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:18
#> 30      node  1661363247    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:18
#> 31      node  1661363261    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:18
#> 32      node  1661363266    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:30
#> 33      node  1661363269    TRUE       2  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:31
#> 34      node  1661363278    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:19
#> 35      node  1661363285    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:19
#> 36      node  1661363333    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:19
#> 37      node  1661363336    TRUE       2  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:46
#> 38      node  1661363340    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:20
#> 39      node  1661363372    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:20
#> 40      node  1661363477    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:21
#> 41      node  1661363550    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:22
#> 42      node  1661363560    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:22
#> 43      node  1661363650    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:23
#> 44      node  1661363662    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:24
#> 45      node  1661363675    TRUE       1  10884933 2012-03-05 21:47:24
#> 46      node  1661363698    TRUE       2  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:46
#> 47      node  1925877888    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:27
#> 48      node  1925877889    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:27
#> 49      node  1925877890    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:27
#> 50      node  1925877892    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:27
#> 51      node  1925877893    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:27
#> 52      node  1925877894    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 53      node  1925877895    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 54      node  1925877896    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 55      node  1925877897    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 56      node  1925877898    TRUE       2  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:46
#> 57      node  1925877900    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 58      node  1925877901    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 59      node  1925877902    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 60      node  1925877904    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 61      node  1925877905    TRUE       1  13200777 2012-09-21 20:40:28
#> 62      node  1957612041    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:39
#> 63      node  1957612049    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 64      node  1957612051    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 65      node  1957612053    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 66      node  1957612055    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 67      node  1957612057    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 68      node  1957612059    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 69      node  1957612061    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 70      node  1957612063    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 71      node  1957612065    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 72      node  1957612067    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 73      node  1957612069    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 74      node  1957612071    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 75      node  1957612073    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 76      node  1957612074    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 77      node  1957612075    TRUE       2  13448379 2012-10-10 23:11:30
#> 78      node  1957612076    TRUE       2 126584809 2022-09-24 14:49:53
#> 79      node  1957612077    TRUE       2 126584809 2022-09-24 14:49:53
#> 80      node  1957612083    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 81      node  1957612084    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 82      node  1957612087    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 83      node  1957612089    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 84      node  1957612091    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 85      node  1957612093    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 86      node  1957612095    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 87      node  1957612097    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:40
