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Prepare data to update tags, members and/or latitude and longitude.


  members = FALSE,
  lat_lon = FALSE,
  format = c("R", "osc", "xml")



A osmapi_objects with the columns type and id with unique combinations of values plus columns specifying tags, members or latitude and longitude.


A character vector with the keys of the tags that will be modified. If missing (default), all tags will be updated, removed or created. If FALSE, don't modify tags.


If TRUE and x has a members column, update the members of the ways and relations objects.


If TRUE and x has a lat and lon columns, update the coordinates of the node objects.


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default), "osc" ("xml" is a synonym for "osc").


If format = "R", returns a osmapi_OsmChange data frame with one OSM edition per row. If format = "osc" or format = "xml", returns a xml2::xml_document following the OsmChange format that can be saved with xml2::write_xml() and opened in other applications such as JOSM.

The results are ready to send the editions to the servers with osm_diff_upload_changeset().


x should be a osmapi_objects or follow the same format. Missing tags or tags with NA in the value will be removed if tag_keys is not specified. See osm_get_objects() for examples of the format.

See also


obj <- osm_get_objects(
  osm_type = c("node", "way", "way", "relation", "relation", "node"),
  osm_id = c("35308286", "13073736", "235744929", "40581", "341530", "1935675367"),
  version = c(1, 3, 2, 5, 7, 1) # Old versions
osmch <- osmchange_modify(obj)
#>   action_type     type         id visible version changeset           timestamp
#> 1      modify     node   35308286    TRUE      17 140341361 2023-08-24 20:19:22
#> 2      modify      way   13073736    TRUE      27 140205821 2023-08-22 01:47:19
#> 3      modify      way  235744929    TRUE       7 115317958 2021-12-24 03:46:41
#> 4      modify relation      40581    TRUE      69 156149027 2024-09-03 15:56:39
#> 5      modify relation     341530    TRUE      21 156148901 2024-09-03 15:55:24
#> 6      modify     node 1935675367    TRUE      13 113921323 2021-11-17 23:47:45
#>                 user      uid        lat        lon
#> 1           jmaspons 11725140 42.5189047  2.4565596
#> 2 SomeoneElse_Revert  1778799       <NA>       <NA>
#> 3           jmaspons 11725140       <NA>       <NA>
#> 4           jmaspons 11725140       <NA>       <NA>
#> 5           jmaspons 11725140       <NA>       <NA>
#> 6           Jordi MF  8278438 38.8326220 -0.4063146
#>                                                           members
#> 1                                                            NULL
#> 2 61 nodes: 6771540804, 6771540805, 6771540806, 6957604952, 67...
#> 3 5 nodes: 2438033107, 2438033109, 2992282983, 2992282984, 243...
#> 4 25 members: node/72994199/admin_centre, way/165579897/outer,...
#> 5 17 members: node/359920433/admin_centre, way/45324328/outer,...
#> 6                                                            NULL
#>                                                                                  tags
#> 1 5 tags: altitude=2784,66 | created_by=Potlatch alpha | ele=2784,66 | name=Pic du...
#> 2                      3 tags: building=tower | historic=tower | name=Torres de Quart
#> 3 4 tags: barrier=wall | historic=memorial | name=Fossar de les Moreres | wikipedi...
#> 4 7 tags: admin_level=8 | boundary=administrative | name=Alghero | ref:catasto=A19...
#> 5 17 tags: admin_level=8 | boundary=administrative | idee:name=Fraga | ine:municip...
#> 6                                                  2 tags: ele=1104 | name=Benicadell