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Returns all the (not deleted) ways in which the given node is used.


osm_ways_node(node_id, format = c("R", "xml", "json"), tags_in_columns = FALSE)



Node id represented by a numeric or a character value.


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default), "xml", or "json".


If FALSE (default), the tags of the objects are saved in a single list column tags containing a data.frame for each OSM object with the keys and values. If TRUE, add a column for each key. Ignored if format != "R".


If format = "R", returns a data frame with one OSM object per row. If format = "xml", returns a xml2::xml_document following the OSM_XML format. If format = "json", returns a list with a json structure following the OSM_JSON format.

See also


ways_node <- osm_ways_node(node_id = 35308286)
#>   type        id visible version changeset           timestamp     user
#> 1  way 215647946    TRUE       2  15632492 2013-04-06 21:14:46   Pinpin
#> 2  way 242517580    TRUE       5 162199622 2025-02-06 09:41:41 petrovsk
#> 3  way 656589709    TRUE       2 113253385 2021-11-01 20:20:52 jmaspons
#>        uid  lat  lon
#> 1     1685 <NA> <NA>
#> 2    90394 <NA> <NA>
#> 3 11725140 <NA> <NA>
#>                                                           members
#> 1 7 nodes: 940255814, 940255832, 940255835, 940255464, 3530828...
#> 2 204 nodes: 35308286, 1853967143, 302096532, 302096535, 52262...
#> 3 26 nodes: 877753155, 877753159, 877753191, 877753195, 877753...
#>                                                                                  tags
#> 1 3 tags: admin_level=8 | boundary=administrative | source=cadastre-dgi-fr source ...
#> 2 5 tags: highway=path | sac_scale=mountain_hiking | surface=gravel | trail_visibi...
#> 3                       3 tags: highway=path | sac_scale=alpine_hiking | surface=rock