#> 88      node  1957612099    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 89      node  1957612101    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 90      node  1957612103    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 91      node  1957612105    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 92      node  1957612107    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 93      node  1957612109    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 94      node  1957612111    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 95      node  1957612113    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 96      node  1957612114    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 97      node  1957612116    TRUE       2 126584809 2022-09-24 14:49:53
#> 98      node  1957612118    TRUE       2  13448379 2012-10-10 23:11:30
#> 99      node  1957612120    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 100     node  1957612122    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 101     node  1957612124    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 102     node  1957612125    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 103     node  1957612127    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 104     node  1957612129    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 105     node  1957612131    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 106     node  1957612133    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 107     node  1957612134    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 108     node  1957612136    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 109     node  1957612138    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 110     node  1957612140    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 111     node  1957612142    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 112     node  1957612144    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 113     node  1957612146    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 114     node  1957612148    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:41
#> 115     node  1957612152    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:42
#> 116     node  6425109815    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 117     node  6425109816    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 118     node  6425109817    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 119     node  6425109818    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 120     node  6425109819    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 121     node  6425109820    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 122     node  6425109821    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 123     node  6425109822    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 124     node  6425109823    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 125     node  6425109824    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 126     node  6425109825    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 127     node  6425109826    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 128     node  6425109827    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 129     node  6425109828    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 130     node  6425109829    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 131     node  6425109830    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 132     node  6425109831    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 133     node  6425109832    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 134     node  6425109833    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 135     node  6425109834    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 136     node  6425109835    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 137     node  6425109836    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 138     node  6425109837    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 139     node  6425109838    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 140     node  6425109839    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 141     node  6425109840    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 142     node  6425109841    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 143     node  6425109842    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 144     node  6425109843    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:47
