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Returns the OsmChange document describing all changes associated with the changeset.


osm_download_changeset(changeset_id, format = c("R", "osc", "xml"))



The id of the changeset represented by a numeric or a character value for which the OsmChange is requested.


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default) or "osc" ("xml" is a synonym for "osc").


If format = "R", returns a data frame with one row for each edit action in the changeset. If format = "osc", returns a xml2::xml_document in the OsmChange format.


  • The result of calling this may change as long as the changeset is open.

  • The elements in the OsmChange are sorted by timestamp and version number.

  • There is osm_get_changesets() to get only information about the changeset itself.

See also

Other get changesets' functions: osm_get_changesets(), osm_query_changesets()

Other OsmChange's functions: osm_diff_upload_changeset(), osmchange_create(), osmchange_delete(), osmchange_modify()


chaset <- osm_download_changeset(changeset_id = 137003062)
#>    action_type type          id visible version changeset           timestamp
#> 1       create node 10959104783    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 2       create node 10959104784    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 3       create node 10959104785    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 4       create node 10959104786    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 5       create node 10959104787    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 6       create node 10959104788    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 7       create  way  1179939727    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 8       create  way  1179939728    TRUE       1 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 9       modify node   472315639    TRUE       3 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 10      modify  way   144018965    TRUE       6 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 11      modify  way   772922459    TRUE       8 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 12      modify  way    39428288    TRUE      11 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#> 13      modify  way   144017967    TRUE      11 137003062 2023-06-06 08:18:47
#>        user     uid        lat        lon
#> 1  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9312656 -0.0611038
#> 2  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9275936 -0.0633938
#> 3  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9186918 -0.0668522
#> 4  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9186426 -0.0669390
#> 5  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9143313 -0.0585758
#> 6  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9275524 -0.0556357
#> 7  MariaDCC 7951616       <NA>       <NA>
#> 8  MariaDCC 7951616       <NA>       <NA>
#> 9  MariaDCC 7951616 39.9144031 -0.0632470
#> 10 MariaDCC 7951616       <NA>       <NA>
#> 11 MariaDCC 7951616       <NA>       <NA>
#> 12 MariaDCC 7951616       <NA>       <NA>
#> 13 MariaDCC 7951616       <NA>       <NA>
#>                                                            members
#> 1                                                             NULL
#> 2                                                             NULL
#> 3                                                             NULL
#> 4                                                             NULL
#> 5                                                             NULL
#> 6                                                             NULL
#> 7  5 nodes: 10959104783, 1579678230, 8701431676, 8701431680, 10...
#> 8  101 nodes: 1579678230, 1579678224, 8701431674, 1579678222, 1...
#> 9                                                             NULL
#> 10                    3 nodes: 1575984666, 10959104783, 1575984667
#> 11 20 nodes: 472315862, 472315695, 8705264405, 472315697, 47231...
#> 12 71 nodes: 6207335786, 6207335788, 6207335787, 472315576, 472...
#> 13 97 nodes: 1579678210, 1579678208, 1579678203, 8701431694, 15...
#>                                                                                   tags
#> 1                                                                              No tags
#> 2                                                                              No tags
#> 3                                                                              No tags
#> 4                                                                              No tags
#> 5                                                                              No tags
#> 6                                                                              No tags
#> 7                                                               1 tag: landuse=orchard
#> 8                                                               1 tag: landuse=orchard
#> 9                                                                              No tags
#> 10 6 tags: bridge=yes | highway=cycleway | layer=1 | lit=no | ref=CR-18 | surface=a...
#> 11 6 tags: highway=unclassified | lane_markings=no | name=Camí de La Cantera de Vor...
#> 12 4 tags: highway=unclassified | name=Camí dels Carnissers | name:ca=Camí dels Car...
#> 13                         3 tags: highway=unclassified | noname=yes | surface=asphalt