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Retrieve objects by type, id and version.


  full_objects = FALSE,
  format = c("R", "xml", "json"),
  tags_in_columns = FALSE



A vector with the type of the objects ("node", "way" or "relation"). Recycled if it has a different length than osm_id.


Object ids represented by a numeric or a character vector.


An optional vector with the version number for each object. If missing, the last version will be retrieved. Recycled if it has different length than osm_id.


If TRUE, retrieves all other objects referenced by ways or relations. Not compatible with version.


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default), "xml", or "json".


If FALSE (default), the tags of the objects are saved in a single list column tags``` containing a data.framefor each OSM object with the keys and values. IfTRUE, add a column for each key. Ignored if format != "R"`.


If format = "R", returns a data frame with one OSM object per row. If format = "xml", returns a xml2::xml_document following the OSM_XML format. If format = "json", returns a list with a json structure following the OSM_JSON format.

Objects are sorted in the same order than osm_id except for full_objects = TRUE, where the nodes comes first, then ways, and relations at the end as specified by OSM_XML format.


full_objects = TRUE does not support specifying version. For ways, full_objects = TRUE implies that it will return the way specified plus all nodes referenced by the way. For a relation, it will return the following:

  • The relation itself

  • All nodes, ways, and relations that are members of the relation

  • Plus all nodes used by ways from the previous step

  • The same recursive logic is not applied to relations. This means: If relation r1 contains way w1 and relation r2, and w1 contains nodes n1 and n2, and r2 contains node n3, then a "full" request for r1 will give you r1, r2, w1, n1, and n2. Not n3.


For downloading data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects, perhaps is better to use the Overpass API. A similar function to download OSM objects by type and id using Overpass, is implemented in the osmdata function opq_osm_id().

See also


obj <- osm_get_objects(
  osm_type = c("node", "way", "way", "relation", "relation", "node"),
  osm_id = c("35308286", "13073736", "235744929", "40581", "341530", "1935675367"),
  version = c(1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 1)
#>       type         id visible version changeset           timestamp        user
#> 1     node   35308286    TRUE       1    292412 2007-09-02 14:55:33     Skywave
#> 2      way   13073736    TRUE       3   9724157 2011-11-02 17:55:59       morsi
#> 3      way  235744929    TRUE       2  18871484 2013-11-13 10:32:50         SMP
#> 4 relation      40581    TRUE       5  11839138 2012-06-08 20:25:11       lerks
#> 5 relation     341530    TRUE       7  44169637 2016-12-05 01:12:32     nyuriks
#> 6     node 1935675367    TRUE       1  13275996 2012-09-27 18:44:25 user_293845
#>      uid        lat        lon
#> 1  10927 42.5178841  2.4567366
#> 2 139580       <NA>       <NA>
#> 3  54441       <NA>       <NA>
#> 4 188477       <NA>       <NA>
#> 5 339581       <NA>       <NA>
#> 6 293845 38.8326988 -0.4065295
#>                                                           members
#> 1                                                            NULL
#> 2 17 nodes: 120303676, 120303671, 120303597, 120303605, 120303...
#> 3                                 2 nodes: 2438033107, 2438033109
#> 4 13 members: way/27966652/outer, way/27966846/outer, way/2796...
#> 5 17 members: way/45335182/outer, way/45324328/outer, way/4533...
#> 6                                                            NULL
#>                                                                                  tags
#> 1 5 tags: altitude=2784,66 | created_by=Potlatch alpha | ele=2784,66 | name=Pic du...
#> 2                      3 tags: building=tower | historic=tower | name=Torres de Quart
#> 3 4 tags: barrier=wall | historic=memorial | name=Fossar de les Moreres | wikipedi...
#> 4 7 tags: admin_level=8 | boundary=administrative | name=Alghero | ref:catasto=A19...
#> 5 17 tags: admin_level=8 | boundary=administrative | idee:name=Fraga | ine:municip...
#> 6                                                  2 tags: ele=1104 | name=Benicadell