#> 145     node  6425109844    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 146     node  6425109845    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 147     node  6425109846    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 148     node  6425109847    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 149     node  6425109848    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 150     node  6425109849    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 151     node  6425109850    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 152     node  6425109851    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 153     node  6425109852    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 154     node  6425109853    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 155     node  6425109854    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 156     node  6425109855    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 157     node  6425109856    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 158     node  6425109857    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 159     node  6425109858    TRUE       1  69516908 2019-04-24 08:35:48
#> 160     node 10299079065    TRUE       1 130759957 2023-01-01 18:48:42
#> 161     node 10876350778    TRUE       1 135824518 2023-05-07 19:25:27
#> 162     node 10876380831    TRUE       1 135824518 2023-05-07 19:25:27
#> 163     node 11987179907    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 164     node 11987179908    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 165     node 11987179909    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 166     node 11987179910    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 167     node 11987179911    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 168     node 11987179912    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 169     node 11987179913    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 170     node 11987179914    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 171     node 11987179915    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 172     node 11987179916    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 173     node 11987179917    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 174      way   153466448    TRUE       4  13448374 2012-10-10 23:10:42
#> 175      way   153466451    TRUE       4 129422216 2022-11-27 05:02:02
#> 176      way   153466470    TRUE       4 135819835 2023-05-07 17:06:36
#> 177      way   153466530    TRUE       6 137048530 2023-06-07 09:49:27
#> 178      way   182250926    TRUE       3  13448374 2012-10-10 23:10:41
#> 179      way   185201368    TRUE       5 130759957 2023-01-01 18:48:42
#> 180      way   185201369    TRUE       4 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 181      way   185201370    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:42
#> 182      way   185201371    TRUE       4 135820297 2023-05-07 17:05:23
#> 183      way   185201372    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 184      way   185201373    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 185      way   185201374    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 186      way   185201375    TRUE       4 135820297 2023-05-07 17:05:30
#> 187      way   185201376    TRUE       2 135819835 2023-05-07 16:52:14
#> 188      way   185201377    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 189      way   185201378    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 190      way   185201379    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 191      way   185201380    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:43
#> 192      way   185201381    TRUE       2 126584809 2022-09-24 14:49:53
#> 193      way   185201383    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:44
#> 194      way   185201384    TRUE       1  13448362 2012-10-10 23:08:44
#> 195      way   185201385    TRUE       2 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 196      way   185201411    TRUE       1  13448374 2012-10-10 23:10:41
#> 197      way   685590020    TRUE       3 135820333 2023-05-07 17:06:24
#> 198      way  1293028892    TRUE       1 152793279 2024-06-17 09:26:39
#> 199      way  1298609103    TRUE       2 153466109 2024-07-02 16:39:36
#> 200 relation     5524720    TRUE      48 162249291 2025-02-07 15:15:05
#> 201 relation    17796174    TRUE       1 153465883 2024-07-02 16:35:46
#> 202 relation    17796229    TRUE       1 153466109 2024-07-02 16:39:36
#>             user      uid        lat       lon
#> 1     antecessor    87939 41.8337241 1.8375993
#> 2     antecessor    87939 41.8341401 1.8380538
#> 3     antecessor    87939 41.8335690 1.8374740
#> 4     antecessor    87939 41.8340099 1.8378882
#> 5     antecessor    87939 41.8334085 1.8373604
#> 6         EliziR   605366 41.8338300 1.8377658
#> 7         EliziR   605366 41.8332484 1.8372946
#> 8         EliziR   605366 41.8337595 1.8368541
#> 9         EliziR   605366 41.8338216 1.8369248
#> 10        EliziR   605366 41.8338404 1.8375752
#> 11        EliziR   605366 41.8338490 1.8376968
#> 12        EliziR   605366 41.8338544 1.8367437
#> 13        EliziR   605366 41.8338713 1.8370757
#> 14        EliziR   605366 41.8338749 1.8375872
#> 15        EliziR   605366 41.8338774 1.8374803
#> 16        EliziR   605366 41.8339271 1.8375027
#> 17        EliziR   605366 41.8339274 1.8368620
#> 18        EliziR   605366 41.8339217 1.8366712
#> 19        EliziR   605366 41.8339439 1.8373871
#> 20        EliziR   605366 41.8339771 1.8370129
#> 21        EliziR   605366 41.8340118 1.8376257
#> 22        EliziR   605366 41.8340411 1.8367004
#> 23        EliziR   605366 41.8340544 1.8374988
#> 24        EliziR   605366 41.8340612 1.8374199
#> 25        EliziR   605366 41.8340858 1.8372474
#> 26        EliziR   605366 41.8340938 1.8374579
#> 27        EliziR   605366 41.8341301 1.8377007
#> 28        EliziR   605366 41.8341337 1.8376629
#> 29        EliziR   605366 41.8341722 1.8377977
#> 30        EliziR   605366 41.8341880 1.8377245
#> 31        EliziR   605366 41.8341923 1.8367711
#> 32        EliziR   605366 41.8342121 1.8372388
#> 33        EliziR   605366 41.8342201 1.8374493
#> 34        EliziR   605366 41.8342472 1.8368773
#> 35        EliziR   605366 41.8343021 1.8370114
#> 36        EliziR   605366 41.8343613 1.8371155
#> 37        EliziR   605366 41.8343316 1.8375019
#> 38        EliziR   605366 41.8344553 1.8371612
#> 39        EliziR   605366 41.8346093 1.8371669
#> 40        EliziR   605366 41.8348556 1.8370571
#> 41        EliziR   605366 41.8349874 1.8370303
#> 42        EliziR   605366 41.8350596 1.8376625
#> 43        EliziR   605366 41.8351191 1.8371889
#> 44        EliziR   605366 41.8352362 1.8373401
#> 45        EliziR   605366 41.8353533 1.8374255
#> 46        EliziR   605366 41.8355366 1.8374337
#> 47        EliziR   605366 41.8336994 1.8370761
#> 48        EliziR   605366 41.8337159 1.8369434
#> 49        EliziR   605366 41.8337461 1.8372918
#> 50        EliziR   605366 41.8338051 1.8376108
#> 51        EliziR   605366 41.8338488 1.8377451
#> 52        EliziR   605366 41.8339605 1.8377959
#> 53        EliziR   605366 41.8341228 1.8378575
#> 54        EliziR   605366 41.8342863 1.8379221
#> 55        EliziR   605366 41.8343412 1.8377591
#> 56        EliziR   605366 41.8343143 1.8377012
#> 57        EliziR   605366 41.8343879 1.8378808
#> 58        EliziR   605366 41.8345280 1.8379398
#> 59        EliziR   605366 41.8346530 1.8379748
#> 60        EliziR   605366 41.8347299 1.8379379
#> 61        EliziR   605366 41.8349584 1.8377545
#> 62        EliziR   605366 41.8341573 1.8377521
#> 63        EliziR   605366 41.8335140 1.8371683
#> 64        EliziR   605366 41.8335804 1.8373789
#> 65        EliziR   605366 41.8336399 1.8370968
#> 66        EliziR   605366 41.8336994 1.8371920
#> 67        EliziR   605366 41.8337063 1.8373073
#> 68        EliziR   605366 41.8337261 1.8371996
#> 69        EliziR   605366 41.8338413 1.8367590
#> 70        EliziR   605366 41.8338464 1.8371667
#> 71        EliziR   605366 41.8338614 1.8372860
#> 72        EliziR   605366 41.8339159 1.8375095
#> 73        EliziR   605366 41.8339181 1.8374860
#> 74        EliziR   605366 41.8339182 1.8370479
#> 75        EliziR   605366 41.8339307 1.8373750
#> 76        EliziR   605366 41.8339364 1.8368183
#> 77        EliziR   605366 41.8339394 1.8372864
#> 78        ratrun   474183 41.8339393 1.8371080
#> 79        ratrun   474183 41.8339430 1.8371194
#> 80        EliziR   605366 41.8339494 1.8372935
#> 81        EliziR   605366 41.8339609 1.8367534
#> 82        EliziR   605366 41.8339767 1.8368058
#> 83        EliziR   605366 41.8339769 1.8366847
#> 84        EliziR   605366 41.8339900 1.8368438
#> 85        EliziR   605366 41.8340010 1.8370529
#> 86        EliziR   605366 41.8340067 1.8368962
#> 87        EliziR   605366 41.8340098 1.8370823
#> 88        EliziR   605366 41.8340225 1.8369576
#> 89        EliziR   605366 41.8340308 1.8376315
#> 90        EliziR   605366 41.8340358 1.8370046
#> 91        EliziR   605366 41.8340435 1.8370302
#> 92        EliziR   605366 41.8340461 1.8376362
#> 93        EliziR   605366 41.8340478 1.8372981
#> 94        EliziR   605366 41.8340526 1.8370603
#> 95        EliziR   605366 41.8340608 1.8372729
#> 96        EliziR   605366 41.8340689 1.8369856
#> 97        ratrun   474183 41.8340688 1.8372499
#> 98        EliziR   605366 41.8340707 1.8372628
#> 99        EliziR   605366 41.8340736 1.8374125
#> 100       EliziR   605366 41.8340746 1.8375368
#> 101       EliziR   605366 41.8340752 1.8374966
#> 102       EliziR   605366 41.8341087 1.8372458
#> 103       EliziR   605366 41.8341963 1.8369123
#> 104       EliziR   605366 41.8342323 1.8372339
#> 105       EliziR   605366 41.8342330 1.8372599
#> 106       EliziR   605366 41.8342330 1.8374726
#> 107       EliziR   605366 41.8342374 1.8370472
#> 108       EliziR   605366 41.8342378 1.8374583
#> 109       EliziR   605366 41.8342417 1.8375853
#> 110       EliziR   605366 41.8342467 1.8369930
#> 111       EliziR   605366 41.8342492 1.8370859
#> 112       EliziR   605366 41.8342669 1.8372256
#> 113       EliziR   605366 41.8342726 1.8370988
#> 114       EliziR   605366 41.8343256 1.8372419
#> 115       EliziR   605366 41.8344201 1.8370519
#> 116       EliziR   605366 41.8346024 1.8378516
#> 117       EliziR   605366 41.8346162 1.8378729
#> 118       EliziR   605366 41.8346289 1.8378971
#> 119       EliziR   605366 41.8346395 1.8379227
#> 120       EliziR   605366 41.8346416 1.8379526
#> 121       EliziR   605366 41.8346352 1.8379825
#> 122       EliziR   605366 41.8346140 1.8379938
#> 123       EliziR   605366 41.8345907 1.8380052
#> 124       EliziR   605366 41.8345685 1.8380123
#> 125       EliziR   605366 41.8345462 1.8380180
#> 126       EliziR   605366 41.8345229 1.8380237
#> 127       EliziR   605366 41.8344996 1.8380266
#> 128       EliziR   605366 41.8344752 1.8380323
#> 129       EliziR   605366 41.8344540 1.8380365
#> 130       EliziR   605366 41.8344296 1.8380365
#> 131       EliziR   605366 41.8344063 1.8380365
#> 132       EliziR   605366 41.8343840 1.8380365
#> 133       EliziR   605366 41.8343618 1.8380294
#> 134       EliziR   605366 41.8343385 1.8380195
#> 135       EliziR   605366 41.8343162 1.8380038
#> 136       EliziR   605366 41.8343003 1.8379839
#> 137       EliziR   605366 41.8342876 1.8379597
#> 138       EliziR   605366 41.8342759 1.8379327
#> 139       EliziR   605366 41.8342717 1.8379028
#> 140       EliziR   605366 41.8342717 1.8378743
#> 141       EliziR   605366 41.8342759 1.8378445
#> 142       EliziR   605366 41.8342844 1.8378189
#> 143       EliziR   605366 41.8342918 1.8377904
#> 144       EliziR   605366 41.8343003 1.8377634
#> 145       EliziR   605366 41.8343098 1.8377378
#> 146       EliziR   605366 41.8343257 1.8377150
#> 147       EliziR   605366 41.8343459 1.8377136
#> 148       EliziR   605366 41.8343671 1.8377136
#> 149       EliziR   605366 41.8343904 1.8377179
#> 150       EliziR   605366 41.8344116 1.8377221
#> 151       EliziR   605366 41.8344339 1.8377221
#> 152       EliziR   605366 41.8344572 1.8377221
#> 153       EliziR   605366 41.8344794 1.8377221
#> 154       EliziR   605366 41.8344996 1.8377250
#> 155       EliziR   605366 41.8345208 1.8377364
#> 156       EliziR   605366 41.8345420 1.8377463
#> 157       EliziR   605366 41.8345600 1.8377691
#> 158       EliziR   605366 41.8345748 1.8378004
#> 159       EliziR   605366 41.8345865 1.8378359
#> 160       ramonz  2047207 41.8348855 1.8370510
#> 161     jmaspons 11725140 41.8340991 1.8373028
#> 162     jmaspons 11725140 41.8341041 1.8369276
#> 163       EliziR   605366 41.8340885 1.8369743
#> 164       EliziR   605366 41.8340622 1.8368940
#> 165       EliziR   605366 41.8341182 1.8368566
#> 166       EliziR   605366 41.8340999 1.8368107
#> 167       EliziR   605366 41.8340789 1.8368188
#> 168       EliziR   605366 41.8340363 1.8367372
#> 169       EliziR   605366 41.8341673 1.8367907
#> 170       EliziR   605366 41.8342031 1.8368613
#> 171       EliziR   605366 41.8342245 1.8368519
#> 172       EliziR   605366 41.8342613 1.8369724
#> 173       EliziR   605366 41.8342229 1.8369997
#> 174       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 175     jmaspons 11725140       <NA>      <NA>
#> 176     jmaspons 11725140       <NA>      <NA>
#> 177 Emilio Gomez     2904       <NA>      <NA>
#> 178       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 179       ramonz  2047207       <NA>      <NA>
#> 180       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 181       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 182     jmaspons 11725140       <NA>      <NA>
#> 183       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 184       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 185       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 186     jmaspons 11725140       <NA>      <NA>
#> 187     jmaspons 11725140       <NA>      <NA>
#> 188       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 189       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 190       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 191       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 192       ratrun   474183       <NA>      <NA>
#> 193       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 194       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 195       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 196       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 197     jmaspons 11725140       <NA>      <NA>
#> 198       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 199       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 200       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 201       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#> 202       EliziR   605366       <NA>      <NA>
#>                                                             members
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#> 174 16 nodes: 1661363152, 1661363131, 1661363112, 1661363103, 16...
#> 175 6 nodes: 1661363121, 1661363136, 1957612071, 1661363088, 166...
#> 176 11 nodes: 1661363333, 1957612148, 1661363336, 1925877898, 19...
#> 177 6 nodes: 1661363266, 1661363269, 1661363225, 1661363158, 195...
#> 178 9 nodes: 1661363126, 1661363078, 1957612061, 1661363016, 192...
#> 179 16 nodes: 1661363698, 1661363675, 1661363662, 1661363650, 16...
#> 180 14 nodes: 1957612127, 11987179907, 1957612114, 1957612103, 1...
#> 181                                 2 nodes: 1957612071, 1957612076
#> 182                                 2 nodes: 1957612148, 1957612131
#> 183                                 2 nodes: 1957612120, 1957612073
#> 184                                 2 nodes: 1957612076, 1957612077
#> 185                                 2 nodes: 1957612089, 1957612114
#> 186                                 2 nodes: 1661363285, 1957612134
#> 187                     3 nodes: 1957612059, 1957612093, 1957612105
#> 188         4 nodes: 1957612118, 1957612075, 1957612073, 1957612069
#> 189         4 nodes: 1957612097, 1957612093, 1957612074, 1957612061
#> 190         4 nodes: 1957612124, 1957612120, 1957612118, 1957612116
#> 191 5 nodes: 1957612129, 1957612131, 1957612136, 1957612124, 195...
#> 192 9 nodes: 1661363158, 1957612116, 1957612065, 1957612063, 195...
#> 193 5 nodes: 1661363152, 1957612113, 1957612083, 1661363131, 166...
#> 194 8 nodes: 1957612107, 1957612122, 1957612133, 1957612138, 166...
#> 195 5 nodes: 1957612053, 1957612057, 1957612051, 1957612049, 195...
#> 196 6 nodes: 1925877892, 1925877893, 1925877894, 1925877895, 192...
#> 197 45 nodes: 6425109858, 6425109857, 6425109856, 6425109855, 64...
#> 198 13 nodes: 11987179917, 11987179916, 11987179915, 11987179914...
#> 199 7 nodes: 1095693080, 1095010265, 1090232160, 1087707418, 109...
#> 200 181 members: way/372006138/, way/372006137/, way/486335278/,...
#> 201 5 members: way/1298609105/outer, way/153466495/outer, way/12...
#> 202 7 members: way/1298609093/outer, way/1298609104/outer, way/1...
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#> 62                              2 tags: historic=monument | name=Monument a Caracremada
#> 63                                                                              No tags
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#> 161 6 tags: addr:street=Plaça de l'Església | name=Museu dels Maquis | name:ca=Museu...
#> 162 6 tags: addr:street=Plaça de l’Església | name=Dom Bosco colònies i esdeveniment...
#> 163                                                                             No tags
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#> 174                                        2 tags: historic=memorial | landuse=cemetery
#> 175      4 tags: amenity=townhall | building=yes | name=Ajuntament | name:ca=Ajuntament
#> 176                                              2 tags: highway=track | surface=gravel
#> 177 7 tags: amenity=place_of_worship | denomination=catholic | name=Sant Andreu | na...
#> 178                                            2 tags: highway=track | tracktype=grade1
#> 179 4 tags: highway=track | name=Carrer Diputació | name:ca=Carrer Diputació | track...
#> 180 5 tags: area=yes | highway=pedestrian | name=Plaça de l'Església | name:ca=Plaça...
#> 181                               3 tags: bridge=yes | highway=track | tracktype=grade1
#> 182                       4 tags: handrail=yes | highway=steps | incline=down | ramp=no
#> 183                                                              1 tag: highway=footway
#> 184                                            2 tags: highway=track | tracktype=grade1
#> 185                                            2 tags: highway=track | tracktype=grade1
#> 186                       4 tags: handrail=yes | highway=steps | incline=down | ramp=no
#> 187                         3 tags: highway=track | surface=concrete | tracktype=grade1
#> 188                                                              1 tag: highway=footway
#> 189                                            2 tags: highway=track | tracktype=grade1
#> 190                                                              1 tag: highway=footway
#> 191                                                              1 tag: highway=footway
#> 192                                 3 tags: area=yes | highway=track | tracktype=grade1
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#> 194                                                                1 tag: landuse=grass
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#> 199                                                                             No tags
#> 200 9 tags: distance=62.65 | name=GR 179 Sender dels Maquis | network=nwn | operator...
#> 201                                     2 tags: landuse=residential | type=multipolygon
#> 202                                          2 tags: landuse=meadow | type=multipolygon